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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----

From: RB

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 8:39 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I enjoy your writings and am a faithful fan of fourwinds. I have read a number of Pheonix journals, they make good sense, but i still have some questions. No 1. I just recently lost my true love, my Wife of 32 years to Cancer. She like I, was trying to learn and beleive there had to be a better way than the confusion of the many, many differant so called truths. Truth is Truth and a lie is a lie no matter where it come from, or by whom .

 Patric Bellringer   I lost my wife of 32 yrs to Cancer. I will make this short. Is our relationship as husband and wife over?? Will I ever see her again and know who she is???? I would that we might spend all eternity together, we both felt this way about our future. Do we have one. Have a good time and get some rest.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  RB

DATE:  Sept. 18, 2011



Dear Renn Bodeker:


    Thank you for your letter.  Forgive me for the lateness of my reply. Anne and I took a short vacation and I am now buried in email.


    I am saddened to learn of the passing of your loving wife.  You ask, if your relationship is over, if you will ever see her again and know who she is?  Please understand that this 3D life we live here on Earth Shan is only an illusion, like the holodeck on Star Trek.  We, our soul, the real you, is in spirit form, and when we enter the third dimension, we put on a physical body, like a suit of clothes.


    We need this physical body to express and experience in 3D, and to learn our lessons in soul growth in this world of Dark Energies that have been provided for that purpose.  When our physical body wears out and dies we take it off and return to the Spirit World of 5D from whence we came.


    Hatonn says in the Phoenix Journals that all souled beings here now on Shan are Returned Masters from 5D and higher dimensions, who agreed to come at this time to assist in the transition of our planet into 5D.  You and your wife are Returned Masters, who awakened spiritually and became enlightened by learning Truth.  That was the plan, but few of the Masters have done so.


    When you leave this physical 3D world and your 3D body, you will return to the Sprit World again.  When we were created in Spirit form by Creator God, each of us were given a separate and unique energy signature.  Each of us are identified by our energy signature no matter where we are, whether in the Higher Dimensions in spirit form of in 3D in physical form.


    Of course, you will "see" your good wife again and be with her, if you so choose, as you still have freewill in the Higher Dimensions.  I suspect that you have spent many lifetimes together in past lifestreams as soul mates and that you will continue to do so.


    Maybe your wife was a fast learner and completed her lessons in soul growth before you did!  Just joking!  Maybe she left early for your lessons, or maybe her contract was completed and you had agreed to continue with yours to hold the Light on Shan for as long as needed, like many other Lightworkers today.  You can know in your heart the reasons for her leaving, and you can know that she has not gone anywhere, for the Spirit World has no restrictions of matter, time and space.


    I do not mean to mislead you.  We do not automatically go from 3D into 5D (Heaven) but must first go to the Astral Plane (4D), where we stand before Creator God Aton of Light and judge ourselves according to The Laws of God and Creation.  There we determine where we shall go to continue our learning and service to the Light.


    Yes, should you both choose to do so, you have a future together into infinity, as you continue with your lessons to perfection in the Higher Realms and travel back to Creator Source.  Be in Peace, my friend.  For some, life is a treadmill.  May yours be a pilgrimage!


In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  RB

DATE:  Sept. 19, 2011



Dear RB:


    A friend has sent a three part You-Tube video to me with the following comment.  "I am forwarding a link about Near Death Experiences, which I found on Forbidden Knowledge TV, which might be helpful to the person who lost his wife of 32 years."


    May this aid your understanding of life in the Higher Dimensions and our purpose here in third dimension.


In Love and Light,                           

Patrick H. Bellringer


RE:  1/3 Spiritual Reality: Near Death Experiences (2010)

        2/3 Spiritual Reality: Near Death Experiences (2010)

        3/3 Spiritual Reality: Near Death Experiences (2010)



#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: EW


Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 9:28 AM

Subject: Something That May Be Of Special Interest To You


This is a great BBC Documentary on 'Near Death Experiences'.