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"Hello, Central!" The Chemtrails Are Getting Worse. We Seem To Be At The Mercy Of The Dark Thugs!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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3or4or more Chem trails being sprayed . By noon or early afternoon , they have flattened , thinned out and joined up creating a continuous whispey white cover. Were we not told at one time, this stuff was to be stopped or neutralized by our space Bros.?. They are getting worse, blatantly so and we seem to be at the mercy of whatever these dark thugs wish to do.They are for sure blocking light and wrecking health. What is your feeling on this?. In the PJs. Pleades series, Creator Aton , says he has little concern for our vessels.Do you think all this is simply what must be endured until our container is destroyed or liftoff happens whichever comes first ?.

Thanks for your time. In love and Light W.M.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 28, 2007


Dear WM:

Thank you for your letter. We are not at the mercy of the Dark thugs. You have the thought-power to neutralize the chemtrails in your area, render them harmless and protect yourself and others from them. We would be in much worse shape, if our Space Brothers had not cleaned up much of our atmosphere.

Creator God Aton has stressed that we must take care of our "vessels", our bodies, for they are of utmost value to us while living in 3D, but in comparison to our soul our physical body has minimal value.

We choose what we wish to endure, for as long as we wish to do so. When we become "sick and tired" of whatever it is we are enduring, we will make new choices. Thus it is that we learn our lessons in soul growth. Many choose to endure the sickness, the pain and the boredom and leave this lifestream without having graduated to the next grade.

So it is that the chemtrails are here for our lessons. They will block light and wreck health for the unenlightened, until those souls awaken to their true potential and change the conditions of their "world". Use your potential, my friend, to stop the harmful effects of chemtrails in British Columbia and in the whole of Canada. The Dark thugs have no power over you and your Light! Know it! Death to the chemtrails!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer