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----- Original Message -----
From: Anonymous
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 10:39 AM
Subject: Nesara

 Good morning Patrick & Anne -

I just read something disturbing on linking to Lucifer.  John MacHaffie/Nesara is an idiot. 

 Here's what I know abou MacHaffie if you care to write a rebuttal.  He puts down Casper every chance he gets which I don't like.  Ever since he learned of the prosperity programs years ago he has been trying to get a piece of the pie.  He put together a needs list, asking prosperity program members to contribute to his fund, and he will distribute the funds to the needy list.  Don't you know he and all his family members are on the list.  The man is a bum and that is his way of getting money.  He stated one time that he is a laid off engineer from NASA.  Tell you what - may be true but he doesn't have much education because he can't spell, doesn't know word meanings and is so defensive and ugly.  He says that his loving lord tells him what to do.  Nonsense - his loving lord doesn't tell him to use profanity and be ugly to people who disagree with him. 

 The prosperity programs were not delivered so he didn't get his money.  He is now going after the dinar people to fnd his needy list.  Don't we know what that' all about.

 The word needs to go out to not contribute to MacHaffie's needy list because it is a fluke, or at least that is my opinion.  The man needs to be stopped but I'm just an old woman and I can't do anything but tell on him.  I do not want him to use fourwinds in a negative manner and that's why I am telling you.  Do we take him on and respond or let it go?  I have learned to not respond to one of his posts because if you write a negative post he will not post it.  The posts have to be all yeah John - he loves the praise.

 I love the lord too but I think this man is a fraud with the intent to deceive people.  He props on God and I don't like that.

 Tell me what you think............Thanks for listening.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Anonymous
DATE: Jan. 9, 2012
Dear Anonymous:
    Thank you for your letter.  Since enlightened people do not listen to the lies from John MacHaffie,, and others, initially I felt no response was necessary to this latest CIA attack on Fourwinds.  The many letters to me from concerned Fourwinds readers on this issue now make a public rebuttal necessary.
    Evil never quits, and the attacks against the Truth presented on by the Corporate U.S. Government and its agencies never ceases.  They utilize many websites to push their agenda, and many gullible people fall for their propaganda.  For years has discredited Fourwinds, and it is no surprise that they continue to do so.  John MacHaffie has no website, and his disinformation would not be on the Internet without the help of those CIA controlled sites.
    The key statement posted by John MacHaffie on the it as follows:  "Here are some interesting facts that can all be verified: is run by Rukahn International, which in turn are members of the Lucis Trust (Lucifer Trust)".  This is all a lie.  Fourwinds and Rukahn International have not now nor have never had any connections whatsoever to the Lucis Trust. tried this same attack in 2009, and also claimed my statement on the Holocaust to be a lie.
    What I said about the Holocaust is true and is backed by Hatonn/Creator God Aton of Light and the Phoenix Journals.  Of course, the Zionists are angry about the exposure of their lies.  In fact, they are in panic, as the world is awakening to their tricks and their plans for world control.
    These lessons in discernment will continue to the End of the Age, my friend, as evil continues to attack and test us.  Be in peace!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
REF:  Quote from 2009

Leave your hat on

by texino » Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:35 am

In case anyone had a speck of doubt the PHB is a worthless liar please allow me to quote



THE TRUTH OF THE HOLOCAUST by Patrick H. Bellringer



For all you Zionists and Christian cult Bible believing Holocaust advocates, I tire of your verbal abuse and slapping down Fourwinds for presenting the Truth about the Holocaust. For the record, the Holocaust is a flat out historical lie created by the Zionist Jews themselves to fool the world.


Both the Russian and United States Military built death camps complete with gas chambers at the end of World War II to "kill the damn Germans". General Eisenhower built his notorious "Eisenhower Death Camps" and gassed thousands of the German citizens following the end of the war. Their bodies were stacked up like cordwood for all to see. The Zionist Jews took pictures of these corpses and spread the word along with these pictures that the dead people were Jews.


Creator God Aton/Hatonn has the last words of Truth on this subject of the Holocaust. Read what He says in the Phoenix Journals #39 and #40, The Trillion Dollar Lie: The Holocaust, Vol I and II about the so-called Holocaust. Read it and weep, and stand up for the Truth! -----PHB


* * * * * * *



Re: Leave your hat on

by texino » Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:04 am

A post to God like Productions:




I must bookmark as a completely rogue "news" site. The arseholes who run it, Rukahn International, are member of the Lucis Trust, a sinister leftist gateway network bankrolled by Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. <----- the enemy is within