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"Hello, Central!" Is The Omega Program A Farce, As Stated By Poof?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ration run by the CIA. If so this is a very sad time for 70,000 good hearted people who were trying to help in some way in the Prosperity Programs as it was sold to US. If it is true, is there going to be any effort to try to recover this money and put it to where it should have gone in the first place? Maybe by now it is to late? May the CIA used it for their own use?

Pat, I think you will find very little support for all the politicians, Pres., Congress, Senate, FBI, CIA, etc., etc., etc., in this world. Anytime people such as these deliberately scam the people there should be no mercy shown. It is just and proper to try each and everyone of them for TREASON and give them what they deserve. In short they call it the FIRING SQUAD.

Pat, I am sure everyone in Omega and concerned about Omega would appreciate your views about what might be happening.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: May 23, 2007


Dear RW:

Thank you for your letter. No, the Omega Prosperity Program is not a farce, as claimed by Poof in the recent updates. Where this nonsense comes from is beyond my imagination. The U.S. Government through its agencies tried many tricks to stop the Prosperity Programs during the 1990's.

Many people were hauled into court by the FBI/CIA/IRS on trumped up charges to stop these programs, which would provide money and power to the people, when they funded according to International Banking laws. Mike Kadosky aka Les Cruise and Clyde Hood were attacked by the U.S. Government for their work with the Omega, ITI and Morgan programs.

Our corrupt courts, attorneys, bankers and politicians are all involved in making huge sums of money through the banking system's "roll programs", which rip off the assets of third world countries, and they did not want the common people to have any part of "their action". These people have worked hard over hundred of years to take the money away from the masses. Why would they ever allow any of it to be returned to the people?

Money is power, and to allow the people to have any gives the people power and control, the total opposite of the One World Order plans. That is why the fight over funding these programs continues today after years of struggle to stop the Mission of NESARA.

There is a small group of patriots, who are working lawfully to turn the tide in the U.S. Government and bring goodness to the people. They are being aided by some good people in the military, CIA, FBI, Interpol and various European and Asian countries, especially China to bring the funding of these Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims, and the NESARA Mission to completion.

More than 1500 indictments have been issued by Federal Judges recently, but arrests were not made because G.W. Bush neutralized the indictments by Executive Order. More Chinese, European and Interpol people have come to the U.S. last week to assist in stopping the Bush/Clinton Cabal from their dirty tricks.

My friend, at some point, if Mother Earth allows us time, goodness shall prevail and the evil U.S. Government shall be brought to its knees. It not, these Dark Players shall be swept away by the ocean salt water in our coming earth changes. Creator God has decreed that the Light shall ultimately prevail on Earth Shan.

Too many people are focused on the end of this game, getting "their money", and living happily ever after. That is so foolish. What matters is not the outcome so much as what you have learned in soul growth in the process to reach the outcome. We are here for our lessons in soul growth, whether we win or lose a "bag of gold" in the game of living.

Creator God will not ask us how much money we made, but how much we have learned, how much we have helped others, how much difference we have made for goodness, and what was our soul intent behind our thoughts and our actions!

Do not be overly concerned about the punishment these evil doers deserve. They shall reap what they have sown, many times over, under Cosmic Law. We pity them for their foolishness and ego arrogance, and we send them Love and Light. Be in peace, and be ready for the coming exciting changes!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer