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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 3:11 AM

Subject: Re : Question without an answer


Dear Patrick ;

As you know, the entire world has never been so in chaos as it is today.

For the greed and thirst of power of few, we have wars everywhere, sovereign countries like Irak and Libya have been almost destroyed in the name of democracy and Iran and Syria are to follow.

In your U.S. false flags like Sandy Hook and Aurora, are staged and people are shot dead to try to disarm people. Not to mention the almost “police state” in which the whole country has plunged

and your liberties practically wiped out.

Drug cartel wars, make thousands of victims every year and people die in millions because of drug use.

Women are raped, children are threatened by the pedophiles and prostitution is flourishing everywhere.

I could continue for another hour, but you know the situation even much better that I do.

So in my mind of a simple human being, I sometimes think to all this and I wonder why God is not putting an end to all this madness.

I know that He has an infinite and limitless patience, but is it not the measure full to the brim? Is it not the cup overflowing?

I cry when I see the slaughter of innocent people and children, and sometimes I get angry with God and I ask Him why He does not put an end to all this madness.

I know that all that happens, is for our soul lessons, but have we not learned enough?

How much more madness, slaughters, wars, murders, rapes violence, and so on, have the god people (the majority), endure before God says enough is enough?

Many thanks for your reply.

In Love and Light





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  Jan. 11, 2013
Dear AM:
    You raise a most serious question, one which every Lightworker is asking today.  How much evil is enough?  Why is not Creator God Aton of Light putting an end to this madness?  When will He act to end this evil?  How much more must we endure?
    Why questions have no easy answers, but we have been given clues to help us understand these trying times.  We do know that we are here in this 3D mess for our lessons in soul growth.  We may think we have learned them, but there is always more to learn.  Have we learned the four great virtues of Wisdom, Bravery, Fortitude and Generosity?  In these Darkest of Times we need knowledge to know our enemy (Wisdom), to stand against the Darkness (Bravery), to endure in our mission (Fortitude), and to help those we can (Generosity).
    Everyone is not on the same page in their lesson book, so some may benefit more than others in soul growth in the midst of our present chaos.  O.K., so you feel you don't need more of this madness.  Maybe there is wisdom to be gained from this madness.
    Let's talk about clones.  In the early 1990's Hatonn said in the Phoenix Journals that two-thirds of the people on Shan at that time were human clones, and that they were here for our lessons.  Clones have no God Spirit or Soul, thus, they have no basis for a value system.  They have no conscience, therefore, they have no values, no morals and no ethics.  They assume the morals of their neighbors and of their controllers, but they will  never protest evil, for they have no basis or reason to do so.  This explains in part why there is so much evil today, and why evil is ever increasing.  There are no limits to Satan and his evil minions.
    Clones are used as puppets in positions of authority to control other clones.  Clones are killing clones in wars all over Shan,and clones in gangs are killing clones on the streets of our cities.  Of course, there are souled beings involved, but not nearly as many as you may think.  We are to have compassion for all humans, fake or real, and we do, but in wisdom we realize that all is not as it seems.  We must also realize that all souled beings have their own life contracts with Creator God to fulfill.  They have agreed to experience certain things to learn their lessons.  They may have agreed to be killed in war, in an accident or by a street gang, and their death may be planned for the soul lessons of their family or others.  Life is a great matrix that requires much wisdom to understand.  Having learned compassion we weep for all, who experience such unjustified suffering.
    Another facet of this matrix is Mother Earth.  She is a sentient being, and she, too, has lessons in soul growth to learn.  She has given humanity life sustenance, but has endured great harm from her wayward children.  She is dying!  Should she die, all humanity on her dies with her.  Because she has endured "enough", Creator God Aton has granted her request to raise her frequencies to the fifth dimension, where no evil is allowed to harm her further.  To do this Mother Earth must cleanse herself of all 3D existence.  This cleansing is already in process.
    When she makes her move and tips on her axis to allow her continents to be cleansed is her choice.  Creator God Aton, Creator of Shan, and Sananda, the one in charge of her evacuation, both say that they do not know when this shall happen, only that it shall happen soon.  Signs, such as earth changes, energy changes, and the crescendo of evil tell us the time for change to Goodness is very near.
    In wisdom we know that everything happens for a reason.  There is no such thing as fate.  Creator God has a Plan and in the end the Light wins over all evil.  Yes, my friend, the Light wins over all evil!  We have only partial answers for "why" all the evil, and when it shall end. 
    Creator God has said that in Heaven's Plan these evil times have been shortened, or no one would survive.  I remind you that Shan was Lucifer/Satan's jail planet.  We knew this, yet we volunteered to come here to help defeat the Darkness by creating positive energy, by holding high the Light of Truth.
    As Lightworkers and Truthseekers, we are here for many reasons, and we have the resources within to create our own personal oasis of peace and happiness, free of evil energies.  We have Divine protection for the asking, and we can carry on with our mission via guidance from the Masters, who are only a thought away.  What more do we need, my friend?  We don't need all the answers!  We just act out our own part of the play!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer