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"Hello, Central!" I Would Really Like To Know Your Thoughts On Ramtha!(Updated 10/9/07)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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>I have several friends that have attended that school and I have watched What the Bleep and Down the Rabbit Hole.

I can almost hear you asking me to discern for myself....

In Much Love & Light and appreciation...


I see that there really isn't a question in here..?.. but I so value your knowledge...


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 6, 2007


Dear C:

Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds. We are pleased to know that our efforts are not in vain.

Ramtha considers himself to be a great Guru and has a great following. When people get pulled into the energy of such a person, they become mesmerized into thinking that the Guru has special powers that they do not have, and that the Guru can re-make them and do things for them that they cannot do for themselves, and of course, for a fee, sometimes for a great fee.

I assure you, there is nothing that another claims able to do for you, that you cannot do for yourself, be it healing, spiritual connections, or finding information and Truth. Ramtha has helped many people and has become wealthy doing so. Hatonn says that Truth is free! Fourwinds operates on this basis. The Phoenix Journals are journals, purposely done to avoid the U.S. copyright laws.

There are those, who have found Ramtha less than helpful. Yes, we come back to individual discernment. What is your God Spirit within telling you to do in your search for Truth and developing spiritual growth? The bottom line is that you really need no one to help you find your way along your path to enlightenment.

Often, that is the safest way to avoid detours, but then, we learn from all our experiences. I encourage you to always follow your internal guidance system.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

(Reply to C- Letter 1)

Original Message -----

From: IM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 1:45 PM

Subject: Your Comments About Ramtha: posted on your site Oct. 6, 2007

Dear Patrick,

This is IM. I have written to you a few times before. You have one of my poems posted on your site.

After reading your comments about Ramtha today, I am asking you to post this letter, giving the views and experiences of one who has actually experienced Ramtha and been in attendance at Ramtha's ancient school of wisdom since 1988.

Ramtha does NOT consider himself a Guru. Guru means teacher, and yes, he is an amazing teacher. However, in the Eastern religions, "Guru" means 6th level (given there are 7 levels or seals in the human body).

Ramtha is an Ascended Master, or what we know as 7th level.

Ramtha claims to be an ancient warrior, known as the Terrible Ram, one who actually lived 35,000 years ago, and whose life is partially documented in ancient holy Hindu texts. In that lifetime, he gathered an army to go against the enslavers (the Atlantians who were beginning to enslave the Lemurians). This he did from great hatred of them because of what they had done to his Mother and his siblings. He went to a great mountains and confronted the "unknown god" of his people, and there was given a great sword by an angel who told him to go conquer himself. He did not know what that meant at age 14, so he set about to conquer those who enslaved women and children. At one point in all his conquering, he was deceived by the "enemy" and run through with a sword, as he had left his behind for a peace conference.

However, he heard a voice that said, "Ram, get up!" He put his fist in his gushing wound and got up. Others who saw this proclaimed him a god. He spent the next seven years on a rock, healing his great wound, and learning about the "unknown god." He found this unbiased, unjudgemental god in Nature, and learned to leave his body and eventually heal it. From hatred, he learned to love himself, forgive and eventually taught some of his army what he knew. He ascended into his light body when he was around age 72 I think it was. Thus he is what we know as an ASCENDED MASTER. When he did this, he promised to return to his people.

My own spiritual journey has taken me to many teachers, beginning with Jesus (Sananda), then Paramahansa Yogananda and Self Realization Fellowship. It was there that the head of their linage called me to himself. His name is Haidakhandi Babaji. When I was in India in 1982 to visit this one, at a ceremony there, Babaji put the sign of the Ram on my forehead, whereas everyone else had the sign of Shiva. I learned later that he was sending me to my next teacher.

In 1986, Ramtha came to me as the wind, for he claims to be God of The Wind, through closed doors and windows, and finally I was led to see a videotape of when he gave audience in Hawaii some years before that time. My soul memory responded to him and his message, although I did not know why at the time.

As I began to attend what was called "Intensives," before he announced his ancient school of wisdom (Ramtha's School of Enlightenment), I learned that he had one message: YOU ARE GOD ! I experienced his teachings that challenged us to activate the God within us and find our own power to become all we can be, as he had done in his lifetime 35,000 years ago.

When the school began in May of 1988, he stopped doing miracles and healing people, because then it was time, he said, for us to learn to do that ourselves. He accepts no "followers." He makes a point of this, as those who follow do not find their own Divinity.

Ram is here as the "7th Angel and Trumpet of These Days," so I heard him say when the school first began in 1988. He was referring to the Book of Revelations in the Christian Bible, Chapter 10. He is also here at this time because of a promise to RETURN TO HIS PEOPLE, who in his time numbered appx. two million. He said he fixed the memory of him in our souls, so when he returned we could recognize him on a feeling level. This explains why I felt as I did in my soul when I saw the videotape of him and heard his voice and felt his energy. For indeed, I did live in this time and was part of his army.

The school of ancient wisdom is not for everyone. It is not a place where people come and sit and meditate, although we learn forms of that. It is a Gnostic school (school of knowledge). We study everything that would help us understand our true Divinity and how to access it. We experience great tests of that. Many have faltered along the way, because it is difficult to break through the programming of so many lifetimes and learn to trust the unseen within us, the all powerful consciousness that can create anything. Some students have excelled in the school, and do the miraculous from the power within. I have a few to my credit.

About the money for tuition, that has many aspects. Neither Ramtha nor JZ Knight, his channel, have "gotten rich from the school." Believe it or not, the tuition covers the expenses. Ramtha teaches us how to manifest. Until I learned how to do that, I was aware of his assistance in many ways for me to get to the school. All it took was passion, and knowledge of the perpetual supply of the Universe and unlocking the doors to receive it. The final conclusion of those of us who have paid so much money to get this enlightenment and experience is that it is PRICELESS. God is not poor or helpless. When we learn that we are that god, all things are possible.

The thing I value most about Ramtha and his teachings, is that I finally know who and what I am, and have tasted the power within me, and want with great passion only my Spirit / god to be in this body as me 100 percent awakened in my brain to live life fully. The great love awakening within me melts away the judgments so I can just allow, love and experience fully.

All the teachers leading up to Ramtha were necessary steps to get me to the place where I was ready to hear that all is DIVINE and the power is Within me, not just what I had observed from other powerful teachers and Masters. He introduced me to myself and the truth about myself. It is what I had hungered for since I was age 12. I am so grateful to him that he kept his promise and returned to teach us what he learned and knows

Thank you for allowing me the time and space for my truth here.


(Reply to C - Letter 2)

----- Original Message -----

From: JR

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 1:28 PM

Subject: Hello Central....Your Thoughts on Ramtha are diametrically opposed to Ramtha's Teachings and Guidance...

Dear Patrick;

The only part of your comments that remotely approaches the truth is that Ramtha has "helped" many....but not in the least bit has he ever been an Avatar or Guru ...(All Avatars and Gurus are at a point in their evolution that requires them to overcome the need for power, and control over others and in particular the need for followers)......

Ramtha's first day teachings and every time in his audience after that ,unerringly,is to deliver the message that "You are the forgotten Gods"......forgotten by you...and "You alone hold within you the power to change your lives".

Ramtha never ,I repeat never ,did and never will claim to "change his students"....It is always about "Self" empowerment...

The entire curriculum is about providing the "truth" of who, what,where,when, why and how we are what we are....and having armed us with "truth" and "wisdom" in an environment of unconditional love in which we can take that "truth" from knowledge and philosophy to the application of the laws of creation (manifestation) so that we may provide for ourselves the experiences in this lifestream that will empower us ,under our own steam,to manifest our steps to Ascension.

Anyone claiming to have been "harmed" by Ramtha is simply a typical self victimizing religiously enslaved individual who is unable to accept full responsibility for their own thoughts ,actions and creations.....and most likely still looking for some mediator between him or her "Self" and their erroneous perception of "God"....implying they obviously missed the first lesson from Ramtha.

I would strongly suggest to the originator of this thread to take up the courage to attend a beginning event with Ramtha .....who knows you might learn to find the answer within guarantees ...after all you are in control of your destiny .....well, at least that is what Ramtha teaches and you may not be ready to hear that.

And Patrick....I find it remarkable that you would make claims denouncing Ramtha when you obviously have no personal experience to back it up!!!

And by the way....Ramtha is far more supportive of your work with the knowledge in the Phoenix Journals than you are of his....

Light ,Love and Power to you all

(Reply to C - Letter 3)

----- Original Message -----

From: FM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 6:12 PM

Subject: Ramtha

Hello Patrick,

I can’t help wondering if you ever read any of the Ramtha books, that were “tape-recorded, composed verbatim from public and private audiences.”

I was astounded by your answer to write-in “C,” for I have read several (12) of these books with never a doubt creeping in as to their validity.

To this day, I re-read several of the books, as I find them highly uplifting.

The main theme of his “teachings” is LOVE and love of self as God’s creation.

Ramtha’s teachings are not to be compared or confused with The Phoenix Journals.

No contest here; different themes altogether. The Journals are a wealth of information to wake people up to all that has gone on in our world and what is to come.

Ramtha, “The Ram”, lived on Earth 35,000 years ago. So no one would worship him, nor have his picture to hang on their wall to idolize, he chose J.Z. Knight to speak through as she had been his adopted daughter those many years ago.

He stressed he was a teacher and that was his main goal. He certainly had no need for money. It was J.Z. Knight who made the money, but Ramtha saw no reason not to.

Two of the books that stand out are: “Ramtha” ( the white book) and “Love Yourself into Life.” I’d defy anyone to come away with dry eyes after reading “Love Yourself.”

If interested, books can be ordered from publisher “Sovereignty, Inc.” Box 926 –

Eastsound, Washington 98245. Phone 1-800-654-1407.

In Love and Light


(Reply to C - Letter 4)

----- Original Message -----

From: ML

To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 8:28 AM

Subject: Hello Central I Would Really Like to Know Your Thoughts on Ramtha

Re: Ramtha - Read Phoenix Journal - Silent Blood Suckers of the Tangled Webs page 245 wherein Hatonn talks about JZ Knight and Ramtha. Perhaps this will help "C". I went 16 years to Ramtha's (?) school. I quit after reading that Phoenix Journal. I learned for 16 years, if for no other reason to learn not to become dependent upon another. I am still learning everyday. I found Ramtha's truth to be simple and something I could accept. I felt your comments back to "C" were right on. Thank you Patrick and Anne.

Best wishes, ML

(Response from Bellringer)

Anyone willing to take the time to read will discover the Truth concerning Ramtha. In my original letter to "C" I should have said "Ramtha aka J.Z. Knight" and not just Ramtha. This would have cleared up some issues, for Ramtha, as an Ascended Master returned, used J.Z. Knight, as his 3D channel beginning in 1977 to get his message to the people of Earth Shan.


The following are two articles that I have included as background information on Ramtha/J.Z. Knight for those readers, who may need further information. PHB.

Article 1 - from:

Ramtha (a.k.a. JZ Knight)


Ramtha is a 35,000 year-old spirit-warrior who appeared in JZ Knight’s kitchen in Tacoma, Washington in 1977. Knight claims that she is Ramtha’s channel. She also owns the copyright to Ramtha and conducts sessions in which she pretends to go into a trance and speaks Hollywood’s version of Elizabethan English in a guttural, husky voice. She has thousands of followers and has made millions of dollars performing as Ramtha at seminars ($1,000 a crack) and at her Ramtha School of Enlightenment, and from the sales of tapes, books, and accessories (Clark and Gallo 1993). She must have hypnotic powers. Searching for self-fulfillment, otherwise normal people obey her command to spend hours blindfolded in a cold, muddy, doorless maze. In the dark, they seek what Ramtha calls the ‘void at the center.’

Knight says she used to be “spiritually restless,” but not any more. Ramtha from Atlantis via Lemuria has enlightened her. He first appeared to her, she says, while she was in business school having extraordinary experiences with UFOs. She must have a great rapport with her spirit companion, since he shows up whenever she needs him to put on a performance. It is not clear why Ramtha would choose Knight, but it is very clear why Knight would choose Ramtha: fame and fortune, or simple delusion.

Knight claims to believe that she's lived many lives. If so, one wonders what she needs Ramtha for: she's been there, done that, herself, in past lives. She ought to be able to speak for herself after so many reincarnations.

Knight claims that spirit or consciousness can "design thoughts" which can be "absorbed" by the brain and constructed "holographically". These thoughts can affect your life. If this means what I think it means, then Knight has taken the notion of proving the obvious to new heights: she has discovered that one's thoughts can affect one's life.

Knight not only has rewritten the book on neurology, she has also rewritten the book on archaeology and history. The world was not at all like the scholars of the world say it was 35,000 years ago. We were not primitive hunters and gatherers who liked to paint in caves. No, there were very advanced civilizations around then. It doesn't matter that there is no evidence for this, because Knight has rewritten the book of evidence as well. Evidence is what appears to you, even in visions and hallucinations and delusions. Evidence is anything you feel like making up. So, when you are told that Ramtha came first from Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, do not seek out scholars to help you understand that ancient civilization because the scholars of the world do not believe Lemuria existed except as a fantasy. When you are told that the Lemurians were a great civilization from the time of the dinosaurs, do not expect to be burdened with evidence. There isn't any evidence. The only mammals around at the time of the dinosaurs were primitive and non-hominid, very much like lemurs. Maybe the Lemurians were really lemurs. No, the Lemurians came from "beyond the North star," according to Knight, which may explain why all humans ever since have looked to the sky with longing.

But as cool as Lemuria was, it could not compare with its counterpart in the Atlantic Ocean. Knight's story of Ramtha in Atlantis is too bizarre to retell. Let's just say that Ramtha was a warrior who appeared to Edgar Cayce and leave it at that. Her story is appealing to those who are not comfortable in today's world. The past must have been better. It must have been safer then, and people must have been nobler. This message is especially appealing to people who feel like misfits.

Ramtha, like Christ, ascended into heaven, after his many conquests, including the conquest of himself. He said he'd be back and he kept his promise by coming to Knight in 1977 while she was in her pyramidiot phase. She put a toy pyramid on her head and lo and behold if that wasn't a signal for Ramtha to return to the land of the living dead:

And he looked at me and he said: "Beloved woman, I am Ramtha the Enlightened One, and I have come to help you over the ditch" And, well, what would you do? I didn't understand because I am a simple person so I looked to see if the floor was still underneath the chair. And he said: "It is called the ditch of limitation", and he said: "And I am here, and we are going to do a grand work together."* Apparently, the first rule of the wise is: beware the ditch of limitation. Knight's husband-to-be must have fallen into the ditch. He was there at the time Ramtha first invaded his girlfriend's body, but he was so busy lining up pyramids with a compass that he didn't see Ramtha. He did feel The Enlightened One's magnetic charm, however; for, according to Knight (and who wouldn't believe her?), the compass needle was spinning around madly and they saw "ionization" in the kitchen air.

Ramtha then became Knight's personal tutor for two years, teaching her everything from theology to quantum mechanics. He taught her how to have out-of-body experiences. The experience was so extraordinary she had to dig very deep for a metaphor to try to convey the bliss she felt: "I felt a fish in the ocean."

Her big break came when her son, Brandy, developed "an allergic reaction to life." He had to have a few shots but he was allergic to the allergy shots. Fortunately, "the Ram" (as Knight calls her spirit invader) came to the rescue and taught her therapeutic touch. She healed Brandy with prayer and her touch "in less than a minute," greatly reducing her medical bills. She had performed a miracle and now nothing would stop her from entering the public arena.

Ramtha the feminist

Perhaps the reason JZ Knight is so successful in getting followers and students is that Ramtha is a feminist. He recognized that if he appeared in his own masculine body, he would perpetuate the myth that God is male and further contribute to the eternal abuse of women.

That's what he said. So women have been abused by men, and herded by men through religion to perform according to those religious doctrines, and in fact, women were despised by Jehovah. So, he said: "It is important that when the teachings come through, they come through the body of a woman."*This feminization of God must be pleasing to people who are tired of masculine divinities. According to Knight, Ramtha will help people master their humanity and “open our minds to new frontiers of potential.”


Article 2 - Posted on Fourwinds @:

What The Bleep Do We Know? What the #$*! is Ramtha ? The year's sleeper hit was inspired by a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit from Atlantis

BY: By Chris Lydgate | Visit Author's Website

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March 07, 2005


JZ Knight says an ancient warrior-spirit named Ramtha first materialized before her in 1977. Today, Ramtha claims more than 5,000 active followers around the world and Knight holds a copyright on all his teachings.


What The Bleep never makes its link to Ramtha explicit, but its three directors are all disciples. Several of the talking heads are teachers at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. The movie's website calls it a Lord of the Wind film, after one of Ramtha's titles. And its premiere was in Yelm, Wash., the RSE's home. More importantly, the movie's central message--that we create our own reality--is lifted straight from Ramtha's teachings.

The official Ramtha website is at [link] .

The website for What the Bleep Do We Know? is [link] .

The film's shooting locations included the Goose Hollow MAX stations, the North Park Blocks and the Bagdad Theater itself.

The Bagdad's 18-week Bleep run was matched at the Hollywood Theatre.

In 1987, JZ Knight filed a lawsuit against a German woman who claimed she was channeling Ramtha. (Knight sued for copyright infringement and won damages of $800.)

In 1992, JZ Knight testified that she once channeled Jesus at a "Christmas function."

Although Ramtha proclaims that the mind can reverse aging, several sources told WW that JZ Knight has undergone cosmetic surgery.

A useful resource on cults, sects and religious groups is the American Family Foundation at (239) 514-3081 or [link] .employs 60 people churning out books, tapes, CDs, videos, posters, scents, lotions, candles and elvish capes.

Her company, JZK Inc., refuses to divulge any financial information, but one observer pegs its annual income at $10 million at least. Whatever the figure, it is substantial enough that the girl who was born in a one-room shack now lives in a 12,000-square-foot French-style chateau with six bedrooms, seven fireplaces, a spiral staircase and an indoor pool.

Driving through Yelm (population 3,300) you can't help but feel that the town seems miscast as a mecca. Set 20 miles southeast of Olympia, where the Nisqually River wends its way from the jagged peak of Mount Rainier, Yelm is the kind of place where men wear overalls to work, green moss sprouts on the roofs, and the Christmas parade is front-page news.

On the edge of town, behind a high stone wall, sits the Ranch, a.k.a. Ramtha's School of Enlightenment--a 49-acre spread that functions as a sort of intergalactic headquarters. Here, in an indoor horse ring dubbed the Great Hall, Ramtha holds court before audiences of a thousand masters or more, who sit cross-legged on a floor paved with Astroturf.

WW was barred from attending any of Ramtha's appearances, which typically occur a couple of times a month. But videos and eyewitness accounts depict a charismatic woman thundering from the stage, sometimes challenging the masters, sometimes lecturing them, sometimes leading them in "wine ceremonies" where the entire assembly gets plowed.

On a recent visit, my tour guide was Greg Simmons, RSE's marketing director. With his blue jeans, black wool sweater fraying at the elbows and piercing gaze, Simmons somehow broadcasts both intensity and calm, like a transistor radio tuned to two stations at once.

Simmons' first audience with Ramtha was 22 years ago. He was so awestruck that he eventually quit his job and moved to Yelm.

Ramtha's appeal is plain to see. Stripped to its essentials, the idea is that you possess untapped hidden powers. If you could just channel your own potential, all your problems--your depression, your coke habit, your crummy marriage--would melt away.

This idea is hardly unique--ask your local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous. But Ramtha takes it one step further. By creating your own reality, Ramsters believe, you can violate the laws of physics. Ramtha teaches that with proper training, you can learn to see in the infrared wavelength, transmit thought or predict the future. To hone their mental powers, disciples wander through a vast outdoor labyrinth with blindfolds duct-taped to their heads for up to eight hours at a time, concentrating on the "void" at the center of the maze. "It builds focus within," says Simmons. "It's just a question of mind over matter."

