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"Hello, Central!" Is It Wise To Have Children In Today's World?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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to make my point clear.

I have been following these evil and foul events since 9/11. That day was a real wake up call for me. Even though I don't live in America, I can feel and see the negative energies spread even here. I see it in politics and in my neighbours everyday life, as the fear succumbs into them.

Me and my long-term girlfriend have been discussing about bringing a child into this world, but we hesitate. How should we bring up a child in this evil world? We can provide her with truth, tender care, and above all: Love. But what I fear is how the darkness around will affect her. Wouldn't the Truth and "illusionary" world collide, when she goes to school for example? They teach many lies at the school, and who knows what kind of fire it starts if she starts to talk about Truth, since not everyone seem to be ready for it yet.

Could you tell me your experiences as a parent?

In Love & Light!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 2, 2007


Dear HL:

Thank you for your letter and questions concerning parenting. Probably the most fulfilling and rewarding responsibility that you can accept in life is that of a loving and committed parent.

If you are truly serious about becoming a responsible parent, any live-in situation long-term or otherwise, won't cut it. You must commit yourself to your partner and friend to face the challenges and the good times together, as husband and wife for life. The Laws of God and Creation require this for a wholesome family to develop. Children need both a loving and stable mother and father, until they enter adulthood and beyond.

When you provide a loving and caring home that demonstrates values, morals and ethics along with proper guidance and disciple, the children learn accordingly to live the Laws of God and Creation, that give harmony and balance to living.

We learn from history, from what others have learned, and we learn by personal experience. Smart people do not have to experience everything personally to grow to be mature adults. They learn from the mistakes of others, as wells from what they choose to experience. If parents are mature in themselves, a rotten world should not detour them from having children and raising a wholesome family.

It is all about commitment, honesty, communication, determination, loyalty, an openness to learn together as a family unit, and lots of love. A loving family is a powerful force for good, and will attract other loving and caring people to it. Remember, the Law of Attraction, you reap what you sow---The Secret? That is what carries you through the bad time and the good.

Have faith, my friend, that you can achieve your goals, and ask for Heaven's help. My wife and I raised four wonderful children, and we have no regrets. There is much that you can change to goodness in your children's environment. Some things you cannot change, so you teach them to cope with the negativity, but you cannot protect them from the experiences they need, for their own lessons in soul growth.

Creator God designed the family for the pro-creation of the human species, and to provide the perfect environment in which to learn our lessons as we grow to maturity. We honor those who have succeeded.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer