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"Hello, Central!" The Pen Is Not Mightier Than The Sword. The Army Taught Me A Equally Valuable Skill, How To Kill! (Updated June 21, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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who wrote the article which he criticizes.As to those of you who delude yourself with the old "axiom" that you defend freedom with "the pen is mightier than the sword idea", I knew how to write before I was drafted.The Army taught me an equally valuable skill,how to kill.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 20, 2006


Dear LN:

Pray tell, what freedoms did you defend and what country was ever a direct threat to the life and liberty of the people of the U.S. of A. in the last two hundred years? How so is knowing how to kill a valuable skill? How is killing mightier than the pen?

If your brother has an idea that is different from yours, and you kill him in the street, does that kill the idea as well? What have you accomplished, when the idea lives on? When Creator God Aton has said, "You shall not murder your fellowman", and you murder our fellowman, what have you accomplished in your soul growth?

My friend, violence, whether in the home or on the battlefield, is over ideas. How do you change an idea? You change and idea not by killing the person with the idea, but by offering a better idea. That is why the pen has always been mightier than the sword.

When you stand before Creator God Aton of Light and judge yourself for your actions in this 3D lifestream you have completed, then you will know the Truth, that no soul growth is ever gained by murdering your fellowman, for whatever reason. Hopefully, you will learn now and not later that the pen, that thought is far more powerful than any force on this planet. Wake up to the Light of Truth before your time to do so is gone!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: LN

To: fourwinds

Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:32 PM

Subject: Re: Patrick Bellringer has had his "bell "rung once too often

"Pray tell, what country was ever a direct threat to the.... U.S.A." ? Did you ever hear of Pearl Harbor, are you even aware of the Dec.7th "incident"? Wow, again,what a dunce.

Please,do not bother to respond, your ignorance and outright Stupidity is unbelievable ! I do not wish to argue with a fool,remember the old expression.. !


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 21, 2006


Dear LN:

My friend, "fools rush in where Angels fear to tread!" It is obvious that you do not know the Truth of history. I lived through those years of Pearl Harbor and World War II, and I know whereof I speak.

Our Zionist president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, arranged with the Zionist leaders of Japan and Britain for Japan to attack Pearl Harbor to pull America into the war to save Britain from German invasion, and to fulfill the Balfour Agreement of World War I. War is never about the lies the controllers feed to the people. War is about money and power, and the control of land, people and resources. The little soldiers are only cannon fodder!

The grandfather of your present commander-in-chief, Prescott Bush, was a banker and funded Adolph Hitler in World War II. Why would he do that? The neutral countries of Scandinavia willingly moved supplies from Britain and allied countries to Germany during World War II. Why? What is the Balfour Agreement?

Following World War I (1914-1918) Britain promised the Zionists, for their help in destroying Russian through their Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, a portion of the Ottoman Empire. The Zionists had never had a country of their own. For thousands of years they have been evil leeches and have been thrown out of every country they ever inhabited. To fulfill the Balfour Agreement the world leaders quickly moved to convert the League of Nations into the United Nations in 1945. The UN then officially stole Arab land from Palestine and created the new nation of Israel in 1948, forcing three and a half million Palestinians off their land and into refugee camps. The Zionists got their country and the Palestinians have lived in refugee camps for the past fifty years. Why?

My friend, the Zionists go back in history thousands of years. They are a political group and not a race of people. They were the Khazars of Russia, the Pharisees of Jesus' day, the Bolsheviks of the last century and the Zionists of today. They are now using the Jewish people as their cover. These Khazarian-Zionist-Bolsheviks(KZB) have gained such power in present day world governments that they now have plans to control our entire world through their One World Order.

The two Iraq wars are part of that plan. What threat was Iraq ever to the U.S.? Iraq was a threat to Israel, the KZB stronghold in the Middle East and their future One World Order capital (Jerusalem). Technically, Iraq was a threat to the U.S. because the U.S. made Israel an official state of the union of states of the U.S. of A. in 1950. The historical archives in the capital of each of the forty-eight states in the U.S. at that time show the ratification of this unlawful act of making Israel a state of the U.S.

You may have noticed that Israel is always referred to as the State of Israel. Do we refer to the State of Iraq, the State of Egypt, the State of France? No! Why? Does this explain why the U.S. gives four plus billion dollars in aid to Israel each year, plus billions in perks? Every president in the U.S. since FDR has been a Zionist president, including your present Commander-in-Chief!

It is your task, not mine, to educate yourself about the Truth of history. If you are a serious Truthseeker, you can start by reading Fourwinds. There is no greater fool than one who is ignorant of his own history. "He who dies in the Lie is destined to repeat it!" (Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Contact Newspaper, June 11, 1996, p. 22).

If you reply to this letter with another foolish response, know that I shall never read it. My good wife, Anne, screens out such e-mail and puts it in her e-mail "trash bin".

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer