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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----



Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 7:30 AM

Subject: Power of the spirit


What are your thoughts on Deism, and how would you answer a Deist, on the power of the spirit?





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BL
DATE:  Oct. 31, 2011
Dear BL:
    Thank you for asking about Deism.   First, what do you mean by this term, as there are various understandings of this "ism"?
    It is my understanding that Deists believe in a Creator God, who created the natural world, but once created, this Creator God refrains from any further involvement in His Creation.  Once created, humans are left to figure things out on their own, including the Laws of Nature, which Creator God has given for the natural world
    Thus, humans can only know Creator God through reason and by observing nature.  Deists do not believe in miracles, prophecy, a personal God, or anything of a supernatural nature, and they reject any writings that claim to be the "word of God".
    To answer your questions, Deism is another man-made religious philosophy to avoid personal responsibility for one's actions.  The Diets' God is too small, too limited, and uncaring for His Creation.  By limiting God, the Deist limits himself and his own power to create and to communicate with Creator God and the Higher Realms.  If God is not interested in His Creation, then one is not held accountable for one's actions within the Creation.
    How silly!  Nice try, Satan, to lead people away from the Truth and the basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect.  We reap what we sow, regardless of any religious philosophy.
    The Deist does not understand nor believe in the power of the Spirit within, but reduces man's survival to the level of the ant or the frog.  One plods through life on one's own resources and tries to make sense out of life through reason, when all the time one has the ability to communicate through your God Spirit within and know Creator God and all Truth.
    To discuss the Power of Spirit with a Deist would probably be like talking to the wall!   He would have no comprehension of such, for his God is too small.  The super-natural does not exit for him---only reason.  Spirit is not reasonable!  By the same token miracles do not happen, because they are unreasonable.  The Deist can not accept the Truth that we are Spiritual Beings living in 3D and having this physical experience for our lessons in soul growth.
    May you be blessed in your search for Truth
 In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer