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"Hello, Central!" Fourwinds Is Losing Credibility By Posting Out-Dated Material! (Updated Oct. 4, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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So many things have changed through the years and granted some of the older materials are still relevant...HOWEVER, an article from 2000 from "V. Germain" is not fact, it was not at the time, as it did not come from a higher aspect of Violinio. VG does not, nor has he ever "preached and ranted". He is a loving Master and this recent post is not from him. I know . NOT think...I know. Please stay with current info as much as possible, as a lot of other old info tends to discredit your site. Thank you for serving us.

In Light & Love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringr


DATE: Oct. 4, 2007


Dear D:

Thank you for your letter. By your standard the more recent a writing is dated, the more validity it has. Therefore, the older historically is a writing, the less Truth it contains.

This would mean that ancient manuscripts are now trash, including such as the Koran and the Bible. You say that the word spoken by Ascended Master Violinio St. Germain just seven years ago "is not relevant" today. How so? How silly. My dear sister, Truth is timeless! Any truly enlightened person would know that.

On what basis do you say that this writing by Germain did not come from him? You say that he "does not, nor has he ever preached and ranted". Oh, really? This tells me that you are correct in your statement that you do not know this Germain. This enlightened being is the "real McCoy". He and Esu Immanuel Sananda and the other Ascended Maters of the Rainbow Light speak Truth clearly and directly. They are not the "milk toast-manby-pamby" creatures that the Christian cult has projected to their mind-controlled sheeple.

If such rhetoric makes you uncomfortable and discredits Fourwinds in your opinion, so be it! We are certainly not concerned about Fourwinds credibility ratings by your criteria, or about acceptability ratings or numbers ratings or spirituality ratings or any kind of popularity ratings.

We simply present information of merit, and leave it to you to discern Truth. By the way, this statement by Germain in 2000 contains great Truth and was made by the "real McCoy" himself. When welearn Truth, we are then held accountable to act accordingly. Could it be that this is your real problem with Germain's statement and not, when it was written?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DG


Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:03 AM

Subject: Why post "old" outdated info ?

My only response to your response regarding: Why post "old" outdated info ? is, when the judgement day comes, you will find that you are the cult member.


----- Original Message -----

From: T


Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:51 PM

Subject: Outdated material and cults.... REPLY to I AM D.

This person does not understand what a cult is, obviously. So I have looked it up and give you the 'modern' version of the word cult.

And here is a list of the groups considered cults.

Pay particular attention to the meaning of the word itself!!!

Cult roughly refers to a cohesive social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding culture considers outside the mainstream, with a notably positive or negative popular perception. In common or populist usage, "cult" has a positive connotation for groups of art, music, writing, fiction, and fashion devotees,[1] but a negative connotation for new religious, extreme political, questionable therapeutic, and pyramidal business groups. For this reason, most, if not all, non-fan groups that are called cults reject this label.

May I make a point here? Most religions are cults, the Salvation Army is a cult, any group of people that gather together because they love or are attracted to a belief system is a cult. So basically, it depends totally on the perception of others as to whether you are a member of a cult. VIRTUALLY EVERYONE ALIVE has been to a church, so it is safe to say that everyone has been a member of a cult, whether by choice or not. When it comes right down to it, our government is a cult! Anyone who believes in Star Trek is a cult!!! Those that gather to watch football on TV is called a cult!!! People that go to music concerts is a cult!

If you can point to one person on this planet or off, who hasn't been considered a cult member at one time in their life, you will have discovered a bonified MIRACLE!!! So yeah, loving Jesus Sananda, that makes us a cult. Loving Violinio Germain makes us a cult. Reading the truth at 4winds makes us a cult.

The word cult has positive and negative connotations, according to Wikikpedia, so when you go there to find out exactly what a cult is, be prepared to read a long page. I was quite surprised at how much they covered. Don't cling to just the negative connotations of the word, because that would make you a cult!