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"Hello, Central!" I Find Little Truth In The Churches. What Do You Suggest For My Family As A Means Of Spiritual Direction?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I was actually looking for Four Winns boats, and I typed in the wrong thing. I have always believed that truth finds us if we are open to it. I am the son of a southern baptist minister and I have some serious internal conflict in regards to my spiritual beliefs. I was a devoutg christian for the first 18 years of my life, then turned my back on God, because I doubted so strongly what I had been taught since birth. I have beliefs that are essentially in line with what your site presents. I found your site last week and I was shocked to see that so many people shared my beliefs. These are not beliefs that I have been taught-they are contrary to most everything I have been taught,yet, they seem to be a part of me that I can't escape. My dad would suggest that my beliefs are simply the hand of the devil working in my life. I love my dad and I greatly respect his ministry, but I disagree with so much of what he teaches from the pulpit. I am searching for truth and I appear to be a bit long winded - sorry! I have a four year old son that I do not want to mislead by teaching him christian doctrine, or what I personally believe. Each belief system seems to be based on faith. How can I know the truth? I take my spiritual role as a father very seriously. I want to do right by my own soul, but more importantly the souls of my wife and son. I also feel the need to have my son in church, but how can I take him to a church that teaches what I beleave to be man manipulated garbage? Are there churches that teach the beliefs of The Four Winds? If not, what do you suggest for my son and my family as a means of spiritual direction and worship?

Thank you for your time. Even if you do not respond it helped me to say these things.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 26, 2006


Dear A:

Welcome to Fourwinds! I honor you for being a Truthseeker. I know of no churches that present Truth. That is why Creator God presented to us in the 1990's the Truth one last time through the Phoenix Journals.

Religions have been our downfall. They are all based upon "man's spin" of the Truth and not upon the Laws of God and Creation. You do not need someone else to tell you what is Truth and what is lie. Your God Spirit within knows all and can reveal to you through your thoughts what is true or false. Your gut feelings and intuition will help you, also.

My suggestion would be to begin reading Phoenix Journal number 2 and then number 27 to begin an understanding of the original message of Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda of 2000 years ago. I understand the need for friendship and companionship for your son and for your wife and yourself by associating with some church group, but you will probably not find true friendship there.

Start with your family and learn together and practice the teachings of Truth you discover. True happiness comes from within, not from other people. Others will be drawn to you of like mind, as you follow your pathway of Truth. Many around you have the same feelings and concerns as do you. If you are open to others, the Angels will guide them into your aura. That is how you begin to build a community of enlightened people.

You will be surprised at the miracles that will happen, as you walk the Red Road of Truth. The sleepy-heads around you are soon to be jolted awake by the coming events, and many may not survive the shock, but you will be available to help many make the needed thought adjustments. Indeed, we live in exciting and challenging times.

May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer