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"Hello, Central!" I Moved Eight Years Ago! How Will the People Sending Out Farm Claim and Prosperity Program Letter and Packets Find Me? (Updated August 19, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ams. I have sent my change of address to the person that processed my paper works but what if my new address is not recorded in the data base of these programs do I still receive my packets the same time as everybody else or will it be delayed? Additionally, what about the people that moved and did not send their change of address how do they get their prosperity packets? I appreciate very much if you could address this issue please.

Thank you and God Bless.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 19, 2006


Dear CO:

Thank you for your letter. Many people are asking the same question. The records for the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs have been kept by Price-Waterhouse, which have done the audits, and by the U.S. Treasury of the Republic of the U.S. of A., which will be doing the funding through only the new gold banking system. The address lists of the recipients are up-dated by using the data recorded in the U.S. Postal Service computer system.

So, if you are currently receiving mail in your name at your present address (location) from the U.S.P.S., they know where you are. The delivery people will find you because that is their job. Once NESARA is in place and the dust settles, those, who may have been missed for various reasons, will be told via public communication systems what to do to receive what is justly theirs.

In the meantime we watch the magic happen!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

P.S. If you are living with a friend or relative and receiving mail at their address, you are not necessarily recorded as such in the USPS computer system.

It would be wise to go to the post office and fill out a card telling them that you are living at your current address. This puts you into their computer system. Otherwise, if a search is done for your name, the computer will show you living at your former address. Comprende?