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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: L


Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:31 AM

Subject: Greetings!


Hello Anne and Patrick. I hope you are both keeping well and out of arms way; unfortunately it seems Mr. Andrew Breithart was not as fortunate. Heart attack? Coincidence? What bad timing for him and good timing for Obamanation, since the ladder was about to be exposed by some supposedly very damaging video of his college days. It may be prudent to run some articles on this as well.

I have this query about something I read just recently posted on Fourwinds. Perhaps you can clarify. I understood that there would be other planes of existence for experience or learning, similar to that of earth/shan. This would be so much more the case if many did not graduate from this plane/dimension, to start over, as it were. Below is an excerpt from Sananda's discussion of man and his destiny. Sananda states that, "all other planes of existence are without mortal density and format." I guess that perhaps man would experience in another type of form or density, but would that plane still be in a three-dimensional format? I could be wrong, but it does seem contradictory.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Take special care and remain in good health! Love and Light!





"It is only through the conditions of Human life that man can de­velop his cre­ative powers in spirit and utilize them.  All other planes of existence are without mortal density and for­mat."




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  L
DATE:  March 2, 2012
Dear L:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  There are many planes of existence or dimensions that reach into infinity in our limited thinking, but only the third dimension allows for us to have a physical body in which to experience.  In all higher dimensions we experience in Spirit form.  As Sananda says, "All other planes of existence are without mortal density and format".
    There are over 178 billion life-supporting planets in our Nebadon Universe alone, according to Hatonn, and many of them are still in their 3D stage of development, as is our planet.  Many people on our planet Earth Shan shall go to another of these 3D planets to continue their lessons in soul growth, when Shan's vibrations change to the fifth dimension frequencies.
    No one graduates out of 3D and moves to 5D until they have learned to live the 18 Laws of God and Creation to the best of their ability.  Those, who do not graduate from 3D Shan do not go to another form or density, but return to the same old 3D density somewhere else, and pick up their lessons right where they left off here.  They repeat them until they learn them!
    Did you think that maybe, if you didn't "make the cut" here, you could possibly complete your lessons in a better  place (in another type of form or density) than boring old 3D?  Nice try, but that is not an option.  Sorry, there is no contradiction in Truth.
    Just know that we never stop learning, and there are free-will choices and challenges in all of the Higher Dimensions, as we continue our journey back to Source and to perfection.  Even Creator God Aton says that He has much to learn yet to reach perfection.
    Be in peace!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer