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"Hello, Central!" Is Pollution Causing The Holes In The Ozone Layer? (Updated Oct. 27, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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what's your input on this? Is this pollutions

that cause this or something is happening? I look forward to hear from you.

Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 25, 2006


Dear AGS:

There is much disinformation about the ozone layer of our planet. Pollution is not the cause of its destruction. Earth Shan can create this protective layer as needed, but our evil government has used technology to make holes in the ozone layer, so they could shoot particle beam technology through these opening to destroy the Starships circling our planet.

Disinformation is a great tool of the Darkside. They have used lies about the destruction of the ozone layer to create fear. Though the Darkside has destroyed some of the ozone layer, little actual harm from this has been done to Earth Shan and her people.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RM


Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:20 PM

Subject: Ozone Hole..

Hi Patrick,

Regarding the hole in the Ozone, I would like to share a brief experience.

In 1991 when my 4 year old son was growing up in Tasmania I questioned an old clairvoyant woman about her view on the safety aspects of growing up right underneath the hole! She said:

"Basically my dear, you don't have to worry about the hole in the ozone layer.. its not the first time its happened and probably not the last. Its a natural part of our evolution.. it may be slightly bigger than it would otherwise be on account of CFC pollution etc, but its Purpose is to ALLOW light of a higher frequency to enter. When we then focus on raising our own vibrational rate so that it is in harmony with this incoming light then it cant hurt us can it? Anyway.." she joked "The UFOs find it much easier to get in and out through the hole!".

I have always held this view close to heart, as it also serves to negate the ridiculous 'fear of the Sun' campaigns of the recent past. My son is now 20 and has no evident skin or other problems that could possibly be attributed to a childhood 'right under the hole'!

Worth thinking about?

With Love and Light