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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: DR


Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:54 AM

Subject: Earth /Shan/ Urantia/


Hello Patrick an Anne. I love your site an visit everyday. I love to read casper an believe he is disgusted with the E T info out there and I do not blame him. I miss his daily reports. As to our earth or shan  or Urantia I belive she is in an on going change not caused by man but a natural progression just as the human body changes as we age. She is alive an doing quite well. We are the stupid ones who build in flood areas { New Orleans} Hurricane areas along the coast/Earthquake zones{California} an when a natural occurrence happens it is allways mans fault. God has instilled many safe guards on our planet. One very good example is the ozone layer in our own atmosphere. It is a wonderful vacuum system that travels the planet finds garbage opens up and lets in go into space. Oil in the ground is organic put there by our Lord for us to use and here is the best part you can pump a well dry and 20 years from now it is full again. We will never run out of oil. God has givin us a world with everything we need I do not see him wanting to destroy it or his people. Free will is a gift that if used wisely will benefit mankind. We have choices to make and we are learning . God will never let us down. Peace be with you. Thankyou  for all you do  D R


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  DR
DATE:  Mary 18, 2012
Dear DR:
    Thank you for your letter and thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.
    You spoke of the condition of Shan.  Sananda has said in the Phoenix Journals that our planet is dying, due to all the toxins and abuse done to her by mankind, and that she has reached the point, where she must be cleansed by salt water of the oceans, as she has done many times, to recover.  Please understand that our Mother Earth is far worse at this time than most people realize, plus now all life on her is being threatened by radiation from Japan.  It is by man's freewill that our planet has been destroyed.  Thus, evil must be stopped and removed, so Shan can begin anew in fifth dimension.
    Another comment you made was about oil being put into the ground "for us to use".  Creator God never intended for oil to be used by us for energy. Our planet creates oil to lubricate the tectonic plates to allow them to move easily.  The use of oil has harmed our planet, the life on her, and the atmosphere around her, all for greed and control.
    We were given free energy technology, when decisions were being made to use oil, and guided by evil intent, chose to use "fossil fuels".  Our pathway has been that of world destruction ever since.  We may never run out of oil, but we shall run out of life!  What is your point?  Perhaps you own an oil well?  Do you really think a society will choose wisely in this third dimension?
    May you find the Truth you seek!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DR
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: Earth /Shan/ Urantia/
Thankyou for your kind words. I do not own an oil well. I am your average american citizen.Yes we all know there is evil on Shan but my God spirit informs me that all is under control and not to worry. Also I do believe givin the chance to choose wisely with gods free will his people will make the correct choices. Peace be with you. Thanyou again  D R
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RH
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 1:46 PM

hello patrick

   i just finished reading a book by the late susan reed who was possessed and later killed by a draconian shape shifter
in her first book she describes  the reptilian that possessed her husband as bragging the intent to destroy all life of planet earth within 20 years (by 2016). they would let things rot for 10 years and come back and modify the planet for their own use.
       alex collier  has stated many off world races he has talked with has said the draconians and their  grey minions are responsible for the  genocide on a solar system scale of  at least 3 star systems  in this quadrant . they also extincted their own solar system reducing their home world planets to space dust and  putting out their sun.
in susan's last book published after her murder she aledges the remaining angels that fought against satan and his followers have defected and are working with the draconians see links for further background

here is the sequel
i believe that  there may be a basis of truth in these accounts but draconians are chronic liars with no conscience  destroying a planet full of life slowly  is their form of entertainment. 
no one who has had any dealings with them prospered.





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  RH
DATE:  May 22, 2012
Dear RH:
    What you are saying about the destruction in the Cosmos done by the Draconians is true.  All White Dragons and other evil off-world beings were removed from Shan by the Forces of Light several years ago.  What we must deal with today are Satan's 3D minions in the form of human beings, whether clones or not.
    These evil beings have caused much harm to be done to our planet, as well, over many eons of time.  Shan has requested, and Creator God Aton has agreed that all evil shall be removed from Shan forever.  Thus, she shall transition into a 5D energy planet, where no evil energy or evil beings are allowed.  Hatonn says that shall be accomplished soon, when balance has been restored here in 3D.  May that be soon.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer