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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: SD


Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 2:50 PM

Subject: Hello Central.. Can I Have an Amen !!


Greetings Patrick and Anne,

My question concerns the (over)use of the word amen. I was (unsuccessfully) raised in the catholic traditions and came in contact with the word at an early age. The ending of each prayer had a solemn amen attached and the word seems to be used at every possible opportunity. “Can I have an amen” “amen to that brother” and just simply “amen” Also the word seems to be capitalized wherever it appears, as if to give it more significance. In my readings of the journals and in any of the enlightened messages I do not see any reference to this word. Is this word some sort of code that brings unwanted energies to the person or persons voicing it ?   Thank you both for being there at this most interesting of times.

Regards, SD




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  SD
DATE:  June 5, 2012
Dear SD:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  The word "Amen" means, so be it, I agree, I give my consent, etc.  As members of a cult, such as the Roman Catholic Church, the cult members are expected to agree and give their consent to the issues, policies, statements of dogma, proclamations, pronouncements, doctrine and church discipline at the appropriate times, whether you agree or not.  This is a form of mind control to keep the "faithful" faithful and accepting of the status quo.  You would be a heretic and excommunicated for opposing or protesting, as did Dr. Martin Luther 500 years ago.  Do you agree?  Say, "Amen!" 
In Love and Light,
 Patrick H. Bellringer