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"Hello, Central!" Can You Help Me To Understand The Status Of Things? Why Is There Still No NESARA Announcement And Relief For The People?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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w, rather than after Nesara. Thus, we should continue to endure, not complain, and at some point we will be rewarded. It has been pointed out to me that this sounds rather like the church which says "be quiet now and you will be rewarded later in heaven". Can you see that analogy?

It has also been presented, many times, that the Immediate Announcement of Nesara would bring huge numbers of people to the side of The Light. As the truth is revealed, through Nesara, more and more people would be overjoyed and this would make it that much harder for the dark to continue.

Also, with the continued delay of the announcement, each day so many more of the Earth's citizens suffer in war, starvation, poor health, emotional distress, etc., etc. How is this good?

The millions of star people and their ships have been here for quite a long time now with their advanced technology. Millions have prayed endlessly for their help. We do not know what else to do.

As everyone knows, we were told that Nesara, First Contact and The Second Coming would take place the first part of 2005; and absolutely be completed before the outside date of June 30, 2005. We were even told it was not necessary to pay our April 15 taxes. On July 7, in Enough is Enough, The Masters said "no more waiting for WK. We will do it ourselves."

On August 13, 2005 Christ Michael said it is only a few more hours or days. Everything was now set up safely on the Capricorn.

Now, despite all of the above, we are entering the last week of August with no announcement. Quite frankly, countless numbers of good hearted, prayerful and well intentioned people are becoming confused, lost and at times almost out of hope as the suffering continues both at home and abroad.

I truly am not complaining here. I am just searching for truth, understanding and hope as are so many others.

Would you be willing to specifically address these issues? It would be a huge benefit to so many of us, especially coming from you.

Right now many of us really do not know where or when things stand regarding Nesara, First Contact and The Second Coming.

I am most grateful for all of your patience and effort.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: R H.

DATE: August 23, 2005


Dear RH.:

You have made an excellent statement of the feelings of many people at this time in our history. I hear your cry in the dark! We appear to be in a "holding pattern" on Earth Shan, as the daily events play out in our lives. At this time I am not given to know the timing of NESARA. Only Creator God knows the day and the hour.

We are allowed to see only glimpses of the NESARA Mission and those doing the mission, so it is most difficult for us to determine both the process and the progress and to make much sense of it. Yet, I know NESARA is very real and that it is happening in Heaven's perfect timing. When it finally breaks forth in our world, it will be the most glorious event ever, that will start the total transformation of our world and our lives into a new world that we cannot now imagine.

Creator God has reasons for what we see as "delays". If you wish to challenge His Plan, then you need to take that matter up with Him. I am only His messenger and a Lightworker, the same as are you. Patient endurance is the lesson for us for today. Others have other lessons to learn such as belief, hope, discernment, trust and knowing Truth.

People choose their actions, feelings and reactions concerning NESARA and the times in which we live. I have no control over that. All I can do is to give encouragement and hope, based upon what I know in my heart to be true. I know without a doubt that NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time. I know that NESARA is the first step for our world toward the coming Golden Age. I know that Earth Shan has suffered and endured much due to our greed and neglect and is not waiting, in fact, can not wait any longer for her healing to begin.

Therefore, Christ Michael, the Creator of this Nebadon Universe, Esu Immanuel Sananda, our Planetary Prince and the Ascended Masters have no time left to declare the end of Darkness and to help us begin the process of bringing balance and harmony to Earth Shan. I believe the time for lesson learning by the 3D NESARA White Knights and announcement team is over. I believe the time for them to act has come, and that it is imperative for our planet and her people that they act now!

That is the order I give through my God Spirit and my Mighty I AM PRESENCE to Christ Michael/Hatonn, and that is the petition I send to Creator Source. It is time! It is time for Earth Shan's struggle and that of her people for survival against the Darkness to end. It is time for "peace on Earth" to be declared. It is time for restoration and happiness to come to Mother Earth and to her people.

I do not know the mind of Creator God, but I do know that it is time for positive change to come to our world. He has promised to hear and to respond to my call for help. That is why I now speak and petition and order the Darkness to end. I pray, believing that that shall happen now!

Will you pray with me? Will you pray, believing that our positive energies together can make a difference, that our creative thought-power can tip the scales and bring the sudden magic of NESARA to our world: My sister, we can do it! If other Lightworkers of the world join us, we can surely do it! May the bells of freedom ring to the four winds on Earth Shan, now! It is time!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
