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"Hello, Central!" How Do I Train Myself To Thought-Create? I Have Jury Duty Soon, And I Dread It

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ur family and all at fourwinds! We are hanging in there here and holding the light and positive energies on this end.

I have one question that you may be able to clarify for me, as you have so many other things.

So much of what we are reading says that we (human beings) create by our thoughts. I do believe this but since it is something new to our thinking because we have not been taught this earlier in our lives (this life time) it isn’t an easy thing to comprehend. It is even harder to try to retrain ourselves to think this way 24/7.

Do you have any comments or ways to teach people to do this? I feel kind of dumb even asking this because I know that we need to learn and train ourselves and our thoughts on a constant basis to use our thoughts to create our lives and world. I just thought that you may have some ideas that you could tell people that would help humanity as a whole on how to do this. Am I making sense or am I wrong in this belief?

On another subject. On Saturday I received a letter to report on Monday 9/12/05 for jury duty. Boy am I dreading that!!! Any ideas? I don’t believe they will keep me very long though if they ask me any important questions. What do you think? Have you ever had to report for jury duty? If so, what was your experience?

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 9, 2005


Dear CM:

No sincere question is ever a dumb question. Your question of how to train yourself to use your thought-creation or thought-power is a good one. It is really easier than you "think"!

Every thought you have is generated by energy. Thinking uses energy. That is why you get hungry just sitting and studying or reading mentally challenging things. Every thought carries with it either positive or negative energy that flows into the ethers and is returned to you in like kind and in multiple amount.

I have said that "what you think about, comes about". You are automatically thought-creating all the time---anytime you think! Our task is to direct our thoughts into the positive mode. We can help ourselves to think about good things by altering our lifestyle. What we see and hear affects our thinking. By avoiding negative places and negative people and negative movies, etc. we reduce our exposure to negative energies and our negative response thought patterns.

This does not mean that you should isolate yourself from society. Quite the contrary. By being properly focused you can greatly alter negative situations, but only when you have achieved the positive energy level to do so. It is wise to not deliberately expose yourself to negative situations that will overwhelm you. One such example would be to walk into a bar as a female full of rowdy males.

Daily you meet negative people and situations. Knowing that you carry the Light and Love of Creator God helps to keep you focused. When you are mistreated by someone, in your thoughts send them Love and Light. Put your Guardian Angels to work not only helping you but helping those around you. When you see some with health problems, think them well, and tell you Guardian Angels to get on it! When someone is sad, think them happy. When someone is poor, think them rich.

When your mind is busy thinking (creating) good things, you will see the negative but will not get side-tracked into it. You have the power of thought to change things. When you know it and use it and believe that it works, it will.

You are dreading your jury duty. By so doing you are already creating the negative energies for a bad experience. Yes, I have been there and done that. You have the power to change the entire energy in the courtroom to Love and Light. Your presence can do that along with the Angels of Goodness that you bring with you. Order the Darkness out and fill the place up with the Ascended Masters and the Forces of Light. Send Love and Light to the judge, the attorneys, the bailiff, clerk of court, the jurors, etc.

In our system of government the citizen has two powerful votes. One is the ballot box and the second is the jury vote, though most jurors blow it. The jury is to first judge the law and then the defendant. If the law if unreasonable then the jury can find the defendant not guilty. If the law is reasonable then the jury must judge the defendant based upon the evidence. Most juries do not follow this lawful procedure but get lost in the judge's unlawful orders.

Relax, ask for guidance and answer all questions honestly. As a juror you have a great opportunity to enlighten your fellow jurors and to give a just and truthful verdict to someone who desperately needs it. Little do you know the power of positive thinking. Create now what you want to have happen in the courtroom---a positive experience, and it will happen.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
