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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: AM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2012 8:08 AM



My dear Anne and Patrick;

Unfortunately, the weather at the sea side, has been very bad with rain and strong winds since our arrival on Sunday apart from some very little shafts of sunshine from time to time,so we decided to get back home yesterday evening.


This gave me the possibility to read some chapters of the book Wisdom of The Rays, and in particular, chapter 12 [ Phoenix Journal 2] that you also published on Fourwinds lately.


In this respect, there is a passage from Sananda in the section PROPHECIES  OF  THE  END  DAYS and I would like to have your point of view about it.


Sananda says :



“When the people will see the horror of destruction in Jerusalem and the lands there about, of which the prophets have already spo­ken, then the end will come………


who serve the truth and the Laws……..


………….  And, if these days were not shortened, no man would re­main alive; but the days will be shortened for the sake of the spirit and wis­dom, and for the sake of people


“There shall be machines made from metal for use in the air, on the waters and on land, to kill one another in great masses. 

They shall throw heavy projectiles out of these machines made of metal and they shall strike the cities throughout the lands.  Fire will come out of these projectiles

and burn the world so that hardly anything will survive and that which does survive will not long be spared.

“They will put the corner stones of life itself into the projec­tiles in order to kindle the deadly fires.  And, if at that time the Celestial Sons would not appear in order to bring it to a standstill,

verily I tell you, not one person would survive upon the face of Earth…….


…….. “Verily, verily I say to you, this is how it will be.  And this human race will not pass until all of this has come about……….

  “No one knows of the day nor hour that all this will happen, nor do the guardian angels of God, nor I, Jmmanuel, but God alone who has the greatest wisdom, knows………

My understanding is that this must happen BEFORE the Earth Shan tips on her axis to dump all the evil and ascend into the 5th dimension.

As there are more and more signs of the war between Israel/U.S./Nato countries against Iran, my understanding is that what Sananda says, refers to this imminent war.Is this also your opinion?

Many thanks for letting me know.In Love and Light.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  AM
DATE:  Sept. o10, 2012
Dear AM:
    This same discussion recorded in the Gospels in the Bible has been a problem for people to understand.  Esu Immanuel is speaking of two different "end time" events.  The first event was the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, thus his discussion of the destruction of Jerusalem and people fleeing to the mountains.
    The flying machines and missiles refer to 2000 years later, which is now.  For many years the Middle East has been at war.  Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Libya have all been at war in the last 50 years, with the U.S. being the biggest invader.  Most of what Esu and Judas Iscariot are saying has already happened.  Basically, the major earth changes are what remain to occur, as we are already experiencing moderate volcanic activity, earthquakes and severe weather changes.
    Time has run out for our planet, for she is dying from all the toxins and destruction caused by her ignorant and abusive inhabitants.  Creator God Aton of Light insists that time is very short for this last 3D civilization on our planet, and that soon Sananda shall evacuate "His Flock".  Be in peace and hope!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer