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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: WM

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:46 PM

Subject: Radiation


Greetings Patrick.

 Many are saying that the west coast of the USA and Canada, Air,Sea and land are being heavily radiated. Governments have turned off monitors, or are not disclosing their readings. Universities and private testers in both countries have stated that Seafood and Kelp etc. are Hot. Then comes Fullford, who states that radiation in Tokyo is not more than normal background. He says he lives there and checks regularly. Someone is running another BS. pump, at full throttle. What is your take on this?. If even half of what we hear about the condition of the reactors is true, this Planet and the creatures on it are done.

Thank you kindly. In Love and Light.     WM.


FROM:  Patrick H.  Bellringer
     TO:  WM
DATE:  April 26, 2012
Dear WM:
    You have raised a most serious question that concerns our whole world.  First, I remind you that Creator God Aton of Light has explicitly said that no mass genocide by the Darkside of the people on Shan would be allowed, ever.  Aton created all life on Shan, and only He has the authority to destroy it.  The use of nuclear for any reason was not necessary, but greed and power and the desire for control of the people has led to its use worldwide.
    Secondly, historically the Forces of Light have already on several occasions neutralized the effects of nuclear radiation to prevent mass genocide on Shan.  Cases in point are the atomic and hydrogen bomb testing in the 1940's and 1950.s in the U.S. and other parts of the world, the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in Russian and now the Fukushima nuclear reactors destruction in Japan.  Much of the harmful radiation in Japan has been neutralized by the Forces of Light, or there would have been little life left there at this time.  The petitions and prayers of many good people have greatly helped to save our planet from great loss in both environmental and human life at this time.
    Thirdly, we can ask for complete and permanent protection by Creator God Aton and the Forces of Light from all Dark entities, energies and their harmful technologies.  We must ask in sincerity for the White Light of Aton, the Golden Light of Sananda and the Violet Light of Unconditional Love of Violinio Germain to totally surround us permanently, and to remove all Darkness from our space and fill it with Love and Light energies.  Having done that, we believe we are protected, and we are!  Doubt, and we are not!  It is that simple!
    You need ask only once for total protection, for Aton does not need reminding.  Then it is up to you to believe.  To do this give thanks daily, or when ever doubt arises, that you are protected.  Creator God Aton of Light cares for all of His Creation, and stands ready to help us with our lessons, but it is up to us to learn them.  Be in peace, my friend!  Our world shall not be lost to the Darkside.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer