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"Hello, Central!" Phoenix Journals - The Foundation

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ournals, I discovered my Truth. It might be helpful to all "new readers" to start reading the Phoenix Journals as soon as possible. It will clarify much,and help to make your search easier, however, be prepared to face THE TRUTH! Make haste, so much Glory to discover, so little time.

Much love and light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 26, 2006


Dear L:

Thank you for your letter and affirmation that the Phoenix Journals are a major source of Truth. They are the "foundation" for Fourwinds. The first information ever posted on Fourwinds were the ten Phoenix Journals that had been banned from the public arena by court action by the U.S. Government.

Defiantly, we put this information on the world-wide web, as our statement of Truth. The One World Order did not want the people of Earth Shan to know the Truth that these Journals contained, the Truth about Creation and how it happened, about Creator Source, about Light, energy, and free energy and many other scientific Truths. The work of the two great scientists Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell was never to have been made public, but we did it, that the public may freely read these Truths, if they so choose.

Later we were able to post all of the published Journals, and this year all of the remaining unpublished Phoenix Journals. They are all located on our sister website, but they can also be accessed through

For our new readers we encourage people to gain an understanding of the basic Truth of the Phoenix Journals by first reading Journals numbers 2, 27, 47, 3, 5, & 7. They are written as any journal with daily entries and comments interspersed with discussion of various topics. Under U.S. Copyright laws, journals do not need to by copyrighted. For this reason Hatonn/Aton used the journal format, for Truth is free to all and should not be restricted by copyright. Therefore, none of the Phoenix Journals have ever been lawfully copyrighted except for volume one, which was to have been made into a movie.

The Phoenix Journals were given to us during the 1990's by Creator God and the Ascended Masters to present Truth one more time to the people of Earth Shan. These Journals are known as the "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms" and were written to correct the twisted Truth and misinformation in other sources, such as the Koran and the Bible. That is why the Phoenix Journals remain the "standard for Truth" for Fourwinds, against which we measure all else.

Many people have trashed the Phoenix Journals as garbage, especially Journal two of the teachings and life of Esu Immanuel and Judas Iscariot, and Journal number 27 of the Laws of God and Creation. So be it! Truth shall prevail.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer