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Patrick H. Bellringer

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Jan. 5, 2012

From:      "medicine Woman"


Sent:       Sunday, January 01, 2012 7:12 PM

Subject:  Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Siterun Contact Request from Medicine Woman.



Sender Message:

here is sw we are being saturated with ct (chemtrails) i am already very ill  chest burning  short of breath  when i read about the nano stuff i really feel sick!  serendipity  am beginning a cleanse today  planned a wk ago  same for cl bwInt ww  have been a certified herbalist for over50 yrs  known about ct for 20  thanks for all the info even tho reading it caused a lot of stress!!  what is your take on 2012?  peace



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Medicine Woman
DATE:  Jan. 5, 2011
Dear Medicine Woman
    Thank you for your letter.  We send Ascended Master Hilarian, the Healer, and the Healing Angels to you to aid in your recovery to perfect health.  You have done a great work and helped many people, but you are still needed in these most difficult days, as this cycle ends.  Please know that it is not long before relief from the Darkness shall come!
    You ask, "What is your take on 2012?"  I believe 2012 shall be the most magnificent year ever for Earth Shan and her people.  Everywhere we see people awakening to the Truth and the Lie.  The energies are changing to higher and more positive vibrations.  Instant Karma is causing great stress and physical health problems for those living in and cooperating with the Darkness.
    The Darkside is in great panic and disarray, as they see their plans failing.  They know their end is near, and they are frantic to find a way to "save" themselves from the Karma they have created.  The Federal Reserve System has pushed to the limits of fraud and greed, and their "game" is over.  The U.S. Corporate National elections are the present game going to keep the masses focused on foolishness.  The "system" has no money, and the world waits for its collapse.
    The U.S. Military is divided in its loyalties and many are realizing their folly is supporting the One World Order.  Many are joining the effort of state militias and certain foreign entities to restore The Republic of the US of A.  The European Union is collapsing, the United Nations is only a shell held together by a few of Satan's minions, and the U.S. Empire's war efforts have morphed into angry threats, failed goals and false promises.
    The world is tired of war and is demanding peace.  The people want an end to killing and injury and suffering.  They want an end to violence and destruction and disease, mostly caused by U.S. Empire.  They want an end to the Darkside's reign of terror on Shan.  They want "peace on earth", and liberty and justice and abundance, and I truly believe they shall have it!  I believe this is the year for change to Goodness on Shan.  The year of the Phoenix, the rising of Truth from the ashes of ignorance, has passed.  This is now the year of the Dragon, the year of action to restore Goodness to Shan and to her people.
    Mother Earth has waited and suffered abuse so long for enlightenment to come and Goodness to be restored, she cannot wait much longer.  This is the time for great change, when "valleys" shall be lifted up and "mountains" brought low and all become equalized, as a plain.  This is a time to hope, to rejoice and to create newness everywhere.  As with the Walls of Jericho, Darkness shall fall, and great shall be the fall of it, for  this is the time of the final sorting and the playing out a Karma.
    This is my "take" on 2012!  Be in peace!
 In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer