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"Hello, Central!" Since Some Things Don't Happen, How Do We Know If Anything Will Happen?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ers say. Nesara has not come to pass as I knew would happen when I offered you a friendly bet awhile back. So....since some things don´t happen do we know if anything will happen? ie. mass landings, evacuations

It seems that the powers that be act as if nothing is going to happen to change the course of things. People continue developing all as usual.

Thanks for your help and for all that you do even if your info may not always be correct!

In the light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 23, 2007


Dear GS:

Truth comes through discernment and what your heart tells you is true or not true from the energies that go with the message. You must get off the word level and understand what the energies are telling you--positive or negative.

Your thinking about NESARA does not even follow logic. "Because some things don't happen, other things won't happen?" It hasn't rained in two years so it is never going to rain? Because I see no goodness in the world, there is no goodness in the world? This is silly thinking.

We know that certain things will happen because Creator God said they would. If you choose not to believe, then you live with your doubt and fear. Things like NESARA, that are controlled by freewill choices, are uncertain as to the outcome, but we can choose to support NESARA with our positive energy or we can hold it back by our negative energy, as you have done.

You leave the impression that "the powers that be" are beyond our control. That is not so! You think that way because you have not yet awakened to the positive creative power of thought that you possess. We have the power to change all "the powers that be", if we take "thought-action" to do so.

Business is as usual, as long as you want it to be that way, and for most people, that is the way they want it to be. Have you forgotten that we live on a 3D planet of freewill, and we have whatever we choose to have? History flows with the mass consciousness of the people. Tell me, my friend, what have you done to make a difference?

When you stand before Creator God and are asked to grade yourself on how well you have done on your lessons in soul growth, what will you say? You will not be asked about the outcome of NESARA, or what someone else did, but what you did to make a difference. Got it?

Did you have the faith to believe in goodness when goodness seemed impossible? Did you help the cause of goodness when the whole world was laughing at you? Did you carry the torch in your darkest hour through the howling storm and light the Lighthouse for those in total despair?

Business is as usual and nothing changes unless someone chooses to act otherwise. We may not know what good we have done, what power we have created by our positive thoughts until our account is tallied before Creator God. The whole world may go "to Hell in a handbag", as the saying goes, but what matters for eternity is what we did to make a difference! Ponder that, my friend, and stay hopeful for good things to happen soon.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer