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----- Original Message -----

From: NK

To: <>

Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 12:35 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



  I have a request,Patrick.

  There have to be other people in each of our neighbourhoods that would like to get together with others in their community,that are of like mind,for mutual support.

  I find it interesting,that,there are so few people,that I know,that KNOW,about TRUTH.When I say anything at all about,ALL, that gets talked about, on Four Winds 10, or the Phoenix Journals,I get a blank look. I think people are so naieve,it\'s incredible! PLEASE,don\'t misread me. I am not being arrogant, I AM LONESOME,for fellowship. I too,was a student of the bible,I, among other studies,memorized the entire book of James. I really knew my bible quite well.I am not about,imposing on others, but,I find,I have to be so careful with what I say,about any information on FourWinds that,I find TRUTH to be an enemy to most people\'s belief system.I\'m careful as to how much I can say.People are threatened very easily.I have read 40+ Journals and also read as many as I can,that you put on your site,and,I THANK YOU SO MUCH.I AM ENCOURAGED.MY GREATEST QUEST has been,TRUTH,and I am so thrilled and pleased in what I have found on your site,and the Journals.THANKS AGAIN.

  I would like to know other people in the area of, Edmonton,Alberta,Canada to be able to contact me,so that we can get together for some sharing of life.

  I also think,in forming groups like I am interested in,would help advance knwoledge and strength.

  THE TRUTH,has already, amazingly,set me free.

  Patrick and Anne,THANK YOU for your love and faithfulnes




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  NK
DATE:  Dec. 5, 2011
Dear NK:
    Thank you for your letter and request to make contact with other enlightened people in your area.  You are quite right in that people generally neither recognize nor can they accept Truth, and therefore reject it as well as the messenger.  Lightworkers and Truthseekers world-wide tend to lead happy but lonely lives due to this fact.
    Enlightened people over these past many years have carried on their missions usually in isolation, also, due to another reason.  Hatonn tells us that Lightworkers usually are more focused and efficient in their missions, when they have less distraction from others.  An extreme example is the Techchapi, CA. Ground Crew that began the Contact Newspaper/Phoenix Journal Project.
    This was a vitally important mission of bringing Truth one more time to the people of Shan.  There was much to do any many helpers came to assist in the work.  Gradually, disagreements happened and dissension slowed the work.  Finally, a schism occurred in the Contact staff and the entire project was abandoned.  We believe the Fourwinds mission was born in 1996 to be prepared to pick up the torch of giving Truth to the world, when the Phoenix Project crashed in 1998.  In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn tells us that back-up people and crews are always ready to take the place of those, who, for whatever reason do not complete the work at hand, so that the mission is carried forward.
    I understand your need for spiritual fellowship.  We all have the Lighted Realms to assist us, but human connections are most helpful.  Let me ask our readership for their response.
    If any of our readers living in the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada area would like to make connections to this gentleman, or even anyone anywhere wishing to contact him by e-mail, please send a note to Fourwinds and I shall give you the contact information.

 In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer