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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WILL THE LOST BE SAVED? (Updated Nov. 20, 2012)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: JD


Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:47 AM

Subject: Question about stories on Fourwinds



I am JD, for long time now i have been doing a lot of research about our government in America. I found a lot of information about how cruel our government are, like; secret organization, weather disasters, depopulation, NWO, space wars, and etc.. With me researching about the election i came upon your website just this morning and read the Prayer For America and the Holding The Light Of Truth. When I read the Prayer For America i find it very uplifting and encouraging. I also read Holding The Light of Truth, for which i have a question on, it stated in that Sananda flock have held their mission to hold the light for 25 years to bring light to the people. That after 25 years Sananda flock will evacuate earth and enter the fifth dimension along with the enlightened people. My question is, what about the people who haven't been enlighten and had not become evil but just lost, what would happen to them? Would they be saved as well? Just so you know I'm on your side.

Thank You.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JD
DATE:  Nov. 9, 2012
Dear JD:
    Thank you for your letter and most important question concerning these "End Times".  We honor you for your interest in finding the Truth and welcome you to Fourwinds.
    To answer your question, everyone has a choice whether to evacuate to the starships or to remain on Planet Earth, when the time for lift-off arrives.  As you may know, those who know Truth and are living the Laws of God and Creation have higher frequencies than those who do not, who live in fear and the lower levels of Darkness.  To evacuate safely one's frequencies must match those of the evacuation beam of Light.  It's a matter of simple physics.
    Some may die a physical death during evacuation.  Their soul goes on to the Astral Plane, where they stand before Creator God and judge themselves according to God's Laws and choose their next 3D lifestream to continue their lessons in soul growth.  The same holds true for the souled-beings, who choose to remain on Planet Earth, for they shall die during the traumatic earth changes.
    Those, who arrive safely aboard the ships, also go to the Astral Plane, where they shall judge themselves.  If they have learned their lessons in soul growth, they shall graduate into 5D or what we call "Heaven", where no evil exists, and where they continue with their soul growth toward perfection.
    As Sananda has said, "either you are one of my flock, or you are not.  There is no middle ground".  May you be one of his flock, my friend.
    The Laws of God are found in Phoenix Journal #27.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: E


Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 5:28 PM

Subject: who will be saved


If I didn't know better, I would think your site is run by satan. You are seriously mis-informed if not deranged. I have followed some of your teachings about sanandra and commander hatton of the intergalactic space command since before there were computers.( I bought your books)

I didn't believe you then and I don't believe you now....unless you believe and accept that Jesus the Christ is the, son of God, Jehovah ( Yahwey) then you surely shall not be saved from what is coming on this space 5th dimension...when Christ comes back at the last trump, the dead shall rise first and those of us who are alive will be caught up in the air to meet Christ in the clouds....If I am wrong,,,have Hatton give a quick fly past in his spaceship...if he is who you say he is ....he knows where i live....E




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  E
DATE:  Nov. 12, 2012
Dear E:
    I am saddened at your rejection of Truth.  Truly, there are none so blind, as he who will not see.  You repeat Satan's age old trick of trashing the messenger without wisely considering the message.
    I did not write the Phoenix Journals.  My mission and that of Fourwinds is to freely present the Truth therein to the fourwinds of Earth Shan via the Internet.  This Truth comes from Creator God Aton of Light.  What you do with it is your choice.  To reject it, my friend, is to do so at the peril of your own soul.  If you recall, Lucifer challenged the Truth presented by Creator God Aton of Light from his highest position in the Realms of Light and lost everything.  Your success in doing the same should require grave consideration.
    Some corrections are in order.  Esu Immanuel's true new name is Sananda, not Sanandra as you say, and your rendition of hatton, I assume, means Hatonn.  You say, "I bought your books".  They are not "my books", and I do not sell them, though some are still available in print at 1-800-800-5565.  There are a total of 241 volumes of the published and unpublished Phoenix Journals available on the Internet at
    I am quite well, not mis-informed or deranged (crazy), as you claim, and Fourwinds is most certainly not "run by Satan", sir!  If you were not asleep in the Big Lie, you would surely know that.  When you are "caught up in the air to meet Christ in the (pink) clouds", how will you stay there?
    "If I am wrong", you say!  Why would you take such a risk?  Happy landing!  For your edification I include a statement by Hatonn, which we recently posted on Fourwinds.  It is taken from Phoenix Journal #39, Chapter 2, pp. 18-21.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----


