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"Hello, Central!" Bush Can Now Lock Us Up As Enemy Combatants, Daily I See Things That Say All Is Lost, And I Am Battling The Fear Rising Up In My Throat! How Do I Deal With Fear?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ernment policies. I thought Bush was no longer in the White House and was under arrest. Who is doing this if not he? All that is happening is in the Bible. My Christian upbringing is battling with my more enlightened self and I am battling the fear rising up in my throat.

Some Christians believe that God is coming to save them with the rapture, some believe he will come some time during the last reign of terror and some believe we will all have to go through it.

I also believe the Bible has been tampered with and changed in some degree. A lot of christians see what is happening and are doing nothing because they believe HE is coming to take care of it. What if that is one of the things that was changed and that he is not coming and we are giving up our last chance to save ourselves in the belief that HE is coming. THAT WOULD BE THE GREATEST HOAX OF ALL.

I want to believe that NESARA is coming in time to save us. With all my heart I want to believe, but daily I see things that say all is lost. Overcoming a lifetime of conditioning is a constant battle. I feel all I can do is ask for strength and guidance from the higher source that put us here in the first place.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this fear would be greatly appreciated

I certainly don't want to repeat this lifetime.

Desiring a better life for Humanity



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 2, 2006


Dear MB:

Thank you for your letter. Yes, the U.S. Congress and G.W. Bush just created more One World Order legislation/laws to destroy us and protect them. They are desperate and in total panic because their deception is being revealed to the people. They are trapped in their lies, and they do not know what else to do but to keep beating us down with their unlawful evil laws.

Now, we dare not even criticize the U.S. Government or we will be labeled a "terrorist"! This is one last attempt to create the fear these Dark minions need to keep control over us. People are awakening to this deception and to their power. Many are saying, "We won't take this abuse any more!" People are starting to demand peace and freedom and justice.

By doing so they are creating positive energy which is neutralizing the negative energy of the Darkside. The Light is shining ever brighter, as the Darkness recedes. There is no fear when you take back your power. It is all really a matter of thought. When people realize the power of their thoughts and the power of positive thoughts, nothing can stop them from overcoming all negativity, fear and doubt.

Bush and Company are realizing their worst fears. The people are waking to their thought-power and using it to remove the Dark Energies. They are discovering their God Connection, their God Spirit within and finding Truth. They are learning discernment and are able to sort out the lies from the Truth.

Knowing that we are powerful beings because we are connected to the power of Creator God, we can act for goodness with the protection and help of Heaven. We have no fear when we truly know this. You have heard it said that Love casts out fear. That is true.

We are loved by Creator God, and He so loved us that He gave us a fragment, a portion of His Spirit, which is our God Spirit within, as a life-line to keep us safe. "How so?", you ask. Creator God and the Troops of Heaven are only a thought away. When we ask for their help, they respond instantly. We make contact through our life-line.

Is this all a matter of faith? Yes, it is, my friend, but when you connect to Creator God through your thoughts and it "works", you move from faith to knowing!

The Truth in the Bible has been twisted and tampered and distorted deliberately to mislead us. The "rapture" is a hoax. The word "rapture" is not even found in the Bible, but the Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sananda most assuredly is not a hoax. Esu has stated that he is making his public debut yet this year.

NESARA is most assuredly not a hoax. NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time, and His Plans do not fail nor does He fail to keep His Promises. Fear and doubt are the two most effective tools of the Darkside. They constantly use them because they work so well. Do not be confused by the delays of NESARA. Do not be swayed by the chaos around you.

Go within for your answers. Your God Spirit knows all. The Darkside wants desperately for you to believe that all is lost. Then you give up your "power of positive thinking" and succumb to their control. My friend, go within and talk to God and learn wisdom. You have the power of Creation within you to create your desires. Nothing is ever on "back-order" in Heaven! Ask for whatever you need! Then you can walk with Daniel safely through the lion's den!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer