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"Hello, Central!" Are We To Only Watch Or Should We Kill The Leaders Of The Death March?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e Higher light beings in a way that my mind can grasp as in a reading given by those who are doing so. Please consider this. If as Sananda says , it is self murder to allow a being to attack and take ones life away just as in suicide or self annihilation, where does one draw the line when entire groups of beings decide to destroy one as well as the planet we reside upon. As a truth seeker it has been my lot to understand the overview of planet earth in its many facets for a long time now as I am almost 60 and have seen the many changes occurring to our beleaguered world from a vantage point achieved by only a handful. I may not be on top of the mountain but I certainly reside on its flanks and as much as I know that things cannot go on in the destructive path that is all to apparent at present I hesitate to consider attacking the attackers in an attempt to stop their progress in the destruction of us and our home world. It is uncompromisingly plain when it is commanded of us that we must not kill but in the present circumstance it seems also logical that to assassinate those who are rapidly bringing about the end of the world is within cosmic law. You see from this that we as a people have a responsibility to halt annihilation if it is within cosmic law and it seems to me that many people are having such thoughts and find themselves in a quandary not willing to fight for their very lives and the lives of their comrades if it is not righteous and turning away from having to confront such life altering ideas and ignoring it all till it is to late to make a difference. Please, Patrick , can you help with this?

Are we to just be here now and ignore the direction we are being pushed in, and fight only when confronted bodily in time and space, or are we to go step by step in a plan to take out the leaders of the death march, who it is granted are but minions of the overmastermind. Even the true Patriots must be having confused thoughts about this as no move has been made in this direction and there must be many individuals and groups as well who, in another time would have taken out the evil ones for less provocation. It is known who these people are, which families etcetera and yet we sit idly by while they tighten the noose around our necks. How should I think of this. I know this may be provocative to the masses who may not have the background to understand and as well those who monitor your website so if you do not wish to bring focus on this issue I will understand. Maybe you could tell me your thoughts in a letter? It could be a danger to expose these ideas on the web. I feel the light warrior within wishing to rise up against the oppression and yet it seems almost apropos to keep turning the other cheek till the slap becomes a death blow. If we who are far from the front lines are feeling like its time to actually do some removing of the chiefs of the darkside any way we can there must be groups in our dimension who are planning such moves in conjunction with these thoughtforms. I hope so. We are tired of this one way parade too oblivion. A brother still holding on.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 21, 2007


Dear RT:

Thank you for your letter and your question concerning physically removing the "chiefs of darkness". Whether it be individual action or that taken by a group of people, Cosmic Law stands unchangeable. You shall not murder!

We live in a 3D world and it is hard for Lightworkers to stay focused, when all around is ever increasing evil. The real battle being fought is not of third dimensional. Yes, we have wars in many countries, but at a 3D level. That is the minions scraping in the sand box of time for power and control.

The Battle between Darkness and Light involves the invisible higher dimensions. This is a battle involving energy and thought. Negative energy is confronting positive energy and is controlled by the thought-power of those involved. Thus, we involve ourselves in this great battle by our thoughts and the energy we project. As Lightworkers our power lies in thought, and not with the sword.

Under Cosmic Law we reap what we sow. He who takes up the sword, shall die by the sword. Whatever energy you send out shall be multiplied, and shall be returned to you.

Are not the wars being fought in 3D really over ideas? Who is right and who is wrong? Two men are fighting in the street over an idea. One man kills the other. Has he killed the idea? No! The idea lives on! So how do you change the idea? You change it with a better idea! It is all about thought! That is why war is so futile. It proves nothing. That is why negotiations, ideas are so important to bringing understanding and settling conflicts and disagreements.

Those, who become enlightened and aware of the power of their God Spirit within, can tap into the power of thought and access the power, the energy of the Higher Realms, the energy of Creation. That is the energy of Love. The energy of Love and Compassion is far greater then the sword, which can only kill a physical body. Love is positive energy. Love taps into the energy that powers the soul of another and neutralizes the negative energy.

Therein lies the true power of the Lightworker. Send Love, my friend, to the power centers of evil. Send compassion to the mis-guided soldiers, who fight, and to the leaders, who are controlled by Dark Demons to rule in hate and greed. You have no idea how powerful you are as a Lightworker.

The power of the Darkside is weakening, as their negative energy is being neutralized by our positive thought-power. It is happening. Their house built upon the sand is crumbling. It may not appear so, but believe it, their end is near!

Killing the "leaders of the death march" only creates more negativity, and they are easily replaced. Taking their power away without force, stops them "dead" in their tracks. The Militia of the States are most wise to stand by until they can be used in a positive way to help the Republic. Send compassion, and watch the miracles happen!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer