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"Hello, Central!" Is It Not Selfish For Americans To Get Prosperity Program Funds, While The Oppressed, Like The People In Africa, Get Nothing? Why Should Americans Debts Be Dismissed And Not Africans

Patrick H. Bellringer

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g in Africa for instance,

Will the next steps. ---Contact and Appearing take care of these people who neeed the most --people so oppressed?

Is the New World geared for those who really need help??? Nothing at all is said about these poor souls who need the most. I have no answer to give that does not seem to come only to the USA,

As an instance, the payoff of our debts seems selfish as far as Africa is concerned. This last sentence is what is told me and I cannot answer them.

If you have knowledge of things more far reaching should we not be told???? We are a selfish country---why encourage that??

Like the person who wondered about the "stuff" ., would she lose them!!!!!! Selfish!!!

Will you give me a more comprehensive view of the three events please.? Thank you for all you and Ann do. I hope she feels better now also.

sincerely in love-



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 16, 2006


Dear SP:

Many people have a distorted understanding of the people of the U.S. of A. We have been the most generous of all nations on Earth Shan up until the Bush Administration of 2000. This nation was founded upon the Laws of God to stand, as a Lighthouse to the world, as a Republic, not a democracy. Our evil governments over the years cooperated with the One World Order to reduce our great nation to rubble, as has happened in other nations.

As with people, every nation creates its own mess and is responsible for the same under Cosmic Law. This is not to say that we are not our "Brother's Keeper". Quite the contrary. Our history in the U.S. proves that we have been so. The prosperity monies are designed to be of help to many. The humanitarian funding phase is for helping the needy of the world, including Africa.

We are not a selfish country and never have been. That is only the stance of our evil leaders. The good people of America have birthed NESARA and have put their meager funds into these prosperity programs and Farm Claims against our evil Federal Reserve System and Internal Revenue Service in faith, believing that they would have funds available to them to do much good both in America and in the world. They had a vision that others did not have, and now Creator God has decreed that they shall be rewarded for their vision and their faith. Without such faith NESARA and these funding programs to change our world to goodness would never have been possible.

The long wait for funding has changed people. Many of the selfish and greedy are now gone. Most people realize that it is not about having things for themselves, but about helping others and making our world a better place. These people, and especially those receiving humanitarian funds, will be the channels for money to the needy countries of the world.

The Star People will be another avenue of help with their many advanced technologies for healing, purifying water, food production, housing, energy, etc. The whole point of the NESARA Mission is about helping people and bringing peace, balance and harmony again to Earth Shan.

The Federal Reserve Banking system of fake money having no value was a world-wide system of fraud. This system stole money from every person and every nation, who had dealings with it. It is my understanding that all debt owed to the FRB system is to be dismissed/cancelled out. Each nation must handle that process in their own country. There is nothing selfish about Americans having their debt dismissed, because the opportunity holds for all nations. Each nation must choose their own course of action.

Be thankful that there were people of vision in America, who took action to bring an end to the FRB system and to reclaim the stolen money and return it to the people. That is what the NESARA Mission is all about, to put an end to the One World Order and their control of the people. Leaders from 180 countries have come to America and are now assisting to bring this process to a successful conclusion.

I encourage the people of the world to support the NESARA Mission with their prayers and positive energy, and know that all will share in the goodness that will result from the completion of this mission I have said many times that NESARA is the first step into our coming Golden Age.

I close with a second point. America will once again stand, as a "Lighthouse to the world". In spite of the work of the Darkside to destroy her and her people, America will rise from the ashes and once again bear witness to the world of Truth, integrity, peace and Love. She will demonstrate that she is her "Brother's Keeper!" That is a promise decreed by Violinio Germain, Esu Immanuel Sananda and Creator God Aton of Light. Know it! American shall be proud to be her "Brother's Keeper!"

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer