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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: BB


Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 2:03 PM

Subject: God Aton held in bondage?


In the Journal "AND THEY CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL---I AM SANANDA"   there is a very interesting statement that really got me thinking. Chapter 1----"Behold,God and his followers from afar came from the depths of the universe saving themselves from a strong bondage...." The question is this, Who or what would hold God Aton and his followers in strong bondage?  Also what part of the universe did God Aton come from ? thank you BB.....



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  BB
DATE:  Nov. 9, 2011
Dear BB:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  The Phoenix Journals raise many questions over which I, too, have pondered.  In this quote from Gabriel to Joseph even the placing of a comma would change the meaning. (Phoenix Journal #2, p. 14).
    Was it God Aton's followers, who were in danger of bondage, for we understand that Aton had overcome such problems?  I suspect this is the case.  The be a Creator God, Aton had to have learned his lessons in soul growth, returned to Creator Source to graduate and be commissioned to be a Creator God.  Thus, He would have come from Creator Source at some point, and from the Isle of Paradise at the center of the Cosmos, where Creator Source resides.
    In this same paragraph, for example, it is not clear who were like the "beauteous creation of Earth", God Aton's followers or the early women of this Earth.  Apparently, this refers to Aton's followers, for it goes on to say they "transported great truth and knowledge bonded with unsurpassed wisdom".
    I honor you in your search for Truth.  The Phoenix Journals carry great Truths for all Truthseekers.  Creator God Aton says they contain all the Truth we need to know at this time to gain knowledge and wisdom to graduate in our soul growth into fifth dimension (Heaven).  I assure you that I do not have all the answers, but we are encouraged by Hatonn/Aton to go within and ask our God Spirit for guidance, confirmation and direct answers.
    May your journey be made easy, my friend.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer