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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message ----
From: Troy Wood
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:54 PM
Subject: Forged promissory note
Hello Patrick



I have studied your web site for years including the information you have provided pertaining to bank foreclosure. I have the information from your site such as



#1  Reply
----- Original Message -----
From: JB
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:53 PM
Subject: Foreclosure documents w/ FBI documents



and I have the Foreclosure Handbook by Vince Khan. My home is in default. I used a legal template to ask for  the promissory note from the mortgage company. I had my request witnessed by a notary and sent via certified mail on March 1st 2012. The mortgage company sent me a copy of my "FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE NOTE w/ my signature. However, my copies of the "FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE NOTE"   were never signed by me; only the "FIXED/ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER was signed. Also, both the RIDER and my MORTGAGE was signed by me and my wife. They forged a document and didn't even have my wife's signature. I have certified copies of my mortgage ready to be sent to the Attorney General in my state.(It's a judicial state) and the FBI. The mortgage went from one company to another then to another and it was never recorded in the records. Do you or any of your readers have any advise on my next steps. I feel that I have the mortgage company by the throat but I want to know how I should proceed in order to damage this very well known mortgage company.


Thank you for your web site!


Troy Wood


p.s It may not matter but the mortgage company is CHASE.



Subject: Re: Forged promissory note

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 14:18:09 -0600



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Troy Wood
DATE:  March 29, 2012
Dear Troy Wood:
    Thank you for writing, and for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.
    I am not a legal expert, but if you can prove in a court of law that the bank's documents are forgeries, that they do not hold the originals to show original ownership of your house, this should be to your advantage.
    There is now a court track record, where the bank does not win, when they cannot show proof of ownership, when attempting to foreclose on a property.
    You may want to do a search on for "anyone facing foreclosure" for more information.  Attorneys are licensed by state and charge big bucks, while common law experts are few and keep very private for fear of harassment.
    We could put your request out on the Internet, if you wish to do so.
 In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer



----- Original Message -----
From: Troy Wood
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 8:50 PM
Subject: RE: Forged promissory note
Hello Patrick,


Sorry I didn't write back sooner but I was out of town and did not have access to a computer.


I have no fear in taking on CHASE myself. I do not trust attorneys. I just need some advise from some of your readers who may know what I need to do. I have certified copies of my mortgage note ready to be sent to the my state Attorney General and FBI. The copies I have do not match up the the one sent from CHASE. It is a forgery (it is my signature but it does not match any of my copies)  and I can prove it; however, I'm not sure if I need to contact CHASE or do I go ahead and send the certified copies to the Attorney General and the FBI. Or do I do something else that I have not mentioned. Any of your readers help would be greatly appreciated.  Contact me at


Thank you so much!


Troy Wood