From: E

To: Bellringer

Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 9:38 AM

Subject: Re: who will be saved


I am surprised you answered me. After I sent you my email,.my computer crashed at the moment I pressed my pointer on " who is hatonn" and my favorites bar would not allow me to access your web site after I rebooted my computer , I thought you had done it as a warning.! ! Thank you for your response...I am a born again baptized Christian, I follow the ten commandments as closely as I can, I observe the saabath ( saturday). I trust in Jesus ( Ya'shua) the Christ , Son of God who says " I am the way the truth and the light, no man comes to the Father except by way of me".I love God the Father, I sense the Holy spirit within me. I am a new creation in Christ and will live forever in the new life.Your message is appealing, but we are taught that satan will transform himself into an angel of light and will deciever the "elect" if that were possible, I am among the elect. God says that unless he "shortened the days of this system" no "flesh" would be saved. God the Father is in control. Jesus or actually Ya'shua created the universe and all powers and principalities within it by God the Fathers power. Two of the  books I got from you was Pleides Connection Vol. 11, and Vol.111 God said: let there be light, and I and the Father are I know where you are coming from...but I cannot believe it. We are in the last years of this system of things. We are preparing now for a one world government and a debit system where nobody can buy or sell without having a mark or "chip" maybe on their person, I am told on the forehead or hand. It will be voluntary, but I will not be able to buy or sell or have any of the benefits allowed without it. I will be refusing this mark. I am perfectly willing to die in Christ and put my trust in Him, and trust that at the last trump I will be raised up to the Judgement.

       Your site is very enlightening as to what is happening in world events, and I use it as an indicator of where we stand in bible prophecy, I search for the signs we are warned to look for. I have read "Sitchens " books on the Sumerian legends and how we originated as humans, I am aware of "Tiamat" and the crossing. I am absolutely fascinated with Star trek and the possiblities of space travel, so the concept of " Intergalactic Space Command and Commander Hatonn" is appealing to me, but I will never abandon my belief in Ya'shua and Yahovah,even to the point of death...Hallelulia.......You must be busy with your site, and appreciate the time you took to respond to me, thanks you....E




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  E
DATE:  Nov. 13, 2012
Dear E:
    Do you suppose the crashing of your computer, when you were searching for "Who is Hatonn" was a wake-up call?
    Your emphatic statements raise further questions.
         1.  "I am among the elect".
        Which Elect?  By Whom?  Which God do you claim to serve, God Jehovah Satan or God Aton of Light?  Are your "elect" the same as "Sananda's Flock"?  Probably not, if your "worship" Jehovah Satan!  How do you know you are "among the elect"?
        Why are you confused about who Jesus,  Ya'shua, Christ, God, God the Father and "creator" are, and their duties/roles?
        2.    "I cannot believe it (the Truth of the Phoenix Journals)". 
        You claim to have read Phoenix Journal #31 and #32.  If you have truly read them and understood their Truth from Creator God Aton of Light, and have tossed them aside as rubbish, what more can anyone say to you?  Your mind is as closed as a steel trap to Truth!
        3.  "I will never abandon my belief in Ya'shua and Yahooah (Jehovah)!"
        Do you really know who Ya'shua was?  or Jesus Christ? -- a concoction of Saul/Paul.  Esu Immanuel was a Truthbringer, not some magician, who will wisk you to the pink clouds of never-ever land!
    It is no wonder you are confused, for to believe in God Jehovah Satan,the King of Liars is to fall for the greatest lie, that your wrong-doing can be washed away by blood magic, as you float off to heavenly bliss.  The Christian Cult shall be your downfall, my friend, to the regression in your soul growth---extraordinaire.  Please re-consider your faulty belief system before it is too late!  Be assured that I am not here to convince you of anything, but only to present Truth.  What you do with it is your choice.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer



#3  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: EM


Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:52 AM

Subject: A question


Hello, Patrick!


I recently read your article setting straight basically everything I have question for as long as I can remember. Thank you so much for that! I appreciate your time, and I will try to be concise with my message.


Background info to my question: I have been thinking long and hard about this ascension from Earth.  I am a mother to two small children, ages 4 years and 6 months. My biggest concern is for their safety and for keeping my family united.


My question(s) for you is: in this ascension process, as much as you understand, do we stay united with our families?  How can we make sure we don't get wrapped up in a false ascension or rapture?  I know that my husband, children and I are all 4 beings of Light. I just still feel the intense desire to protect them and know that we will always be together.


Thank you for your time and all you do and share!






FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  EM
DATE:  Nov. 14, 2012
Dear EM:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  I shall answer them as best that I can.
    Q. 1:  In ascension (evacuation/lift-off) do we stay united with our families?  In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn says all children up to the age of accountability (knowing right from wrong, age 6-7) shall be evacuated first.  Then all enlightened souls shall follow.  All families shall then be re-united aboard the ships.  The answer to this question is "yes".
    Q. 2:  How do we avoid a false ascension or rapture?  No attempt to fool the people by i.e. a government fake rapture or by evil aliens shall be allowed.  All 4D evil aliens were expelled from Earth Shan forever, years ago by the Forces of Light, when Lucifer/Satan was removed.  Be assured that Esu Immanuel Sananda is in charge of the evacuation of Earth Shan, and no tricks shall be allowed.
    Of course the first step is to avoid The Big Lie of a rapture to be conducted by a fake Jesus Christ, who is to sweep the Christian cult followers up into the pink clouds of never-ever land.  I assure you millions of people shall be fooled and shall weep in bitter agony at their error, as they return to another 3D lifestream to learn their lessons in soul growth they failed this time.
    We honor you for your enlightenment, and for your love, and compassion for the welfare of your family.  Know that your children are cherished by our Star Friends, our brothers and sisters aboard the ships, and they shall be held "in the arms of the Angels!"
    Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#4  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: EM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:21 PM

Subject: Re: A question


Thank you so very much for your quick and thorough response. I feel very honored.


