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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: PW


Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 2:04 PM

Subject: marhsall law

what is this marshall law thing. my understanding based on alex jones and gerald celente. we are going to enter soon into

a full blown marshall law system.

i can see it already happening very slowly. The police are doing their rounds more often now.

i have also been around occupy L.A. people and last night innocent peaceful protesters climbed over the gate of city hall and

got into the bus stop behind that gate. they protested there. and then the officers came and yanked them. forcing themselves

up on them like they were criminals.

i even heard that the laws here in USA are much worst then nazi germany. that is saying alot. as i have also noticed them trying to take

peoples rights away very slowly.

i honestly would like to leave.

what is recommended to protect myself from this marshall law thing.

thank you very much.

its okay with me if you send this to your hello central main page. i am fine.


love you forever brother,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PW
DATE:  Dec. 22, 2011
Dear PW:
    Thank you for our letter and very basic question.  Creator God Aton of Light has said many times that our only safety in this 3D evil world is within His White Light energy of unconditional Love.  I have written much about how to protect yourself by asking for Divine Protection in past "Hello, Central!s"  Having asked, you must believe you have it, and you do.  Doubt and you do not.  Repeatedly, Anne and I have proven this to be true.  Without Divine Protection we and Fourwinds would not be here.
    Aton/Hatonn has also said that martial law would never be allowed to occur in the U.S. We believe that, and we create that energy.  Remember, The Law of Returns says "you reap what you sow".  The energy you sent out, either positive or negative, always returns to you in like kind and in greater amount.  Are you creating marshall law with your thinking?
    We are living in the "End Times", and a time of "Instant Karma".  This means that the energies you create are returned to you very quickly.  For this reason many people today are very sick, having problem after problem, and living in their self-made private chaos.  Hate, anger and revenge create very negative energies that instantly return to engulf the originator.  Love, compassion and forgiveness create very positive energy that lift the spirit and bring help and new opportunities to grow and love.
    What we think about, comes about!  Do not allow your fear of martial law to create it on your doorstep.  Every time a negative thought comes your way, neutralize that negative energy with a positive thought.  Every time someone says, " World War III", I say "won't happen!".---martial law:  won't happen!  Cold winter:  won't happen!  You get the picture.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: R

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:01 PM

Subject: divine protection


I just read one of your articles and I agree that you and Anne are receiving Divine protection and intervention. It is evident that you walk your talk and create your reality accordingly. With the new legislation, the heightened militarized police-state, abject financial corruption manipulating with tentacles that stretch back thousands of years, it is evident that we are in the Last days of the Tyrants' playing out their reality.


 It is time for us to create ours MINUS them. So each day I create my day that I live in a world minus the tyrants. I live in a world of Peace, Prosperity, Harmony, Love, adventure, God, and so much more cosmic knowledge unfolding!! It seems Four Winds is protected and my thanks to you two for your enlightened efforts to bring truth to us all. Happy High Holy Holidays.



(2nd Response concering protection from Martial Law, letter from PW of 12/18/11)


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  PW
DATE:  Dec. 26, 2011
SUBJECT:  2nd Response concerning protection from Marital Law, letter of 12/18/11.
Dear PW:
    I thought it well to address the more practical 3D aspect of your question on protection from Martial Law, for that was probably your greater concern.
    Assuming that it actually happens in the U.S. of A. with troops in our city streets and road blocks and check points on our highways, what should you do?  If you are not already on the U.S. terrorist watch list, try not to get on it.  Stay low key and live your life in compliance with the "rules" and as normal as possible.  Try not to be noticed or raise any "red flags."
    Should you be a part of the underground protest/sabotage/Patriot movement, be very careful, be wise, and know who to trust.  Let no one, not even your family know of your secret activities, and always be guided by the Angels and ask for their protection.  Hopefully, our nation shall never come to this.  We create a better way!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: PW


Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 4:29 PM

Subject: RE: marhsall law


 thanks for your kind response back to me. Yes i know its time to be very careful and cautious at this moment. thank you very much for your knowledge on this. i shall create a better way to.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PW
DATE:  Dec. 27, 2011
Dear PW:
    I note that Hatonn has said He needs "no more martyrs", meaning that as Lightworkers we are of no value to our Mission, if we are dead or even in jail.  Be in peace and have a magnificent New Year.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer