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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: RT

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:13 PM

Subject: Dilemma...


G'day M'dears, I haven't written to you in quite some time now and at this stage of the ongoing shadowplay I'm afraid there's no one to ask about this who may have an answer except possibly you and so here goes.


We are pretty much aware of the facts of our creation by the Annunaki thousands of years ago as slave units to serve them and the fact that our DNA was stripped down to two strand from the full compliment of 12 when this occurred. Now, what I don't quite get is this, how is it possible for us to progress on a level playing field with 12 strand DNA beings when all we have is a minimal 2 strand DNA count? How can being positive about anything actually release us from our induced prison of 2 strand DNA? All the meditating and  singing and beating of drums and praising the higher ups is not developing 12 stand DNA consciousness, or is it? We don't have the hardware to approximate higher intelligence apart from just being good little boys and girls and hoping to not aggravate the more powerful. I've heard that babies are being born 3 strand DNA but that's not proven to me apart from possible adepthood paraded front and centre by Chris Angel and David Blane and other magicians around the world. They could be actually commanding mater in such a way but who knows? So there is the dilemma. How can we meditate out of 2 or even 3 strand DNA to become whole beings capable of making correct decisions?

How is it that all the spiritual leaders of the past have told us nothing about our lack of hardware? Have we been coddled by ETs for thousands of years for what? If the federations of planets and the Host of God have the capability to reconnect our DNA in securing for us wholeness why hasn't it been done before now? I've heard this is an experiment. Lovely, but at what stage did it become an experiment? I have voiced this with people on the internet but no one can answer me at all. Whats the point of having mutated deficient humans posturing before the rest of the cosmos if we don't have whole DNA?  I feel also that my lifetime has developed physical blocks for me as in calcified Pineal gland et al that is very difficult if not impossible under the circumstances to overcome. As we get ever closer to the closing moments in the play it seems all so much more desperate. I, living on Vancouver Island, am getting blasted by the full front of the jetstream bringing in radiation and there's no where to run as the whole Northern hemisphere is getting it eventually but just the last 3 or 4 days the giegercounters have spiked way up and I fear falling apart bit by bit. Who wouldn't? This is why its all so untalked about I recon. I know this is impossible to answer to anyone's satisfaction as there's no lift off yet and considering all the disinfo and such I don't know what to think anymore.

Everything apart from our dilemma seems so meaningless. I know time is short here and I want to be on the right ship, the one I originated from. I am living the best I can and am far better off than most because of my preparations in creating a lifeboat kind of situation here but the radiation defeats all of it, and from what I understand of Radiation, even soul matrix. At this stage there seems two ways out of it and the first is suicide and the second is being bailed by the Host. Just had a flash! Thank you Father. I recall years ago studying nuclear explosions and it seems that they cause a tear in the fabric of reality that WOULD CONTINUE EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THE FIELD IMPINGES BACK INTO THE TEAR SEALING IT FROM FURTHER TEARING. Depending upon the amount of fission material used the tear is more or less and the field always moves back in to flood the hole with Divine matrix. So how this affects individuality and soul matrix is open to question. If one is in a blast like that maybe there is nothing left to recover in terms of soul matrix but if the field contains the all in all of information including an individuals life histories then it would be possible to recreate a lost soul if that was what was desired. I may have less to fear in this than I imagine but as you can see I am not barking at shadows as these things are definitely real and concern everyone. If there is anything you could add to this I would love to hear it. Now I feel pretty much trapped and hope upon hope that Sananda and crew pick us up before much more DNA damage is done. I had to get that off my chest old Son. Glad your still able to be of service after so long on the planet. Bless you and Anne . RT


PS, I know it maybe impossible to answer some of these concerns and this is more of a cry out in the wilderness so dont bust your nogin over it. Chin up, carry on...



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RT
DATE:  Oct. 26, 2012
Dear RT:
    Thank you for writing.  I have read your epistle with great interest, as you have touched on key issues and raised questions of concern to many Lightworkers.
    It is true that Shan's people were/are DNA-challenged due to the genetic manipulation by the Annunaki.  They are now gone from the "scene" and have agreed to return to the Light.  So, you ask, how do we correct their actions of reducing Earth Shan's people from twelve to two strand DNA?
    The answer,my friend, lies in the physics of Light.  Everything has been created from Light by Creator Source, thus everything has its own frequencies.  Frequencies change due to the speed of their vibrations.  The slower vibrations of third dimension give us mass and time and space.  In the fifth dimension these do not exist, though beings in 5D and higher do drink liquid Light for energy!
    Souled being were created by Creator Source and were given a fragment of Light, that we call our God Spirit or soul.  This God Spirit has the same creative potential as Creator Source, who is pure Light.  Few ever tap their creative potential, but to learn to do so is part of the challenge of living in our 3D schoolroom.
    You probably now know where I am going with this discussion  Darkness and negativity have very low frequencies, while Light and positive thought and actions have very high frequencies.  We have the power within to create our way, to change our strands of DNA and to protect ourselves against nuclear radiation.  We order our protection through our God Spirit within, and ask the Lighted Realms and our Guardian Angels to assist.  We do what we can to help ourselves,and they have promised to do the rest, when we ask for their help.
    Suicide is a cop-out, and the Hosts of Heaven do not bail anyone out of anything.  We create our way, period!  So create your way!  Whatever  happens to you, you have created!  You have the power to protect yourself.  As I have said before, believe, and you have it.  Doubt, and you do not.  Of course, you are expected to use your brain and do what you can to protect yourself against harm, but you have the power within to also create your own miracles.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: RT

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 11:13 AM

Subject: Re: Dilemma...


Thankyou Patrick for your timely response. I felt the truth of what you have to say of the properties of light rush through me and raise all the hairs on my body when I read it. Good sign my friend, getting filled with light at the thought of it. Like most of the rest of us here on the planet I am surrounded by sleep walkers and clones who make life miserable sometimes and in some instances I have literally soared with the rush of love and light in an inner contact with Source and the next minute am challenged by events or people that quickly beat back any good feeling I had minutes before. A real rollercoaster ride I would rather be over. Its been a long slog my friend and I am weary of it. I expect a great deal to happen in the next 2 months and hope our long wait is not somehow extended once more. I have read that those black opps who have the ability to see into the future can not see past 2012 as they are confronted by a blank screen so to speak. This is a good thing I suppose because all that went before in this dimension has been a great lie and a manipulation and corruption of Creator Gods Intent for us and so it must end. How can anyone predict anything of the 5th dimension while sitting here in 3rd dimensional construct? Cant I recon. So it certainly looks like we are at the last curtaincall of this play no mater what appearances show from the monsters who are trying to stop the light from advancing.Thanx again old Son for your response. I shall keep on keeping on and perhaps we shall greet each other with unalterable joy in the new dawn approaching. Cheers, RT