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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: LW

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2011 10:39 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10




 On March 9, 2011 my sister and new brother-in-law came from CA unannounced. They basically raped me emotionally and robbed me of everything. My sister slandered me so much that I only have a cousin and my mom support me! Most of my large family of both sides are against me!

 I had found evidence of betrayal from my sister when I checked on her computer history she gave me in January. I pointed it out to her (she was 1,500 miles away.)


 Her husband said I had nothing. HP and local police said what I found was criminal! Local police said there was nothing they could do though!

 They came back and took over! On March 12,2011 I was unlawfully evicted by the police while they were there! I was told to get out in 5 minutes without papers being served to me!


 Now my sister\'s son and his family live in my mom\'s home and I still can't get my stuff! I had lived there since 1991 except for one year. When I went over there last month the police ran me off again!I was told my mom permission wasn't enough so now I guess I need a court order that costs money! That's what I hear!


 Finally that police dept. and basically the whole corrupt law enforcement ran me not only out of town but also out of my home state which is

 Arkansas! I ran like a fugitive for 3.5 months. Much of the time I slept in my car and I am a single female!


 My life will never be the same because of their abuse! I was abused again by a police officer running me off of my cousin's property in which I wasn't allowed to be their saying an anonymus family member said I wasn't welcome and for me to get out! This was in another part of the state! Close to 100 miles from my home town! I guess they were working on the buddy system!


 I HAVE WONDERED FOR THE LAST 6 months what to do when I couldn\'t fight the law? Please help! They have tried to destroy me!> Even the PA didn\'t want to speak to me about crime he just kept asking,\"Do you have shelter?" Please get back to me! I need HELP!


 Thank You!




FROM;  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  LW

DATE:   Sept. 20, 2011



Dear Linda Womack:


    Thank you for writing.  Forgive me for the lateness of my reply, as Anne and I were on vacation for a bit, and I am now buried in email.


    I am not a financial or legal advisor and have no funds other than Social Security, so I am not sure how I can be of help to you.  My work is presenting Truth freely to all.


    Everything happens for a reason, for our lessons in soul growth.  What happens to us we have created.  It is Karma resulting from our actions, or are things we agreed to experience as our lessons to learn wisdom, bravery, fortitude or generosity.


    As souled-beings we each have our own connection to Creator God.  Thus, we have access to His protection and His Creative Power, if we request it. Ask in sincerity and you shall have protection from evil.and be provided for that which you need.  Having asked, believe that you have it and you do. Doubt and you do not.  It is that simple.  Your Guardian Angels are only a thought away.  Ask for their help!  Miracles can happen!


In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer