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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: Bellringer []

Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 5:00 PM

To: BS

Subject: THANK YOU!


FROM:  Anne and Patrick Bellringer

    TO:   BS

DATE:  May 28, 2012


Dear BS:

    Many thanks for your generous donation for our work at Fourwinds.  You are, indeed, one of our Angels that has  greatly helped us meet our monthly cost of running Fourwinds.  Your help has made it possible for Fourwinds to remain on the Internet to begin June, 2012.

    Blessings to you for your generosity.

 In Love and Light,

Anne and Patrick Bellringer



----- Original Message -----

From: BS

To: 'Bellringer'

Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:01 AM

Subject: RE: THANK YOU!


Hi Patrick

I had no idea you were that close to the wire. I will try to do something a little more often as I do appreciate the information and advice you distribute.

Since I have you, I am wondering if you could shed some light on the recent posting regarding Germain's advice on asking for something from God or the spiritual world. He says to ask for it from your soul, not your senses. How do you actually, as Germain states, write your desire into your heartbeat. Any clarity you have on that would be appreciated.

Thank you Patrick and Anne




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BS
DATE:  May 30, 2012
Dear BS:
    You asked about Violinio Germain's statement in our recent posting.
    To ask for something from Creator God Aton "from your soul" is to ask in total sincerity without Ego, without doubt, knowing that you shall receive that which you have requested.  To "write your desire into your heartbeat" is to fully live in the knowing that your request has been heard by Aton and that it shall be granted in a way that best benefits you and all concerned.
    It is not wrong to ask for something personal.  This may appear to involve Ego, but that is not so, when better health or more money, etc. would enable you to better serve others or to complete your mission, as a Returned Master.  In a sense to write your desire into your heartbeat is to unite your God Spirit with Aton's Spirit and become One in purpose and intent.  Your will and Aton's will unite in total agreement to create and fulfill your request.
    This is what is meant by Sananda's statement, 'Ask and you shall receive!"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MK
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:14 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hi Patrick:


 There is no doubt that your answer to the question about \"ask and you will receive\" is correct. 


 However, as I have sent you information in the past about my experience, I would like to add that the mind puts out a lot of garbage. This garbage is like a shield to that inner peace that every one is entitled to receive. 


 The issue is whether one whom makes the \"asking\" is in a place where the mind is silent and willing to let the individual experience the gift residing within each and every human being on this planet.   If there has been some effort on the individual to go within, and there has been some success in making the journey to that heavenly doorway within, then of course if one is quiet, calm, and silent in the asking, then the asking usually comes true. 


 You\'re right.  However, as you have witnessed our society and others around the world are pretty crazy and acting in a very insane way. The mind, along with this spiritual up lifting, is pretty strong and putting up quite a battle to prevent this spiritual gift from occurring in our world.


 With all the love in the universe to you and your family and to the rest of the world\'s peoples, definitely do ask for love and for peace to occur in your life.