They also practice telepathy. One will take a scrap of paper, sketch an image--a canoe, for example--and focus on transmission. A second will sit, blindfolded, across the Great Hall, and sketch what they receive. Hundreds of apparently successful transmissions are taped up on the walls, side by side: bicycles, numbers, triplets of colors. "These people don't even speak the same language," Simmons says.

We have lunch together at Annie's Bistro, a well-known Ramster joint in Yelm. He orders the calamari. I choose the stroganoff. Afterwards, we walk out to the parking lot, where I discover that I somehow left my headlights on. My battery is dead. We string a pair of jumper cables from Simmons' immense pickup to my Honda, which fires right up.

"I probably could have done that by just touching the battery," he smiles. "But I didn't want to freak you out."

Approximately 2,000 masters now reside in the Yelm area (only JZ Knight actually lives at the Ranch). While there is no overt hostility, the spiritual immigration has created some friction. The mayor of Yelm refused to make any comments about Ramtha, and local residents roll their eyes at talk of telepathy and quantum potentials.

The fact is that Ramtha has become a significant part of the Yelm economy. The School of Enlightenment draws thousands of masters every year--some of whom have set up cafes, bookstores, galleries and auto shops.

Most of these businesses would seem at home in the dreadlock district of any American city. But deep in the woods between Yelm and Rainier, masters have also set up an operation that would raise a few eyebrows on Hawthorne Boulevard--a private school where 40 children learn, along with the three Rs, how to read minds and sense the unseen.

Sitting on a minuscule blue chair in the first-grade classroom of the Children's School of Excellence, teacher Cheryl Nichols spreads a deck of cards face-down, invites me to choose one--and then guess what it is.

I pull a card from the deck and lay it down on the table, staring at the yellow smiley face on the reverse. Focus. After 30 seconds, the face starts to shimmer. It seems to float up off the table, mocking me.

"Think about it this way," Nichols says. "You've already chosen the card. Now imagine that you've already turned it over. You just have to look and see what it is."

Suddenly, a card appears in my mind's eye--the Seven of Diamonds. I write it down in my notebook, then turn the card over.

It's the Six of Diamonds.

Suddenly, my pulse is racing. Nichols looks at me and smiles.

In 1988, David McCarthy's life was falling apart. A musician and cabinetmaker living in New Zealand, he was stretched to the breaking point by the pressures of raising two daughters, paying a mortgage, and the suicide of his best friend. "I felt like if I stopped for a day, everything would fall apart," he says. "I had to find some answers."

Then he stumbled across a book by Ramtha. "A lot of it rang true for me," he says. "It said, 'Love yourself into life,' and I thought that sounded pretty good."

McCarthy came to Yelm in 1990--and was blown away. "When you're with a thousand kindred spirits, all seeking enlightenment, from all over the world, there's an enthusiasm and camaraderie that's very powerful," he says.

He signed up for classes, workshops and retreats, generally immersing himself in Ramtha's world. To advance through the school and join elite groups such as the Blue College, the Red Guard or the Comrades, masters are required to attend at least two events every year. Skip a mandatory event and you're busted back down to the bottom rank.

Year after year, McCarthy kept coming back, working at his disciplines, seduced by the promise that his new powers were right around the corner. He suppressed his doubts. "You're taught that doubt is your problem," he says. "We are sleeping Gods, and Ramtha will wake us up."

One day, McCarthy and other masters were working on "manifesting"--creating a physical object out of nothing by focusing on a mental image, like a gold coin, a rose, or a blue feather. "After several days, I'd not created anything solid," he says.

Then, across the Great Hall, he heard people shouting. He saw a woman walking through the crowd holding a blue feather over her head. Pandemonium broke out. Over roars of appreciation, the woman took her place next to McCarthy. He leaned over and asked her how she did it.

"She says she went into the store and bought it. I said, 'That's not creating something out of nothing!' And she said, 'Yes it is!--I've created my own reality.' And I thought, 'I have to get out of here.'"

McCarthy, who still lives in Yelm, is now fiercely critical of Knight. "It was a scam," he says. "I have no doubt but that JZ is a fraud."

Another former student, who asked that she be identified only as "Stephanie," spent hours every day following the school's disciplines--focused breathing, meditation, and concentrating on a list of positive thoughts, such as I am fabulously wealthy, I am radiantly healthy, I am 20 years younger, I never age. She believed that she could heal her own illnesses by generating a high-frequency force field where decay could not survive. If she got sick, she thought it was because she wasn't disciplined enough.

Then, one day, she developed a toothache. She went to the dentist for the first time in 10 years and had to get two teeth extracted. "That was my first indication that something was wrong," she says. "I did the disciplines every day for years. But it didn't work. I thought, 'I did not maintain my teeth. I did not reverse aging.'"

"The whole thing is rigged," she says. "I just don't want to do it anymore."

Stories like these sound familiar to Robert Menna, who started collecting information about Ramtha 12 years ago, after his teenage daughter, Alex, ran away to Yelm (she has since quit the group.)

"These are not stupid people," says Menna, who is working on a book about Ramtha. "They're open-minded, idealistic. They want to change the world. But the longer you're in, the harder it is to get out."

Menna says masters follow Ramtha's every pronouncement--no matter how bizarre. In the '80s, when his teachings were filled with tales of UFOs and alien abduction, Ramtha declared that copper could ward off extraterrestrial attacks. Masters lined their ceilings with copper strips and copper pennies. Ramtha warned of apocalyptic battles, or a catastrophic flood. Masters built underground shelters by the score. Ramtha said drinking seawater could boost psychic powers. Masters actually flew to the Dead Sea to scoop up buckets of brine.

In September, Ramtha revealed that Hostess Twinkies contain an ingredient that can prolong life. Masters cleared the nutritious treats from grocery-store shelves. "Ramtha made some kind of announcement, and now everybody's going nuts about Twinkies," says a manager at the Yelm QFC.

"This is a future Heaven's Gate," Menna says.

Simmons dismisses the criticism. "A 'cult' is a dirty little four-letter word you call people you don't like," he says. "The school is too difficult, too scientific, and too wonderful to be a cult."

The most intriguing concept in What the Bleep--and in Ramtha's teachings--is the idea that quantum mechanics is the ultimate proof that the universe is a sort of metaphysical putty we shape with our minds. But one of the experts quoted in the film says this claim is nonsense.

Philosopher David Albert, who runs the Philosophical Foun-dations of Physics program at Columbia University, says the filmmakers totally misrepresented him. "They must have filmed me for four hours," he told WW. "It became clear to me they believe positive thinking we can alter the structure of the world around us. I spent a long time explaining why that isn't true, going into great detail. But in the movie, my views are turned around 180 degrees."

"The film is pushing a claim that quantum mechanics shows that consciousness is the basis of external reality," he continues. "And that's not an accurate representation."

Back at the Ranch, the masters don't worry too much about the skeptics. They are convinced their "disciplines" produce authentic miracles. They boast of incredible healings--tumors shrunk, T-cell counts restored, cancer destroyed.

"It's all been documented," says Simmons, who personally claims to have levitated (something about counter-rotating magnetic fields spinning fast enough to create an anti-gravity matrix).

Pressed for evidence, however, Simmons demurred. "We're not interested in convincing people," he says finally. "It's not about trying to convince anybody--we're not in the convincing business. We know we have the proof."

It's hard to know whether to be amused or alarmed by the Ramtha phenomenon. History is replete with prophets claiming miraculous powers. Some soar to spectacular heights. Others barely clear the runway. Some genuinely believe they are appointed by God--others are basically con artists in cloaks.

Which is Ramtha? Only JZ Knight knows. Certainly, she has achieved some spectacular results. Since she started channeling Ramtha, she has gone from being a Tacoma nobody to a million-dollar prophet who commands thousands of followers. Whether by divine inspiration or savvy marketing, she has given birth to a creed, a cult or a circus--or maybe, if you go for the quantum outlook, all three.

What the Bleep Do They Know?

Film's "experts" boast intriguing 'sum's.

Several authorities appear in What the Bleep Do We Know? offering mind-bending insights about reality and perception. But who are they, really? Here's a look at some of the more controversial speakers.

David Albert (above) is a professor and the director of the Philosophical Foundations of Physics program at Columbia University. He says the film completely misrepresented his views.

Dr. Joseph Dispenza is a chiropractor and a master teacher at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

Dr. Masaru Emoto is a doctor of alternative medicine who has written three books about messages from water.

Amit Goswami (above) is professor emeritus (in theoretical physics) at the University of Oregon and member of its Institute of Theoretical Science, as well as author of a slew of New Age books. He also lectures at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

John Hagelin is a physicist and fan of Transcendental Meditation. He is the director of the Maharishi University of Management's Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, and has twice run for president as the candidate of the Natural Law Party (whose platform included natural health care, deep tax cuts and "conflict-free politics").

Mgr. Miceal Ledwith is a Catholic priest and former president of Maynooth College in Ireland who resigned after a seminarian accused Ledwith of abusing him as a boy. He is also a master teacher at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover (above) is a psychiatrist, physicist and author of several books (The Quantum Brain and Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth) who supports reparative therapy for homosexuality and lists Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as one of his heroes. --Chris Lydgate

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What The #$!* is Ramtha

By Chris Lydgate

From: Clydate at

The most intriguing movie of 2004 has nothing to do with George W. Bush, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, or killer zombies. No, the topic is metaphysics--and the movie is What the Bleep Do We Know?

Shot in Portland, the film stars deaf actress Marlee Matlin as a Xanax-gobbling photographer whose world turns inside out after a chance encounter on a basketball court. Her story is punctuated by a Greek chorus of physicists, philosophers, psychologists and mystics slinging soundbites about quantum mechanics.

Think Stephen Hawking on an acid trip.

The premise may sound outlandish, but the film has become a cult classic. More than 60,000 people saw it at the Bagdad Theater, where it played for 18 weeks. "It's been a huge success," says Peter Boicourt, the film buyer for McMenamins theaters. "We've never played a film that long before."

The Chicago Tribune called it "modern science for dummies." The Dallas Morning News described it as "a film that dares to treat people as smart and deeply curious rather than dumb and deeply cynical."

"It's the best movie I've ever seen," declared teacher Brooke Kaye-Albright, who attended an event with one of the film's directors at the New Renaissance Bookstore last week. "It helps me realize what I'm really capable of."

"I loved it," added Leisa Vandehey, an office worker for Multnomah County. "I wish I could bring everyone I know to see it."

To date, the film has drawn more than a million viewers and grossed $9.6 million--piddling by Hollywood standards (Spider-Man 2 grossed $373 million) but a smash hit for an indie film.

What most viewers don't realize is that What the Bleep (which also screens as What the #$*! Do We Know?) is the work of a strange sect headquartered a couple of hours north of Portland in the prairie town of Yelm, Wash.

The sect is dedicated to Ramtha, a mighty warrior-spirit from Atlantis, who speaks in a hokey English accent through his channeler, a former cable-TV saleswoman named JZ Knight, who plays herself in What the Bleep.

On the surface, Ramtha's message sounds like a cross between New Age spirituality and Amway optimism. Everything happens for a reason. Take charge of your life. Don't be a victim.

But delve a little deeper, and you find some strange, even disturbing ideas. Ramtha says mirrors are portals to a parallel universe. Ramtha says children with Down syndrome have "chosen" their condition. Ramtha says you can read minds, alter your own DNA, reverse aging, teleport, travel through time, and prolong your life with Twinkies.


All religions have an article of faith. Mormons believe the angel Moroni spoke to Joseph Smith. Catholics believe the wafer and wine become the body and blood of Christ. And "Ramsters" (as they're known in Yelm) believe that when a 58-year-old woman strides on stage, settles into her ceremonial chair, and speaks in a low, strange voice, she is no longer a blue-eyed grandmother named JZ Knight but an enlightened being named Ramtha, who flourished 35,000 years ago.

In 1997, parapsychologists from the Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco measured Knight's pulse, respiration and other vital signs before and after channeling Ramtha.

"The type of results we got from the psychological and physiological tests are so unique that it's beyond my ability to imagine how someone could fake them," says researcher Stanley Krippner.

Knight refused to speak to WW, but her autobiography describes a difficult childhood. Born in Roswell, N.M. (a year before the infamous Roswell Incident), she grew up dirt-poor in a family with nine children. Her father was an alcoholic who beat her mother. She married a gas-station attendant and had two boys before leaving her husband and moving to Washington state.

She was just another Tacoma housewife until a Sunday afternoon in 1977, when she put a cardboard pyramid on her head and was startled by a shining apparition, 7 feet tall, with "black dancing eyes" standing in her kitchen.

"My name is Ramtha the Enlightened One," he intoned. "And I have come to help you over the ditch."

Whatever Ramtha's reasons for slumbering through the millennia, his timing--in commercial terms--was impeccable. The Age of Aquarius was dawning, channeling was all the rage, and Ramtha's gospel of self-empowerment seemed to strike a chord, especially among women (celebrity fans include Salma Hayek, Linda Evans and Shirley MacLaine.)

Ramtha's disciples (known as "masters") have now swelled to an estimated 5,000 people around the globe, who plunk down $1,000 for a weeklong spell of ancient wisdom every year. To cater to this spiritual hunger, Knight ...

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What The Bleep Do We Know!?


Theatrical: October 8, 2004

DVD/Video: March 15, 2005

Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix, Robert Bailey, Jr., Armin Shimerman, Barry Newman, John Ross Bowie, Larry Brandenberg


Amanda (Marlee Matlin) finds herself in a fantastic Alice in Wonderland experience when her daily, uninspired life literally begins to unravel, revealing the uncertain world of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be our normal, waking reality.

She is literally plunged into a swirl of chaotic occurrences, while the characters she encounters on this odyssey reveal the deeper, hidden knowledge she doesn't even realize she has asked for. Like every hero, Amanda is thrown into crisis, questioning the fundamental premises of her life -- that the reality she has believed in about how men are, how relationships with others should be, and how her emotions are affecting her work isn't reality at all!

As Amanda learns to relax into the experience, she conquers her fears, gains wisdom, and wins the keys to the great secrets of the ages, all in the most entertaining way. She is then no longer the victim of circumstances, but she is on the way to being the creative force in her life. Her life will never be the same.


108 min.

William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente

Capri Films

William Arntz, Betsy Chasse

William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Matthew Hoffman


(Response from Bellringer)

I have two excepts from the Phoenix Journals that I wish to share with you. The first comes from Pheonixi Journal #55, Marching to Zion: The Ultimate World Order, p. 5.



I am also bombarded with inquiries about this speaker or that speaker. I have no comment on “other” speakers. Are they “valid”? I am asked. Oh indeed, I must answer—but ALMOST all are from the dark side of the Plan. I have no wish to comment for if you are a student of mine, you KNOW how to discern Truth and Godly messengers. If you do not bother to learn your lessons you will be duped again and again and that, dear ones, is your own privilege—your right of passage in God’s gift of free choices. The most often asked about in this category is Ramtha. Why would I need comment on one, Ramtha? If you cannot discern, why would you believe whatever I tell you? I will say that impact on his validity comes through the human speakers and is WHY we have no “organization” as such. The impact of human experience destroys Truth as quickly as possible and ones fall into the trap of human desires. J.Z. is in the throes of divorce for her mate is not only bisexual in experience (I say “experience” because that term means NOTHING in spiritual reality) and has AIDS as well as infecting countless other individuals. This kind of action is NOT OF GOD, is not sanctioned by God nor shall it ever be, no matter how many “vote-in the behavior as being acceptable”. LOVE and ACTION IN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION are NOT THE SAME THING! LOVE in Truth is always RESPONSIBLE IN ACTION. (End Quoting)

The second excerpt is from Phoenix Journal #49, Silent Blood Suckers of the Tangled Webs Vol VI, p. 245-246 J.Z. Knight/Ramtha--quoting Hatonn on May 9, 1992.