Last question:  how would one recognize this false Jesus Christ as false. I am meaning as opposed to the true ascension of enlightened ones? How can I protect people that I love such as my mother and best friend who truly believe in the Christian teachings? They do not question anything that was taught to them.


Thank you again so very much for your help! I truly appreciate your time and your wisdom.








FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  EM
DATE:  Nov. 16, 2012
Dear EM:
    When I made reference to the false Jesus Christ, I was referring to the Pauline Epistles of the Bible.  Saul/Paul is the source of the name change of Esu Immanuel, recorded in Isaiah, to the false name of Jesus Christ, denoting divinity.  Thus, Paul called him the divine Son of God, from which came the claim that he could forgive sins, and people could be "saved" from being held accountable for their misdeeds through Jesus Christ's shed blood.  That is the Big Lie, and that is why Christianity is called a "bloody cult".
    From this idea came the spin of a great rapture of all believers in this Christian Cult.  Those, who had been "saved", would be whisked away into the clouds by this flying angel, Son of God, Jesus Christ and live happily ever after somewhere.
    You ask how you can protect people that you love, who believe in this Christian Cult philosophy.  Please understand that everyone is on their own pathway in soul growth in this 3D lifestream and are responsible and are held accountable to Creator God for what they do.  You can present Truth to them, but you cannot make them accept it.  They must choose by their freewill to do so.  Hatonn says you can, as an enlightened person, request your family and friends be protected by the Forces of Light, and that they be placed on automatic pick-up", when evacuation of Earth Shan occurs.  Once aboard ship they must choose whether to stay or return to the surface of Shan.
    Thank you for your kind words for our work.  May you make great progress in your enlightenment and be greatly blessed for caring about your family and friends.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#5  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: CK

To: Bellringer

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 11:36 AM

Subject: How...


Dear Patrick and Anne,


Thank you so much for your service and keeping this site going.  It's challenging and comforting at the same time and I've considered it an honor and a blessing to have it as a resource.


Several times I've read that we can request Family and Friends to be protected by the Forces of Light...your quote of information from Hatonn is one of the places I've read that.  Is there a specific METHOD to request this before the evacuation begins or will we need to wait until that exact time to make the request. 


Any suggestions you might have would be deeply appreciated.


...from a recent posting

"Hatonn says you can, as an enlightened person, request your family and friends be protected by the Forces of Light, and that they be placed on automatic pick-up", when evacuation of Earth Shan occurs.  Once aboard ship they must choose whether to stay or return to the surface of Shan."



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CK
DATE:  Nov. 19, 2012
Dear CK;
    Thanks for writing and for your kind words concerning our work at Fourwinds.  No, there is not  a specified way to petition/pray to request that your family and friends be placed on automatic pick-up by the Forces of Light at the time of evacuation of Earth Shan.  A simple sincere prayer to Creator God Aton of Light will do.  Then believe that it is so, and it will be!  Your request should be made now, as there will be no time for you to do so at lift-off.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#6  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: WM
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 4:23 PM
Subject: Astral plain
Greetings Patrick & Anne.


              Hoping this finds you well . From what I understand  from both the Journals, and your writings, it matters not , how one becomes separated from body. Be it from choosing to stay behind, thus succumbing to earth changes, or not surviving

the lift off beam, or surviving the beam and arriving on ship with body intact.All must go to the Cosmic courthouse called

the Astral plain, where judgement ( of self ) and future placement is decided. What happens to those with body's during

this process?. Sananda says he went to prepare a place for all, and has done so.If he has prepared a place already,

what are we deciding at judgement?. Is it which one, of a number of prepared places or?.


Thank you for your time and patience.                                        

In love and Light. WM.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  WM
DATE:  Nov. 20, 2012
Dear WM:
    We are well, thank you.
    Yes, it does matter how "one becomes separated from body".  It is true that everyone is "processed" through the Astral Plane, but how you arrived there determines much in soul growth.  Those, who choose to step into the transporter beam of Light and go to the ships, shall advance in soul growth over those, who do not.  Those, who stay behind, have essentially chosen succeed, which detracts much from one's soul growth.
    Those with frequencies matching the beam of Light shall be transported safely in their physical body and shall not experience a physical death.  If they graduate into 5D (Heaven) they shall have a "Light" body or etheric body and can travel by thought.  At judgment you are deciding what lessons you have yet to learn and whether you graduate into 5D or stay in 3D.  The places Sananda has prepared are for those, who graduate into 5D.  For those remaining in 3D, there are millions of 3D planets from which to choose.  There they shall continue with their lessons where they left off here---until they learn them.
    May you be one of "Sananda's Flock".
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer