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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: JR


Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 4:25 PM

Subject: Response to Hatonn’s Message



Patrick and Ann Bellringer

Response to Hatonn’s Message:

Permission to post this note on Fourwinds10 is granted, unless you feel it’s too depressing- lol, Jenny Raudibaugh.

I’m always happy when Hatonn gives us updates through you, Patrick and Ann, and I am happy about this one, too.

But I also feel an intense sadness in my mind, heart and soul.  It seems the War in Heaven that’s been going on for thousands (millions?) of years is going to end badly, for most. 

I see so much despair all around me;  in the city I live in, in my family circle, on the news which I seldom watch or listen to anymore. Even the late night radio programs seem shallow and empty of worth-my-time programs this past year.  I think they are now more disinformation then they use to be.   I feel like my nervous system is fried from all the negative energy that seems to be everywhere.  I can feel more and more people “losing it” every day, like we’re all being squeezed like a tube of toothpaste. 

I’m certain I’m not the only Lightworker who’s struggling to maintain a healthy balance.  I’ve been drinking more herbal teas and soaking in Epsom salt baths to relieve tension. 

Can we share some positive things others are doing to get through these trying times through Fourwinds, if it doesn’t add even more burden then you’re already carrying?

Perhaps a prayer will help, like “beam us up Hatonn!”




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JR
DATE:  June 2, 2012
Dear JR:
    Thank you for your response to Hatonn's Message.  Shan's Lightworkers have held the Light against great odds, and Satan's Forces have not won their planned New World Order, yet we knew all along that no Paradise in third dimension on Shan would never happen, as many religious Gurus claim.  Our Mother Earth must dump all evil to move into "Paradise", which can only exist in the fifth and all higher dimensions.
    You ask, "What positive things are others doing to get through these trying times?"  Any response from Fourwinds readers we will post for all to read.
    So, what do Anne and I do?  We enjoy nature.  We have created "our small paradise" with our flowers and vegetable gardens, and feed the birds and squirrels.  I cut up old free wood pallets for firewood, and we get free wood from wood products companies, and we give it to those in need.  We go to the Black Hills Forest and thin trees.  That is, we cut down the diseased and stunted trees for firewood to allow the healthy trees to grow.  We stack wood and brush to clear the forest floor.  Why do this??  This is part of our "Kennedy Physical Fitness Program" and after all, I am a retired Forester!  We also cut down very large trees that threaten people's homes, upon their request.
    Anne, also, paints nature scenes on rocks, boards, walls, etc., and I make indoor and outdoor furniture from throw-away wooden pallets, and we give it all away.  Thus, we lose stress, negative energy, are physically exhausted and sleep well--and are happy.  Remember, "happiness is forever!" 
 P.S.  We do many other things, but this is enough "shock" for now!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: CS

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 4:19 PM

Subject: pole shift


Dear Patrick and Anne,

Many thanks to Anne for her message from Aton.

It seems clear that we have reached the 'end of the road' for Earth Shan. Do you agree?

Is there anything we can do to inform more people in the remaining time?

My sincere thanks to you both for 'holding the light for so long'.

In love and light




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CS
DATE:  June 2, 2012
Dear CS:
    Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.
    Yes, many signs point to the "end of the road for Earth Shan", but the "end" is up to Shan!  Hatonn suggests this month of June is a likely time to end this 3D trip.  I believe such a decision is also impacted by the choices humans make, and Shan is waiting, as long as she can, for right choices by key players to be made.  Much soul growth could yet happen for some.
    Is there more we can do to inform more people of the Truth?  At a soul level all souled beings already know the Truth, but to awaken them spiritually is difficult, if they have not been jolted awake already.  Be creative.  Do what you can, and when rejected, move on.  Keep trying, but we cannot "save" anyone.  They must awaken and "save" themselves.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: FM


Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:45 AM

Subject: Concerns regarding the conversation between Anne and Aton/Hatonn


Dear Anne and Patrick,

Thank you for today's  posting.  It is comforting to know that you are a Truthbringer and a true channel, both of you.  This was both disturbing to me, but, on the other hand, hopeful in knowing that our journey in 3-D is coming to an end.


However, I have some concerns.  One is that Drake has been silenced.  I'm wondering if the darkside has cloned him because he has been broadcasting recently.  His voice is recongnizable and his message is positive.  There was a gap for a time, and his broadcasts continue.  Is it possible that the Darkside want us to believe that all of his promises for our future will come about?

Aton?Hatonn mentioned that the US is not reclaimable and he has set a timeline(maybe tentative???) for June where Mother Gaia will go into rebirth.  But can we hope for any blessings such as Nesara, the prosperity packages, Global Settlements before that even?  Patrick, you mention in one of the recent "Hello Central" that we can expect something good to happen.  Of course this would be a real blessing for most of us, if only to enjoy for a short time.  But on the other had, the rebirth of Mother Gaia would be the supreme benefit for Sananda's remnant.

I get from Aton's message that we should all be carrying on with our lives while awaiting the Lightbeam to carry us to the starships to safety.  I will be traveling and leaving soon.  I feel in my heart that our Heavenly protectors will be with us on our journey and that the Lightbeam will find us wherever we may be and that no evil will cause us harm, for this I pray.

Perhaps this warning from Aton gives us another last minute chance to fine-tune our vibrations in preparation to our journey to the starships.  These last few months I felt like I have been slipping finding it difficult to concentrate during meditation and catching myself under stress in my dealings with a few people that I live with.  I have been very critical of these people and confided this to a dear friend.  I have guilty feelings about  my judgments of their behaviors.  Perhaps this was to be a great lesson for me, but I find it hard to deal with.  I'm grateful for these lessons and for the opportunity for spiritual growth.

Thank you for all that you do, Patrick and Anne.  I will send another small donation to help you in your work.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  FM
DATE:  June 2, 2012
Dear FM:
    Thank you for your response to Hatonn's message.  Has Drake been cloned or temporarily silent?  We shall see.  There is always hope for things to be better than that projected, for life is change due to freewill choices of many people.  We always expect good things to happen, for that is how they do.
    We keep going, moving forward in faith, knowing we have all the help we need upon request to surmount every obstacle.  There are always more lessons to learn, if we but recognize them.  Stay hopeful for a good ending of the play.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: AM
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: JR/Hello Central/Response to Hatonn
Dear Patrick


Patrick, you hit the nails on the head, so to speak, with the examples given. Do not be afraid to use your imagination or be creative.... these are gifts. My wife's motto is “Make your own Beauty” and she does it with simplicity on a dime at resale shops then recycles items through the shops. Giving away things freely is part of joy. Making albums or scrapbooking beautiful pictures of interest puts positives in place as does sharing a smile at the grocery store. Take an “armchair vacation” by putting together an album or slide show of places you want to go to but have not been able to [ images can be downloaded royalty free]. Create your world of Beauty and Joy which very much helps to balance your energies while doing your mission as a Lighworker. Remember, for every negative there are many positives on the other side of the coin ...whether or not you see the positives... you can imagine them in front of you and focus on them. In doing so you are the keeper of your own gate in giving energy to positive outcomes.


In Love and Light,

A & C M


#4  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: AM


Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 8:31 PM

Subject: Response To Hatonn/Aton Message 06.02.12 Through Anne


Dear Patrick and Anne,

It is the section about the pending war that I am pondering. “Who's on first” in the 3D war games? Is any one person or any particular group “on first” pushing the Armageddon buttons to keep people confused and in the Dark? Is it NATO, or the UN, or the Israeli Mossad, or the KGB, or British M1, or the Mafia, or the G8, or the G5, or the so-called Jewish banksters, or Red China, or the CIA, or the Taliban, or Al-Qaeda? Are these not just the disguises worn by one common enemy? Is it not one common enemy that has ended the life of the America that was intended to be? The America that was sold out to an illegitimate US Corporate Enterprise faking it as a legitimate government where the White House and The Congress are nothing more than the Pinatas of behind the scenes puppet masters pulling the purse strings with blackmail, extortion, murder, and clone replacements.


Yes, Hatonn, very much gave fair warning about this in the Phoenix Journals when he

pointed out the KZB [Kahzar-Zionist-Bolsheviks] and all the many operations [disguises] of the anti-Christ energies on Shan, as did Esu Immanuel Sananda, Violinio Germain, and the many other Ascended Master participants. These Truths work. This Truth is for the benefit of all who are willing to have ears to hear and eyes to see. No surprises or guessing games involved. He has also given the promises by Decree that Shan will not be destroyed by nuclear holocaust, martial law will not be declared in America, and he will bring his people to safety at the appointed time.


Violinio Germain reminded us that the evil matrix on Shan is so massive it is like an iceberg.

We barely see the tip of it above water. With thanks to the Hosts of Heaven and matching grants of positive energies, light workers across Shan are helping to make that iceberg melt some each day with hourly exposures of the LIE. We have much to be thankful for. We know from within “who is on first”... Commander Hatonn and the Forces of Light!

In closing, Patrick, my wife and I would like to ask, in your knowing, if there remains any unknown major 3D puppet masters behind the curtain who still need flushing out?


In Love and Light,





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  A&CM
DATE:  June 5, 2012
Dear A&CM:
    I know of none!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: Response To Hatonn/Aton Message 06.02.12 Through Anne



Thank you Patrick.  I receive this as confirmation that the Light, the Light Workers,  the exposures of the Lie by Truth has become more than a force to be reckoned with... In this alone we have truly won! the battle with the Dark!!

What remains is residual clean up....


In Love and Light,