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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: AM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:25 AM

Dear Patrick ;

after having read the message from Soltec you published yesterday, I was a bit confused and I kindly ask you to shed some light about a couple of things. Soltec says :




There has been much concern over the coming "comet". This "comet" is the REAL messenger that your Native Americans have been waiting for as a sign which signals the new beginning

called the "Age of Peace". These ones know that their ancestral origin was from the stars. They also know that there shall be the great cleansing of the planet prior to this "Age of Peace".


Which is the comet that Soltec is referring to ?




Please take this opportunity to, once again, check to see that your emergency supplies are ready and in good condition. You shall be thankful for doing this--and your neighbors and your neighbor's children may be quite thankful as well.


The ones who either refused to hear, or simply were not able to understand, will be looking to you for basic guidance. These ones shall be in shock and, in most cases, they will shut down out of fear or they shall become quite erratic, if not outright insane. Many a "learned" man shall be found weeping in fear, for they won't have a clue as to what has happened once their artificially constructed world of intellect is gone and these ones realize they haven't cultivated even the most basic of skills for survival.


The farmers--those who tend to the foodstuffs of the land--shall become the most important teachers. These farmer-teachers will enable the ones who can overcome their fears and grief to become functioning parts of the community efforts to rebuild self sustaining, rural communities from the ashes of destruction.

These experiences are the "HARD" lessons for you have long passed the time of course correction to avoid these experiences. In the upcoming Age of Peace, you shall find that there will be NO tolerance for corrupt thinking and that these lessons and experiences will be "burned" into the consciousness of each being.



Soltec is speaking about the Age of Peace and about survival and rebuild of communities.


As far as I remember, Aton Ashtar and Sanada, all said that Earth Shan will experience catastrophic upheavals and nobody will survive unless evacuated from Shan by the starships.

So why Soltec is speaking about survival and rebuild of communities ?


Many thanks

In Love and Light




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  April 20, 2012
Dear AM:
    Yes, we are back!  The mission continues!  You have questions about Soltec's writing.
    Q.1:  The only comet during 1996 that made news was Comet Hyakutake.  I do not know if this is the comet of American Indian prophecy.  I am enclosing the information on this comet for your perusal.
    Q.2:   In 1996 there was a very real threat of World War III (nuclear), and we were warned to prepare, but Aton called a halt to such foolishness in 1998, if you recall.  Things have changed since then.  Mother Earth can not wait, and there will be no time for an Age of Peace in 3D.  The rebuilding would have been needed, had we had a world nuclear war.  Now we know that will not be allowed.
    Good questions!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
Ref:  Comet Hyakutake