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"Hello, Central!" What Are The Physical Symptoms Caused By Low Frequencies In The Human Body?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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there in. It's probly a crazy question, to ask, but I was wandering, or just part of a normal life. I hope I made sence. What kinds of changes, of people during the photon belt, which are not intune, to higher frenquency of Earth during 4th and 5th dimentions?

Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 26, 2006


Dear AGS:

Thank you for your letter. You have asked a most important question for our time.

Planet Earth is presently in high fourth dimension, but most of her people still continue in third dimension frequencies. The tension created within the living cells of our bodies due to the interference of the shorter wave lengths of higher frequencies of our environment (Planet Earth) and the longer wave lengths of lower frequencies of fear, anger, violence, war, etc. is the cause of physical deterioration.

Cell tension increases as the difference between the frequencies increase. As cells fail in their functions, tissues and organs and finally whole systems fail. The physical symptoms are many. There has been a drastic increase in all of the major diseases in recent months. You mentioned white hair at an early age. Puffiness of the face, stomach, hands and feet is common. Skin eruptions of rashes or allergies that can not be easily explained are happening. Illnesses that doctors have never seen or that they cannot explain are becoming more common.

People are also experiencing irrational behaviors in their relationships, work places, driving habits, etc. People are doing crazy things! People are dying younger for no good reason, and suicides have increased exponentially this year. Funeral homes are having to schedule funerals and burials many days and even weeks later then normal, because they cannot keep up with the demand. People are "just dying to get out of here!" (I couldn't help that!) Morticians have a great lay-away plan! (sorry!)

What is so noticeable is that a seemingly healthy person, suddenly becomes seriously ill with major organ failure, cancer, heart problems diabetes or other health problems. The doctor may give the person a year to live and they die in six months, or six months to live and they die in six weeks. We are also seeing young people dying from "old people" diseases, which makes little sense.

Doctors mostly have no explanation for these various health problems, because the do not understand the cause. This is the time of sorting! Those, who have chosen at a soul level to remain in 3D, cannot stand the higher frequencies of our 4D world and are leaving. Strange things are happening. Healthy people are becoming sick for no obvious reason, and sick people are getting well for no acceptable medial reason. Some younger people are aging very quickly, while some old people are getting much younger for no good medical reason. This is all happening due to the changing frequencies and the body's reaction to them.

Please understand that those, who are Truthseekers and Lightworkers, are in 4D and are not experiencing these problems, because their bodies are vibrating at similar frequencies to that of Earth Shan. We are moving with our planet toward 5D and are not dropping behind.

I would like to add that just recently those, who have been operating in 3D frequencies have released their hold and have separated from those, who are in 4D frequencies. This now makes it much easier for those in 4D to heal themselves and to move on in their transition to 5D. Because this interference coming from low-frequency people is now gone, I encourage you to call upon Esu Immanuel Sananda, Ascended Master Hillarian the Healer and the Realms of Light for the Healing Angels to assist you in healing yourself.

Know that the Darkness is receding and the Light is shining ever brighter, making self-healing and self-awakening to Truth much easier. It's all about frequencies of the energy of Light!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer