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"Hello, Central!" "World Can't Wait" Rally Was A Dud!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ow Peace would work, except that it would be a different kind of chaos. No one thought beyond the emotional stimulus of Hate, i.e. “We hate what Bush is doing to and with the country”. Where is the plan to implement Peace, to teach Compassion, to learn how to share the Brotherhood of Mankind? Where is the awareness that we all live on one planet, and we all need to learn how to care for Mother Earth and all her creatures ( animal, mineral, fish, winged ones, and mankind). Without the understand of how to ‘care’ for one another, and the relatedness of all things, we are still lost.

We are using the same tactics as Bush only in the name of Peace instead of War. I could not stay long, it was to sad. I passed out flyers I made that showed the plan that I believe in “the announcement of NESARA, the beginning of PEACE”.

I still look forward to the news. I envision someone coming up to me as I work and saying, “Have you heard the news? They have taken Bush out of office and announced a law that has been on the books for years but hidden from the public. There are to be instructions given to us on TV how to live this new way of Peace and Compassion.” My reaction is to shout with Joy and scream with Happiness “WAHOO”

Blessings of Joy and Laughter



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 5, 2006


Dear NCM:

I am saddened to hear of the lack of organization and direction in this rally. I know that Sean Penn had good intent, but the people must respond and provide the local leadership needed to make it into a great movement.

Soon NESARA shall provide the energy and make the difference.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer