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"Hello, Central!" I Have A Question About Cloudships and Night Visitors!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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rst we couldn't see them. When we did, I wondered if maybe they were some of the spotlights from the casinos in Tunica, MS (about an hour from here). If so, I wondered why I had never seen them before. And, as I watched the lights they were only visible when circling a cloud. There were no rays of light originating from the ground as there are with the big spotlights. There were approximately four of these lights and they were observable around the bottom edge of the cloud.

Could this have been a cloudship? Also, perhaps coincidentally, I have awakened in the early morning hours and felt a presence in my room. I have family members in spirit, so I thought it might be a visitor. Could it have been a different visitor?

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. I am so hoping that I did see a cloudship. I have wanted to see my space brothers and sisters for so long!

In love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 15, 2006


Dear MS:

Thank you for your letter.

I suspect what you saw were the lights from a starship hidden in the cloud. Often you can see cloudships in the daytime, that is the cloud that forms around a starship. The cloud is made of water vapor, which is caused by condensation when the starship surface is cooled to below air temperature. Look for clouds that are disc-shaped or cigar-shaped(lenticular).

In the night time starships are everywhere. Look at the stars and notice all the movement and twinkling colored lights. Stars do not move and flash colored lights. If you have a binoculars you will see stars that look like Christmas trees all lit up with colored lights. Some starships have a rainbow colored strobe light which flashes the various colors. Others have a blue light, or white light or red and blue that flash.

You can communicate with the starships by thought. On a clear night pick out a starship that is flashing its colors and is particularly bright. Concentrate your thoughts on it as you look at it. By thought tell those aboard the starship what you want to say to them. Anne and I use a signal code of up and down starship movement for "yes", and back and forth sideway, movement for "no". Of course, you can only ask yes or no questions with this method. Other questions you may ask and receive answers telepathically in your mind.

Concentrate your thoughts on the starship and ask your question, like "are you a starship?" Tell them to move up and down for "yes" and sideways for "no", then watch the starship move. Now, try this with the moon! Maybe this will convince you how powerful your thoughts really are. Our thoughts are packets of energy and constantly "shape" the energy positively or negatively around us, which affects in a small way the energy everywhere.

You felt the energy of the visitor in your room. Was the energy negative or positive? Did it feel like a family member? Through the vibrations of energy you can know Truth and communicate.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer