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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: MD

To:  patrick bellringer

Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 3:11 PM

Subject: Funds update or evacuation.


Hello Patrick and Anne,

How are you both doing? I trust you are fine and hanging in there as I am. I have been reading information about the events, funds and evacuation and was hoping to get your thoughts and wisdom about all of this.

 DO you think we will get our funds this year? DO you think our evacuation will be this year? I know you are more aware of what is going on than I am. I try to gather as much info as I can from various resources, fourwinds being the best source.

 ON many of the sites and people I get information from are all saying that something BIG is going to happen this year. WHat do you believe? Is something big going to happen? Will it be the evacuation? The funding? Earth cleaning? WHat are you thinking?

Thank you for taking the time to respond this email. Wishing you all many blessings and perfect health.

Sincerely, MD



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  MD
DATE:  April 24, 2012
Dear MD:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  We are fine and, as you say, "hanging in there".  Yes, Anne and I believe this is the year for change.  The nations of the earth are demanding a new banking/money system to replace the Federal Reserve Bank.  With that would come funding of programs, settlement between nations and dismissal of people's debt to the old system.
    Mother Earth is shaking badly.  Earthquakes are constant and ever increasing in intensity and number.  Volcanic activity has a similar pattern.  The magnetic poles are accelerating their shift.  All these earth changes, coupled with our sun's anomalies, are affecting our weather patterns.  Hatonn has said that Shan is well into her cleansing cycle.  She must rid herself of some of the toxins, nuclear poison and negative energy in order to survive a bit longer.  Shan is trying to hold on until the Lightworkers wins!
    I believe, to win means the defeat of our present very evil Zionist banking system, the removal of our Zionist U.S. Corporate Government system imposed upon our the fifty states, and the restoration of the Republic, and a settlement of debt between the nations of our world.  Balance and the removal of evil in other areas may occur, if time allows.
    It really is up to Mother Earth, when this last 3D civilization ends.  When she can not "take it" anymore, evacuation of "Sananda's flock" shall occur.  Yes, both Anne and I believe that all these changes are very close to happening.  We are now in the fourth month, but we believe 2012 is the year for great change on Shan.  May the people prepare and be ready!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----


From: Mr. K


Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 12:14 PM

Subject: Funds update or evacuation.


Date : 26-Apr-2012 1:02am

Dear Mr. Patrick H. Bellringer,

I'm a reader of for a few years (thank you for putting up so much information for free), and am especially attracted to your email exchanges whereby your faithful readers ask interesting questions because of respect for you and your wisdom.

Your recent reply to MD on 24-Apr-2012 mentioned something that saddened me a bit :

     When she can not "take it" anymore, evacuation of "Sananda's flock" shall occur.

Yes it's "Sananda's flock" and you put it in inverted commas. Now compare this with :

     The recent earthquake in Haiti is evidence of increasing earth changes for the cleansing of Shan, as a preliminary to her tipping on her axis. This, of course, will trigger the immediate evacuation of the entire planet and the end of our present 3D civilization, as discussed in the Phoenix Journals.

FROM: Patrick HE. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 13, 2010



Whereby on 13-Jan-2010 you replied to LO - evacuation of the entire planet.

So which is which ? Why do I ask ? Because I'm not a christian, not an American and do not qualify as "Sananda's flock". In 2010, I was elated, today I'm saddened. Anyway, I would also wish to seek your wisdom as the others do -

Do you have any knowledge or info pertaining to evacuation / non-evacuation of people that are not of "Sananda's flock" ? Or maybe you can explain by what is "Sananda's flock" ?

Thank you in anticipation of a positive / happy reply from you. For your info, I'm not a debunker neither am I pulling your leg but sincerely want to know more and especially clarifications, that's all. Not necessary to reply to my mail box - reply in your web-site will do. Thanks again.


Mr. K

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Mr. K
DATE:  April 25, 2012
Dear Mr. K:
    Thank you for your letter and question of clarification.  I apologize for any stress I may have caused you by my unclear statement.  Yes, when our Mother Earth has had enough and "dumps it", the entire planet shall be evacuated, some by starship and some by physical death, if they choose not to board the ships.
    As I have explained many times, to graduate from third dimension and move to 5D (Heaven) requires that one live the Laws of God and of Creation, as best that they can.  These ones, who are doing that, Sananda calls his flock.  This has nothing to do with any religion or creed.  The Laws of God and Creation are absolute, and no one is allowed to graduate from 3D without having learned to live them.
    So, everyone will be leaving our present Earth Shan at evacuation of the planet by order of God Aton of Light, but many may be returning to another 3D planet to continue with their lessons in soul growth they failed to learn on Shan in this present lifestream.
    Being a Christian or an American or of any nation or religion does not qualify anyone to be a member of "Sananda's flock".  The only qualification needed is to live to the best of your ability the Laws of God and Creation.  These have been stated in many places throughout history, but most recently and without any alterations in Phoenix Journal #27 of the Phoenix Journals.
    May you be joyful in knowing that you are one of "Sananda's flock!"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----


From: Mr. K.

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:17 AM

Subject: Re: Funds update or evacuation.


Date : 27-Apr-2012 6:13pm

Dear Mr. Patrick Bellringer

Oh thank you thank very very much for your wonderful reply / clarification. It has cleared a lot of doubts in my mind. My mind now at ease again.

Thank you once again.


Mr. K


#3  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: K
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 8:37 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hello patrick and and happiness to you both. i enjoy your site very much,and come here daily. i have a question you might shed some light on.i have read here that suicide,self murder is the greatest sin. when the evacuation comes,and the beam of white light appears in front of me.knowing that stepping into it will kill me because i am not \'ready\' for the 5th dimension. or turning away to wait for the wall of water or what happens when shan turns on her question is this. which would be the worst course of action? commiting suicide by stepping into the beam,or doing nothing and wait for death that way. i ask this because i know in my heart i am not going.only people of higher frequencies will go,and live through the transportation to a ship.   thankyou so much for all the information you\'ve posted over the years.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  K
DATE:  April 27, 2012
Dear K:
    Thank you for your letter.  All is not as you suggest.  Creator God Aton says in the Phoenix Journals that in the very act of faith to step into the transporter beam of Light to evacuate to the Starships shall gain you much soul growth.  Everyone benefits in doing so.
    How do you know your frequencies will not be high enough to match the "beam" energies?  Even if they are lower and you have physical damage in transportation, the Starship have trained medical crews ready to assist you  upon your arrival aboard ship.  All is not as bleak, as you think.
    What is stopping you from living the Laws of God and Creation, as best you can, now?  All souled-beings, according to Hatonn, who are here on Shan now are all Returned Masters.  That includes you!  Most have not awakened spiritually to their mission and their soul lessons yet to be learned.  Returned Masters have already graduated out of 3D in past lifestreams, but agreed to return to 3D, in this case to Shan, to assist with Her and Her people's transition out of 3D.
    We agreed to return without memory of our past lifestreams, for, as Hatonn says, if we knew our past and where we were in 5D and higher dimensions, we would not want to be here and face all the "evil music", again.  We have walked the walk and kept Creator's Laws in the past, and we can do it again, my friend.
    You can do it, and you can raise your frequencies rapidly to match the beam of Light.  You do not have to die here in the salt water and return to another 3D planet.  You can get off the Great Wheel of Reincarnation this trip, if you sincerely choose to do so.  Need help?  Ask your two Guardian Angels, your life-long Angel friends/assistants to help you.  They probably are bored to tears waiting for you to ask them.  Not enough help?  Ask the Ascended Masters (see Phoenix Journal #7) Need more help?  Go higher!  Ask Esu Immanuel Sananda, who is in charge of Shan's transition, or ask the head honcho, Creator God Aton Himself.  Oh, He would not hear you?  Have your tried?  You have all the help of Heaven, and that's a lot, to live the "Laws", learn your lessons, and help others in their journey.
    B-C-N-U aboard the ships, soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#4  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: K

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 3:49 PM

Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


thank you patrick! you have given me hope. i will do as you say,and ask for help.i sure need some. bless you and anne. with love,kev

#5  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----
From:  MF
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 11:39 AM
Subject: 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' FUNDING/EVACUATION! (Updated April 28, 2012
Dear Mr. Bellringer, I hope you to be healthy and in good shape.
I have been reeding your exchange of msges under the am subject, which really appreciated, as allways. Particularly, your last answer to K, which reads:
Quote:  All souled-beings, according to Hatonn, who are here on Shan now are all Returned Masters. Unquote:  and
Quote: Returned Masters have already graduated out of 3D in past lifestreams, but agreed to return to 3D, in this case to Shan, to assist with Her and Her people's transition out of 3D.Unquote and
Quote:  We agreed to return without memory of our past lifestreams, for, as Hatonn says, if we knew our past and where we were in 5D and higher dimensions, we would not want to be here and face all the "evil music", again. We have walked the walk and kept Creator's Laws in the past, and we can do it again, my friend. Unquote
I must confess this drives me into some doubt and confusion. If we returned to 3D without memory of our past lifestreams after we had already graduted out of 3D, does it mean that we have to graduate again? Might we reenter on the Great Wheel of Reincarnations?
I shall mostly appreciate your answer
In Love and Light



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MF
DATE:  May 5, 2012
Dear MF:
    Thank you for your questions.  My answer based upon the Phoenix Journals is "yes" to both questions.
    We have returned without memory, as we agreed to do, to live in this very dense third dimension to accomplish our mission, while keeping The Laws of God and Creation as best we can.  None of us gain perfection until we have finally returned to Creator Source after experiencing much learning and testing in the Higher Dimensions.  Still, we must strive to keep the "Laws" as best we can in our present lifestream.
    Having agreed to this mission, all Returned Masters run the risk of failure, of not hearing the "alarm clocks" we set along our journey to awaken us, and not waking up spiritually.  Should that happen, we also agreed to spend a handicap, as Hatonn says, of another three hundred and fifty thousand years in third dimension on other planets, before we shall again be presented the opportunity to graduate into 5D.
    These are hard requirements to which we agreed, and many of us have difficult lessons in soul growth to accomplish, also.  Being here on Shan at this time, as a souled-being, is a very serious matter.  Many of our fellow travelers shall not awaken, and shall return to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation.  It is sad for us to know that, but it is true.  This is why I keep"ringing the bell" of Truth, for my mission is to be a "Bellringer!"
    Everyone is on their own journey in soul growth back to perfection and Creator Source, but many take detours in their experiencing.  In fact, we all have done so in our past, but we most certainly do not have to do the "handicap" detour this trip.
    You need not worry, for you certainly are spiritually awake and seeking counsel for your journey.  May we all travel the Red Road of Truth successfully to its present 3D end.  Remember, we have all the help of Heaven,if we but ask.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer