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"Hello, Central!" I Will Give My Point Of View On NESARA To Give Hope And Courage To Others!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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sequences, because dates have been given and they passed without the desired effect. If you don't mind I will give my point of view on the question, based on some years of spiritual evolution and the book of Urantia:

I think that the energy that is present at this time is strong enough to implement nesara and first contact in the next 10 seconds, because there are the lightworkers of earth (thousands), the enlighted extraterrestrials (millions) and the personalities from the higher realms (even more) that are focusing on the outcome of the situation on earth Shan, BUT... There are three major things that must be taken into account:

1) Freewill

2) Karma

3) The Will of the Father (Creator)

As freewill is respected, some of the key figures who have to bring about the changes could eventually be "out" for a few days or even completely, (changes his mind) then another possibility of the Great plan has to come into action, but you have a delay.

As Karma is respected, some of the earth's population have to finish their experience whether it is a pleasant one or a horrible one, because with the implementation of nesara, most of the present experiences would change completely.(that also causes a delay)

As the will of the father applies to anyone and anything and everywhere, in this case the "first contact" will not happen before they have the signal from the higher realms, (Michael of Nebadon) and the higher realms will NOT give the signal without the agreement of The Father (Creator). (If this "will of the Father" thing sounds a little "dictatorship" to you, know that in 99% of the cases the will of the Father equals your freewill as long as one don't play games as the dark does) It is well known in history that if one does not respect this last item (the will of The Father), and try to speed up things themselves because of some impatience, that the effect will surely be the reverse of what is wanted. (Case of Lucifer : 200.000 years delay, case of Adam and Eve : 36.000 years delay..)

So let's all continue to focus our creative energy on the goal (Nesara-> first contact -> Ascension) and work to improve ourselves in the mean time (personal goal :to become as perfect as the Creator) to be able to wake up many others (spiritually) and for the rest: PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE!

As this is a "first time" this happens in this Universe, I think even the big boss (Michael of Nebadon) does not know exactly how things will happen and when. And he also follows the will of the Father. Remember, in Buddhism some of the highest achievements are Love, compassion and.. Patience !

I am sure that the "Great plan" is perfect, and the changes ARE coming, because I see the people getting nervous all around me, as well on a small scale (family) as on a large scale (company, government..), so I have absolutely NO DOUBT that everything will be OK, but when ? -> I leave that to the Father (Creator).

I hope sincerely that I have given some hope and courage with my message to those who would have liked to see Nesara implemented already.

Love and blessings from

CB. Belgium.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Nov. 24, 2005


Dear CB:

Thank you for being a Lightworker in Belgium, and thank you for stating your point of view about NESARA. Your summary and re-statement of the three points of concern 1) freewill, 2) karma and 3) the will of Creator God in the NESARA mission are helpful. May your thoughts give hope and courage to many.

We remain positive and hopeful, and continue to focus our thoughts on NESARA, now!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
