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"Hello, Central!" What Is Causing The Drought Over The U.S. Southwest?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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y fires. We've had no rain where I live since last Oct.This is very serious.Some say it is the chemtrails that are causing this. They have calmed down a lot since last yr.Some of our star friends have been seen over the area. Love JS.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 20, 2006


Dear JS:

Much of the Midwest has been experiencing the same continual drought as has the Southwest of the U.S. Most weather control has been stopped some time ago, and chemtrails are being neutralized by our Star Friends, as they occur. Mother Earth is gradually cleansing herself through various weather changes. We have found that the areas severely affect by floods, tornadoes and drought tend to have negative polarity.

By simply requesting of Creator God to have the negative polarity changed to positive polarity, the conditions rapidly change, and sometimes drastically, to a more balanced situation. We have the power of thought to change the weather, polarity, chemtrails etc. and this can be done quite easily because there is no other freewill involved.

Sometimes past karma is being removed in these affected areas, as was the situation with the Katrina Hurricane. Again, we have the power to request Divine help to cleanse and clear out karma quickly. Help is only a thought away.

Most people are unaware that many of the fires in Oklahoma, Texas, the Southwest and California are fires burning along fault lines. Methane gas is seeping from the cracks in the tectonic plates and is often ignited by lightning or by human actions. Mother Earth is shaking badly but few take notice, but see only the obvious. Fire carries great negative energies, but can bring much cleansing and healing to Mother Earth as these energies are released. It can also awaken people, who have lost everything of material value, to things that have true value.

After a fire the grass and flowers return, the forest starts anew, the birds and other animals return and the energies are different, because balance and harmony are being restored once again. There is a purpose in all things, and those who understand become most wise, for they have achieved the balance and harmony of "knowing!"

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer