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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: K. P.


Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:06 PM

Subject: Please help me understand


Mr. and Mrs. Bellringer.

       Without you all, I don't know how I would have ever discovered truth. I can't thank you enough for all you have done. We love you as family. Because of your work,  many souls will be spared the coming destrucyion.

      I'm trying my best to play catch-up.  Ashtar says 'now you must be aware of that negation which is being released through the fourth dimension which will burst forth to confound and confront the mind and body of man upon the third dimension' and 'The lower levels of the astral plane have been swept clean.  This cleansing will cause sharp upswings in crime and perversion of all types and natures.  I understand the the evil in 3D, could you please help me understand the the astral plane levels and also the fourth dimention. Your help is always apreciated.

    &nbs p;

      I've been reading the journals now for a while, but am still a bit confused at times. But I would be totally lost right now had I not discovered your site.  Thank you so much for all you do for all of us.


In the love and light of God Aton,




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  K. P.
DATE:  Dec. 4, 2012
Dear K.P.:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds.  We are very grateful for the support of our readers.
    The fourth dimension is also called the Astral Plane.  4D is the transition plane between 3D, where we live, and 5D, or what is called "Heaven", where no evil is allowed.  There are many levels on the Astral plane ranging from the lowest of very evil energies and entities to the highest of very enlightened souls of positive energy.   
    Earth Shan's Astral plane was swept clean, as Ashtar says, at the height of Shan's threat of nuclear war in the 1990's.  This was done by Creator God Aton of Light to prevent nuclear fission from shattering the soul's essence of many beings on Shan's Astral plane at that time.  Aton says great effort and time is needed to reconstruct a shattered soul from such an experience.
    The Astral plane surrounds a 3D planet, but due to its higher frequencies we in 3D cannot see it or those who exist there.  Occasionally, a 4D being manifests in 3D in physical form, which we call a "ghost".  The fourth dimension, as in all higher dimensions, has no time, space or mass concepts that we experience in 3D.  This is a main reason why we have difficulty understanding these higher dimensions.
    A "ghost" may hang around or inhabit a "haunted house" because some friend or family member has not let it go and is stuck in their grief process in the death of that person.  Neither one can move on in their lifestreams until the 4D being is "let go".  Sadly, many people today are stuck in their loss process and are holding on to someone, who had died.
    When Earth Shan's Astral plane was swept clean, many dark entities existing on that plane chose to return to Shan for further 3D experiences.  This has caused a great increase in crime and evil doings since the mid 1990's on our planet.  You may find Phoenix Journal #5 of interest, my friend.
    All souls of those experiencing a 3D physical death of their bodies, go to the Astral plane for "processing".  There they stand before Creator God Aton of Light and judge themselves according to the Laws of God and Creation, and decide what soul lessons they have yet to learn,and where they shall go and what experiences they shall have to learn them.  This is why 4D is called the plane of transition or Astral plane.
    May you find the Truth you seek.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer