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"Hello, Central!" Radiation Hazards of Cell Phones!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ld I help free him. My study of electronics had acquainted me with the Faraday Cage, a highly conductive wire cage that shorted out the detrimental effects of all electrical radiation of a person inside the cage. So in my imagination and with strong intent, I created such a cage around him. It apparently freed him from their control and started a massive war that is described in my website in a story titled The Armageddon Cronicles.

So when I read about the radiation hazards of cell phones, I created a skin tight Faraday Cage around every life form that was adversly affected. I had read in A Course In Miracles that there was no degree of difficulty in miracles, so I felt that it would work. My truth-telling finger strength test indicated that it worked. I would like you to test it, and anyone else who gets reliable readings, and report if they got a false indication.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 28, 2007


Dear JO:

Thank you for your letter and your wise actions to stop the harm being done to humans by cell phone technology today. Indeed, miracles have no degree of difficulty.

Miracles happen based upon your belief in the power of your God Spirit within, that power of Creation, which all souled beings possess. Your belief "that it would work" has made it happen, and the harmful effects of cell phone technology has been neutralized on Earth Shan.

In your mind creation did you make this protection both complete and permanent, and inclusive of all life forms on our planet? Did you, also, correct the damage already done by cell phone technology? My reading is that your "work" has been most effective in stopping any further harmful effects of cell phone technology, and that the Darkside is most unhappy with you. So, my brother, ask for Divine Protection, both complete and permanent, and we shall do the same for you.

We honor you for your faith and wisdom.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer