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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: PS


Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 6:26 AM




i have been reading your articles and have been finding them most informative until i got to the one with the title that is in the subject line of this message.

do you know how ridiculous your story sounds i mean even if i was not a christian i would still not believe that story and you are the one with PHDs and all those years of research.

why is it that the most educated people are the ones that are most ignorant.. no offence intended by this message by the way.

yes the bible has been wrongly translated in some versions but to mock Jesus' death and resurrection and also God is unimaginable..........

and the saddest thing is with all your knowledge a day is going to come when you stand before God and not on your space ships or stars as you believe  and if you have not accepted HIS SON JESUS as your Lord and savior you are going to be condemned to an ETERNITY in hell.

am writing this hoping that you are not already with the team of powers that be that are set out on destroying humanity and furthering the devils plans on this earth because i believe they already sold their souls.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PS
DATE:  Oct. 11, 2012
Dear PS:
    I have read your letter and am saddened by your response to Truth.  It is your choice to challenge the credibility and authenticity of the Phoenix Journals, but to reject Truth shall put your soul in grave jeopardy of spending many more lifestreams in this third dimension, until you learn your lessons and accept the Truth as proclaimed in the Phoenix Journals.
    Your response to Truth is typical of those, who hold the "Holy Bible" as their only source of Truth.  You cannot refute the message, so you attack the messenger, who brought it.  You may succeed in destroying the messenger, but Truth always stands unscathed.
    Simply stated, you are wrong in your thinking.  You are caught in the Satanic Lie of all time, and the very foundation of your faith is totally threatened by the Truth that Esu Immanuel Sananda did not die, as the Bible claims.  He did not come to magically remove your responsibility for your wrong-doing.  That thinking defies the most basic Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Cause and Effect.
    Cosmic Law is absolute.  Regardless of your opinions, you cannot change it.  The Law of Cause and Effect states that everything has both a cause and an effect.  This means that everything you think, say or do has both a cause and an effect.  Your actions may be helpful or they may be hurtful to others.  When you have hurt someone, it is your fault, and Creator God holds you accountable for the hurt you caused.
    Would Creator God send someone to take on your responsibility for the hurt you have caused?  How then would you learn your lessons in soul growth?  How would the transfer of your wrong-doing to an innocent person be justified under the Law of Cause and Effect, which is absolute?  My friend, you are held accountable to Creator God for all you do!  The Great Lie of the Bible is that you can live "like Hell" your whole life and be forgiven of everything before you die, and then go on the Heaven to live a life of eternal bliss.  What false hope!  What an evil fairy tale!
    Your choice is to wake up to the Truth, or to continue in the Lie proclaimed in what Creator God calls your Holy Bible ---Satan's War Book!  The Phoenix Journals are the means, as Creator God says, to present Truth one more time to the people of Planet Earth before the ending of this civilization.
    We are here on this planet at this time for our lessons in soul growth.  Our task is to live the eighteen Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) as best we can, and by doing so, to graduate into the fifth dimension, which you call, "Heaven".
    My mission is to present to you this Truth.  What you do with it is your choice.  May you act in wisdom.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
REF:  Phoenix Journal #27:  "Phoenix Operator Owner Manual"
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: KL
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:06 PM
Subject: re: Reply to PS, October 11, 2012
Dear Mr. Bellringer;
I felt I must respond to your comments. I will intersperse it within your comments below, in this color.
With respect, you have completely misunderstood what the cross of Jesus Christ is about. You have misrepresented the issues involved and have come to wrong conclusions.
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 11, 2012
Dear PS:
I have read your letter and am saddened by your response to Truth. It is your choice to challenge the credibility and authenticity of the Phoenix Journals, but to reject Truth shall put your soul in grave jeopardy of spending many more lifestreams in this third dimension, until you learn your lessons and accept the Truth as proclaimed in the Phoenix Journals.
Your response to Truth is typical of those, who hold the "Holy Bible" as their only source of Truth. Likewise, your response is typical of those who have bought into occult teachings as "their only source of truth". You cannot refute the message, so you attack the messenger, who brought it. You may succeed in destroying the messenger, but Truth always stands unscathed.
Simply stated, you are wrong in your thinking. You are caught in the Satanic Lie of all time, and the very foundation of your faith is totally threatened by the Truth that Esu Immanuel Sananda did not die, as the Bible claims. He did not come to magically remove your responsibility for your wrong-doing. That thinking defies the most basic Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Cause and Effect.
There was nothing "magical" about Jesus Christ's death on the cross. It was a completely real, legal transaction. It did NOT remove our responsibility for our wrong-doing. It gave us the only real, legal escape from the penalty that belongs to us for those wrongs. That penalty is death. Complete, utter, total eradication. Non-existence. That is the only alternative when a person chooses to ultimately and irrevocably separate from God, the Creator and Upholder of Everything that Exists--or can ever exist.
The most basic Universal Law of Cause and Effect cannot be changed. By that very law all human sinners are to die--permanently and without recovery. THAT is the real "cause and effect" situation our sins and wrongs create for us. There is no escape. There is no alternative penalty which can allow us to live. Nothing. 
The ONLY possible way was if someone could take that death in our place. That's it. If noone could, we would take our penalty--our "cause and effect"--all on our own shoulders......and disappear back into the void of non-existence, without remedy or hope. 
Those who refuse to accept Jesus' payment on their behalf WILL be taking the full "cause and effect" penalty of their wrong-doing--and die. Permanently. Sadly. Unnecessarily.   
Cosmic Law is absolute. Yes, it is. Regardless of your opinions, you cannot change it. Correct! The Law of Cause and Effect states that everything has both a cause and an effect. Correct! This means that everything you think, say or do has both a cause and an effect. Your actions may be helpful or they may be hurtful to others. When you have hurt someone, it is your fault, and Creator God holds you accountable for the hurt you caused. All correct. We are responsible and God knows that.
However, our true responsibility would give us our true consequence: eternal non-existence, dissolution in death. God loves us. He wants to give us another chance. He doesn't want us to vanish in death forever. He paid a lot to give us one more opportunity to make our choice.
"But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  -Romans 6:22,23

"For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.  Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun."  -Ecclesiastes 9:5,6

Would Creator God send someone to take on your responsibility for the hurt you have caused? To save us from eternal death? YES, He would--and did. How then would you learn your lessons in soul growth? God has given us lifetimes to get to know Him, for His Holy Spirit to work on our hearts and minds, to learn our "lessons in soul growth". How would the transfer of your wrong-doing to an innocent person be justified under the Law of Cause and Effect, which is absolute?
It's not "justified", but it is justice. A second chance for human beings was justly and lawfully provided, AND, the Law of Cause and Effect was justly and lawfully preserved--and obeyed--by the Cross. The beauty of this plan of salvation is the basis of the Gospel, Mr. Bellringer. This is what the Holy Bible is communicating. 
Lucifer's accusations were totally defeated by the Cross. If he accused God of being unmerciful, God could point to the second chance at life given to us by the substitutionary death of His Son. If he accused God of being unjust--cancelling the law of cause and effect--God could point to the Cross, again, and His Son, taking the full penalty of the law on Himself. The law could not be changed--even to spare Him!
This whole transaction is on God's part, it was His prerogative to do, or, not to do. He says He did it. It is why we are even alive today.   
My friend, you are held accountable to Creator God for all you do! Yes. The Great Lie of the Bible is that you can live "like Hell" your whole life and be forgiven of everything before you die, and then go on the Heaven to live a life of eternal bliss. What false hope! What an evil fairy tale!
The Bible does NOT teach this. It is possible, yes, but not probable. If someone 'lives like hell' their whole life they are not likely to desire forgiveness at the end. They have developed themselves as God's enemies and are likely to remain that way. 
However, it is possible, and has happened. Jesus paid for all sin--to give those who might choose it, a second chance. The Law is preserved, AND, mercy is also shown. That's how great the God of the Bible is!  
By the way, a lifetime of grievous sin is not necessary to demonstrate a rejection of salvation. A small, private sin, coddled and kept and loved, will accomplish the same effect. As you said, "cosmic law is absolute."  
Your choice is to wake up to the Truth, or to continue in the Lie proclaimed in what Creator God calls your Holy Bible ---Satan's War Book! The Phoenix Journals are the means, as Creator God says, to present Truth one more time to the people of Planet Earth before the ending of this civilization. The Holy Bible contains records of Satan's warfaring against God and us, and God's warfaring against Satan.
We are here on this planet at this time for our lessons in soul growth. Our task is to live the eighteen Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) as best we can, and by doing so, to graduate into the fifth dimension, which you call, "Heaven".
My mission is to present to you this Truth. What you do with it is your choice. May you act in wisdom.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  KL
DATE:  Oct. 12, 2012
Dear KL:
    I have read your comments with interest.  They are just that, your comments, your opinion, your interpretation of The Big Lie.  I am just the messenger, and I do not argue over Truth.  If you have questions, I shall try to explain further, but if you have disagreement, then you must take that up with Creator God, or better yet, with Esu Immanuel, for he was the Truthbringer, the Messenger, who brought the Truth initially.  The Phoenix Journals repeat, often word for word, what Esu said 2000 years ago, but more often correct the twisted words found in the Bible.  Have you truly read Phoenix Journal #2, "And They Called His Name Immanuel, I Am Sananda?"  I suspect not.
    Saul/Paul was the culprit, who began The Big Lie by naming Esu, Jesus Christ, and claiming him to be the Son of God and Savior of the human race.  Paul never sat under Esu's teachings and had personal dialogue with him.  Paul only used the writings he had stolen, as his source of Esu's message of Truth, and added his own interpretations, which we know today as the Pauline Epistles, and which you quote.
    You have quite a theory of death, which of course is inaccurate, and you weave it into your twisted rendition of the Law of Cause and Effect.  Until you wake up to the fact that the very basis for your Christian Cult is wrong, that "Jesus paid for all sin" is The Big Lie, you will never get it right!
    You choose what you wish to believe, but one day, when you stand before Creator God and judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creator, you shall discover that you had it wrong.  When my wife, Anne, read your letter she said to me, "Here is another man, who will say when he stands before Creator God Aton of Light, 'Damn, Bellringer was right!'"
    May you find the Truth your soul seeks!  Truth is simple!  Truth is there for those, who truly seek it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
P.S. You may wish to read, "PEOPLE OF THE LIE: SAUL OF TARSUS: PAUL"