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"Hello, Central!" Will Everyone In 3D See The Millions Of Starships That Land, And When Will It Happen? (Updated May 12, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e from Creator God Aton and the Realms of Light I was delighted and in tears. Now, I do have a few questions which I think all may be feeling. Will everyone see the millions of starship that land or only people close to 5D ? Do you have a GENERAL TIME LINE you can give for the Starships landing? A week more of waiting, a month? We have all waited for soooooooooooo long. I'm at the extremely "antsy" stage and feel I'm not alone in this. Creator God Aton did state "The Ships are in total readiness, and all preparations have been completed". I'm NOT at all in panic about our Brothers and Sister landings, we NEED SOME ACTION we can see. I can't find any thing that truly interest me to do. All seems irrelevant at these times. Can you give us any additional information that can help? If you want to use as a "Hello Central" feel free to do so.

Love Forever,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 11, 2006


Dear M:

Yes, every one will see the Starships landing. They will see our Star Friends and talk with them. When they will land is anyone's guess. I base the timing on Mother Earth. She is very sick and is not waiting much longer for the humans to get with the program.

Yesterday Hatonn told Anne and me that First Contact is very close---"as close as today!" It can happen at any time. The Forces of Light are finishing the preparation of the people for First Contact. Hatonn said, "I cannot say the exact hour or minute,but First Contact is very, very close, indeed!"

As I see it, if the waiting is too long, First Contact will become "Lift-off". That is why I wonder about the delay at this point in having First Contact. All is determined by Mother Earth and how much more abuse she is willing to take. It seems that even those involved in First Contact are now "dragging their feet". There is such a thing as spiritual ego, which has been a problem in the past few months with some of the Councils of the Higher Realms. Hopefully, that has been corrected and is not a problem to us now.

Anyway, we hurry up and wait! Let us keep the pressure on for action by staying positive and petitioning Creator God Aton for relief, now!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Original Message -----

From: M

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 12:32 PM

Subject: "Hello Central" Prayers of Graditude for Earth Shan

This week-end on Saturday the 13th 2006, will have the strong energies of the Wesak Full Moon and on Sunday the 14th we have the Celebration of "Mothers Day". I would like to ask all that we turn our attentions and honor the GREATEST MOTHER of ALL, our beloved Earth Shan ! Since we know that prayers and gratitude spoken together are so powerful, I ask that on each hour on the hour (what ever works for each individual-I'm setting an alarm) for a minute or two that we speak our personal gratitude and send LOVE for the most precious of "Mothers".

What a small thing to do for such a Glorious Mother.

Love Forever to All,