Please—please—please, stop asking me about other speakers and claimants to insightful information. What is happening with Ramtha and the Knight operations is what will be happening to all speakers and operations which have abused the wondrous gifting of Truth. Jeff, her ex-husband/lover has already brought forth his accusations against the organization some years ago—now he has AIDS and the facts are that his lovers were invited within the household—with J.Z. present. Now he sues for this, that and the other. Does this make Ramtha false? No, but it certainly means that he has not kept his receivers in Light and without cause for speculation. If actions are against the Laws of God then the Laws of God were not being followed and, at this time of transition, it is unacceptable—no more and no less. Does this make the valid word of truth as pronounced by Ramtha less valuable? No, only YOU can lessen its value by denouncing that portion which was Truth. All beings who are “human” on your planet are exactly THAT—HUMAN and subject to misperceptions and errors. It is the responsibility of the speaker to attend and require human participation in truth and integrity—or, you must face the fact that there was untruth present in the beings presented unto you. I will not judge for you but at this time of evolvement and transition I do urge that you take careful assessment of “groups”. This is why we have no “group” as such. Ones are responsible for their own actions and YOU cannot be “ripped-off” emotionally or through false teachings—for you must discern reality from falsehood.

However, I will give you a big clue—Ramtha took leave of the organization some years past and the illusion was continued through gleaning of great wealth in purely physical format. I have great sorrow and compassion for the deceived and the deceivers for they simply were sucked into the age-old trap of hearing the wrong drum-beat even if the original drummer was valid. I have warned you—if you cling only to the “New Age Movement” as foundation for your guidelines, you will sink instead of soar—for it is a full-blown part of the plan in connection to “religion” of Earth doctrines, set to destroy you—not “save” you. So be it. If I took leave and could, for any reason, not be able to return—would my offer of Truth be less valid? No, you must separate speakers from Truth—for Truth will stand into infinity—speakers come and go. I suggest you not count on my going anywhere and “getting off your backs” because I have no intention of going anywhere except closer to you for you will find the Truth I bring—STANDS! Further, and perhaps personal—I want to be around when you realize as much. (End Quoting)

(Response from Bellringer, continued)

By her own admission J.Z. Knight began channelling Ramtha in 1977, and claims to be doing so still today. Such is not the case. Hatonn says Ramtha left Knight and her organization some years prior to 1992. The actual date was June of 1981. Since that time Knight has been faking messages from Ramtha by using Darkside entities quite willing to carry on the charade.

J.Z. Knight and many of her organization at Yelm, Washington, USA are known to be immoral and involved in sexual perversion. Knight loves the power of money and noteriety, and as a guru, has built a large following of "Masters", who generally have serious problems discerning Truth from Lie.

Ramtha was reprimanded by Hatonn for choosing such a poor channel, as J.Z. Knight, and Ramtha is not allowed to return to Earth Shan at this time. Knight's misguided work has created much karma for both Knight and Ramtha, and certainly for those, who may have been misguided by their organization.

The original messages from Ascended Master Ramtha repeat the Truth given to us by those Ascended Masters here today, and of that of the Phoenix Journals. Go within and through your God Spirit know Truth. As Truthseekers, we are to be open to all sources of Truth, and through great discernment we are to wisely sort out Truth from Lie. We need no human to interpret or expound or discern or prophesy or dictate to us what is or is not true, for we have access to the Realms of Light for help in knowing Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

(Reply)----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:38 AM

Subject: from a former student of 19 years

Dear Bellringer,

I am a fromer student of RSE. I stopped going last year.  As a result of having worked there and having quite a few

confrontations with JZ's boyfriend who was/is the "property manager" ( although, the only thing he seems to managing well is his poker chips and fishing rods).

It took me until March 30 of this year to realize this was a "cohersive persuasive" group (aka cult).

I have since been diagnosed with PTSD, borderline personality disorder and anxiety as a result of my affiliation with the school. I know several other who have been diagnosed with other mental ailments, and I know of even more people, who have committed suicide.

When one gets indoctrinated to such "teachings" , one's mind get entirely twisted (without knowing it) into a whole different belief system.

One that is totally narcissitic in nature-TOTALLY.

I would venture to say, from having 19 years of experience, and more than 5 years of working there, that she is of a malignant narcissictic sociopath.

There is a forum for former recovering students and families that are being and have been affected byt JZ Knight and her holey school of RSE. the website is:

Thank you for taking time to read this.

I would like to see this posted so as to get the news out to more people.
