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Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2015 12:47 PM
Subject: what should we expect?
Dear Patrick,
I always look to your words of wisdom..Thank you for all that you do to bring Truth to the world.
I have read where Pope Francis is a Truthbringer and that he is working for the Light. I find that hard to believe after reading his message to the UN and the relations that he has dad with Obama and the Congress recently. Of course, what is reported could have been "tainted".
However, my feelings is that he has not delivered some practical solutions to help humanity and bring us out of the slavery of our corporate governments.
What about all of the secrets that the Vatican holds. I understand that there are Treasures that could be used to help free humanity as well as the riches that the Vatican Bank holds.
Do you believe that the Vatican is controlled by the Zionists? Also that he, to (the pope) is also controlled by them?
Your message is always that the Light is winning. There are some signs out there that a lot of good is being prepared for humanity.
Do you think that we are entering into a Golden Age? Will we finally be rid of war? I find that m. Kesche and President Putin are trying very hard to establish peace and rid us of the Evil forces. What will be the outcome? Will this become the last win for the Light?
Does Hatton think that Gaia is still trying to cleanse herself and may cause some very powerful cataclysms that will cause us to be evacuated and she, to be rid of all the Evil entities on this planet?
Thanks you for analyzing my questions and I look forward to your comforting answers.
Love and Light,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 3, 2015
Dear F:
Thank you for your kind words, and for your questions about the Roman Catholic Church.
When you see the Pope and hear him speak, do you feel any positive energy? How can one, who heads a Satanic system be of the Light? The man has admitted to being a communist, while is South America. That makes him a Zionist, for they are one and the same.
The Pope speaks enough Truth to confuse the people. That is a very old satanic trick. He is pushing the One World Agenda under cover of helping mankind. The Zionists have always planned for the Vatican to head the One World Church. Yes, the Zionist totally control the Vatican, as they own it and run it.
The Vatican City, the City of London and the city of Washington D.C. operate as separate sovereign states, yet are totally connected by their banking system and political agenda of One World Order. The Vatican claims ownership of all land on Shan via the British Empire. Thus, as a colony of Britain, the US is owned by the Vatican.
Believe it! The Light is winning! There is much talk of a Golden Age coming. Does that mean here and now in our 3D world? How is that possible, when evil rules? In the Phoenix Journals Creator God gives us a very different picture of the ending times on Shan. M. Kesche and V. Putin are good men and are working very hard to make a difference. It is possible that enough will join them to bring Goodness for a short time on Shan, but our planet is dying. According to Creator God of Light, Shan is beyond recovery by mankind. Already she is well into her cleansing cycle, as evidenced by increasing earth movement and unusual weather changes.
I do not see any 3D Golden Age in our future. That happens after Shan's cleansing of all evil, and she is in fifth dimension energies. I, also, believe this shall happen soon, even yet this year! We, also, know that anything is possible, so keep an open mind!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer