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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: J-A



Subject: Phoenix Journals

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 15:02:07 -0500



Hi Patrick,



I have never written to you in the past, however, my husband Lloyd told me about the Phoenix Journals about five years ago when we first got married.  I have always pooh poohed these.  He would print journal articles posted on four winds and hand them to me to read, and after reading them I would not understand and gave them back to him and stated that I did not believe a word of it and that to me it was "blasphemy". 

I used to be an ardent church goer (doesn't matter what denomination, I now know) and certain things the pastor of the church I attended would ring a bell in my head so to speak that I did not believe was correct.  The first time that I attended this church, he told the congregation (of which there were only ten people), he wanted them to do a "homework" project.  He wanted the members to give him a "definition" of truth.  So, being a new church member, I went home and got all the "definitions" I could from various source books such as dictionaries, thesaurus', etc.   I returned the next Sunday with my typewritten list of the various definitions of the word "truth".  I handed him my paper and he held it up to the church congregation and said, "Look what Jo Ann did...she did alot of research !!".  He then asked an older member (one that had been through this "test" before) what the word "truth" meant and he simply stated, "The Word of God".  The pastor was actually making fun of me in front of the whole congregation and I felt really humiliated, as it was done in a trick fashion. 



Yes, I DO believe the Word of God is truth, however, what this pastor and other church pastors  tell you, as mine did, is to NOT read anything else except the Bible and to beware of all other "religions" and other "denominations".  I thought that was strange because we are created with a mind of our own and the capability to think and discern for ourselves.  So, this was one red flag that came up in my own mind.  There were many other red flags thereafter, especially relating to the pastor's interpretations of scripture.  I attended many of his theology classes and would raise my hand and ask questions of what a particular scripture meant.  In many instances, the pastor would refer me to Deu 29:29, which states (and it is completely out of place with the rest of the chapter), "All secret things belong to the Lord."  I also often wondered about his own interpretations of certain scriptures, as I did not derive the meaning as he did.  He taught from the Scolfield Reference Bible. 


There were many, many things that caused me to leave the church, such as the importance of "tithing 10% of my income", the requirement that in order to be a "member" of the church, you must verbally repeat the gospel message and the requirement to stand in front of the congregation and give one's "Testimony".  What was also strange to me, was when I repeated the gospel message to the pastor and the associate pastor as my "passage" to become a member, the pastor laid his hand on my head and said, "You are now saved."   Well, I can't tell you what went through my mind when he did that...."A pastor, a man was telling me I was saved?".  No bolt of lightning went through my body at that time, and I never felt anything different than before I was "saved", I can tell you.  Other things, like the pastor's wife repeating over and over again in church to all of us that "we don't have to worry about anything at all...because we are all saved and will be raptured (taken up into the clouds) before the tribulation comes". 


Well, my husband woke me up to not only what was going on in the "church", but the "world", as I was totally ASLEEP when we first met.  I believed some of the things he was telling me when we first met because I had had a long career in government and I did see the corruption going on, however, at first I did not believe all the things he told me, especially about the "church".


My "education" or gaining of knowledge has now spanned about five years.  I started reading the Phoenix Journals about six months ago and I am on Journal #31 and I can tell you I DO recognize the Truth in these Journals and the truth of what is really going on here on planet Shan / Earth.  


I do have one question regarding the journals, as I am reading the journals in "sequence" as recommended on the website and it states that Journal nos. 22, 30 thru 37 and 47 are Banned  Journals.  Why are these banned, if you can please enlighten me, please ? I don't see any explanation on the website for these being banned even though there is a link on the left-hand side of the page entitled "About the Banned Journals".  The link does not work and leads me to a page..."Sorry, cannot find...".  Also, what happened to journals 106, 108-129, 131-221, and 226?  Since these journals are in numerical sequence, I am wondering why these are not available.  Can I purchase them from this website or by calling the 1-800 number listed there?  In addition, are there any other reading that you recommend or can send me.  I am eager to learn.


I do read the information you place on fourwinds and I enjoy and agree with your prayers.  I can't tell you how grateful that I am that I have been woken up to the truth.  I feel like a burden and so much fear has been lifted from me and joy has replaced that fear.  I believe there are no coincidences in life and that I was led to the truth.  If I had not met my husband, and I do not believe that was a coincidence, I believe I would still be sitting there in the church and would most probably also still be voting "conservative" as "instructed" by the pastor.


So, thank you for your all of messages and prayers Patrick and I proclaim from the God within me to let the LIGHT SHINE through so that the darkness can no longer prevail.





----- Original Message ----
-From: J-A
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:12 PM
Subject: RE: Found the Unpublished Journals
Hi again, Patrick.  I found the "unpublished" journals...the ones I had asked below why was there a lapse in the number sequencing.  They were actually unpublished.  I was reading the message from the Wisdom of the Rays this afternoon and went on that website and it had a link to these.   So, that question is resolved.   Just thought I would let you know.  



However, I still am in question in regards to the "banned" journals ....





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  J-A
DATE:  Nov. 2, 2012
Dear J-A:
    Thank you for your letter in support of the Phoenix Journals and their value in presenting Truth for our time.  Your journey through the Christian Cult is typical of mine and many other Lightworkers today.  Hopefully, your experience presented here will be of help to others seeking Truth during these difficult days on Shan.
    You have asked about the missing and banned journals.  You are correct that the missing journals are in the unpublished journal section.  These journals were never put to print due to publishing costs, and remain in electronic files.  Of these unpublished files journals numbers 108, 133 and 247-258 were either lost or the files corrupted and are, therefore, not available.
    In 1996 when Fourwinds first went online in a bold reaction to George Bush, Sr., the Corporate U.S. Government and their corrupt court system ban on the Phoenix Journals, the first Truth we published to the "four winds" of Shan were these ten banned Phoenix Journals.  They have remained on the Internet ever since.  The following "Hello, Central!" should answer your question of "Why are these banned?"
    Yes, "let the Light shine through so that the Darkness can no longer prevail!"
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer