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"Hello, Central!" Could You Give Me Some Hope In Sorting Out These Confusing NESARA Websites?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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would finally be with us, but as the day progressed, gloom settled in. To add to my gloom, I found 2 places on the Internet that assured us that NESARA was one of the biggest scams to be put on the world. Another announced that the idea of NESARA was a project that was started in Salt Lake City, and there never was a bill passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton during his time in office. These commentaries do tend to give us pause as to which of the reports we are reading are true. It is with a heart filled with love and hope, that I do so want to believe in NESARA, but find it increasingly difficult to keep that hope alive when we are assured that "today is the day", and then no announcement of any kind is forth coming.

Could you give me some hope in sorting out these confusing websites? At 82, I still live in hope that this world will be under the guidance of NESARA before I leave this Earth Shan. Any thoughts you can give me will be most appreciated.

With God's love for your help.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 17, 2005


Dear BM:

Thank you for your letter. You are just a spring chicken! I understand your frustration over the contradictory information about NESARA. The U.S. Government has fought against NESARA from its inception and has created CIA/FBI websites to discredit NESARA and cause confusion among those seeking Truth. That is a very old trick of the Darkside.

The Capricorn reports are unreliable because they are based on information received from 3D people via telepathy. This leaves much room for error. Obviously the Capricorn reports have not been right yet, and that is over many months. One should logically conclude that they have little credibility.

The name of the game is "discernment". These are times of lessons in discernment in order to gain wisdom. We have access to all Truth through our God Spirit within, yet most people do not believe that is so.

I honor you for hoping and praying that NESARA is true. I assure you that NESARA is very real and that it will happen on Creator God's schedule, for it is His plan to usher in the Age of Peace.

Since the early 1990's my wife, Anne, and I have worked with Hatonn and the Ascended Masters, with the Farm Claims, the Prosperity Programs, and with NESARA. All are very real and soon to be revealed. We have proof and verification of many kinds that all of the above are very real.

A friend just wrote to me from Australia to tell me his doctor friend had just treated Bill Clinton again for his medical problems. The doctor asked Clinton if NESARA was real and Clinton replied, "Yes, it is very real". He should know for he signed the NESARA bill into law on October 10, 2000. He also took NESARA to the World Court to try and stop it so he would not have to step down as U.S. President.

G.W. Bush knows NESARA is real, for he ordered the 9/11 disaster to stop it. The bankers know it is real, for they have fought it for five years. I talked to my banker last week at U.S. Bank, Rapid City, S.D. and she said NESARA was real and that she had been trained on the new gold banking computer system.

What more can I say? Go within for your answers. I expect the public announcement of NESARA in these next few days. It is time! We shall have peace in our time. Keep hope alive.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


From: HK


Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 10:09 AM

Subject: My prayer was answered.

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Your response to today’s post about the confusing Nesara websites was an absolute godsend of an answer to my prayer if ever I saw one. I have, as of late, been fit to be tied over Nesara. I’ve lost all credibility with family and friends about the very existence of Nesara. It’s like chasing a ghost. I have always been very passionate about Nesara, but, as of late, have grown weary over the never ending delays. Everyone wants “proof”. Well, this weekend I went on an all out journey, come hell or high water, to find “proof” for ME. I needed this for my own peace of mind before I lose I mind. Having exhausted everything to research about all the negative stuff about Nesara, something wasn’t sitting right with me. I couldn’t put my finger on why all the negative things about Nesara wasn’t enough to just pack it in with Nesara altogether. I woke up this morning and there’s your response. The power to know all truth LIES WITHIN. Bingo!! Talk about a lightbulb moment. I already knew Nesara was real because I already went within a long time ago to verify it for myself. I just go sidetracked along the way by all the endless waiting for the announcement. The waiting doesn’t matter anymore. The “proof” I sought for was already given to me in my original journey with finding out about Nesara and reconfirmed to me again. I believe the intent of the heart is everything to God and if you are sincere, He will give you what you desire in your pursuit of truth.

All these websites can drive anyone crazy over sorting Nesara out. Ultimately, as you so simply pointed out, ALL TRUTH LIES WITHIN. Going outside for help in educating oneself is fine, but the verification of truth MUST COME FROM WITHIN. Therein lies the challenge. Thank you, Mr. Bellringer. You are very wise indeed.




From: BM


Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 4:48 PM

Subject: Your response to my questions

Dear Mr. Bellringer:

I very much appreciate your answering my email, and I want you to know how much good it did me. I believe that now i can show some patience and wait for the announcement and promises that we feel will be forthcoming. Perhaps what I need to learn is patience. But one thing is certain, from my "voice within", I have always believed that these "changes" were going to happen. God never has gone back on His promises and He has always promised us that if we "love one another" that all things will come out just fine. You are doing such a wonderful service to mankind with your website and your encouragement that I am sure that God has a very important place in his plan to bring about the things that are necessary to live in love and peace. Please keep up the good work, and again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement to me, as well as all who read

With much love and respect


P.S. At 82, I do try to keep a young spirit, and I call myself a "recycled teenager", and my husband says that is just how I act.
