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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' DOUBT! (Updated May 24, 2012)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: N
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 10:24 PM
Subject: Some needed advice

    Hello!  I'm N. This is my first letter to you even though I've been following you and your website for over a year now, always looking at your wonderful articles every day;  they are really helping me get through very difficult situations that my family and I have been facing.  I'm writing to ask for some assistance with some of my issues that need healing can you help?  Let me explain,  it all started for me about six months ago when things were already tough for my family financially,  and I was to that point very dedicated to the journals with a good positive attitude towards hard situations.  It was then when doubt started coming into my mind because things weren't changing to what I was hoping that would happen.( which I know now was that I wasn't finished with my lessons yet) With doubt I am also finding out that I have a low self-esteem too and would cause "self-punishment" to myself in a way relating to the low confidence towards the information I have researched if I were to present it to someone interested

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FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  N
DATE:  May 23, 2012
Dear N:
    Thank you for your letter.  Your concern about "doubt" is a very real problem for Truthseekers everywhere.  The Darkside uses "doubt", as one of their greatest tools to detour Truthseekers from their pathway to Truth.  When you begin to question one aspect of Truth presented by Creator God Aton of Light, your doubt places all Truth into question.
    As you say, this leads to low self-esteem, self-punishment, and loss of credibility in that which you may present to others.  Doubt causes a chain-reaction of negative thinking, the Truth is tossed aside, and the Darkside wins.  As freewill persons, we must choose the pathway we take.  To find Truth we must choose not to listen to the whisperings of Satan that cause us to lose our focus.
    The Angels of Light are only a thought away.  We can request their help to block negative thoughts that lead to doubt.  Truth brings inner peace and confidence, because your God Spirit within knows all Truth and will confirm to you and assure you that you are on the correct pathway.  When you reach this knowing, nothing can dissuade you from such knowledge.
    It is important to understand that your confidence in the Truth is not based upon whether others believe it to be credible, but upon your inner knowing through your own God spirit within.  Secondly, your self-esteem is not based upon what others may think of you or the Truth you present, but what you think of yourself based upon your own beliefs and inner knowing.
    You will find that few people are open to the Truth, and when they reject it, you feel they have rejected you as well.  That is part of the lessons in being a Truthbringer.  Until a person has arrived at their "teachable moment", Truth will seem foreign to them.  Discouragement is another tool of the Darkside.  We must not take negative responses personally, for people respond out of fear and ignorance, but move on to those, who will listen.  Doubt, my friend, is erased by inner knowing!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: N
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Some needed advice
     Thank you for your response! You are absolutely right about doubt being a chain reaction of negativity;  I'm being more confident with my self everyday now.  I'll definitely be writing to you again in the future. Thanks.       Sincerely N